What's a fair deal on neighbor haying my farm?

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Well-known member
May 21, 2009
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Western KY
Sold the cows last fall. Have pulled
Neighbor expressed an interest in cutting hay off our pastures.
Probably should have worked out all the details with him earlier, and I told him I'd do whatever he thought was fair, but I'm beginning to feel like he's taking undue advantage. He's a good friend, but...

There's about 80 acres here that are clean/smooth enough to mow, rake and roll without any danger of tearing anything up; 40 of that is flat, bottomland ground, taken out of corn/bean rotation 20 years ago. Pastures are a mix of novel-endophyte (MaxQ)fescue, orchardgrass, Ladino clover, with crabgrass, johnsongrass, and various other grasses/forbs mixed in. Not fertilized in several years, but we've been doing intensive rotational grazing for 25 years and kept the clover/lespedeza populations high.
First cutting yielded somewhere between 200 & 300 rolls, he sold most of it to our next-door neighbor, who loaded and hauled it out. Paid us $10/roll; claimed he had $20/roll in it by the time he cut and raked and paid a guy to roll it; not sure what he sold it for.
He's getting ready to make a second cutting, but he's indicated that this time around, he's got another guy in the community to cut, rake, roll, and he's gonna split it with them... and I don't get anything this go-round...if I understood him correctly.

Just sort of wondering what's routine, so far as 'cutting on shares' are concerned, or leasing out hay ground.
I know it's worth something just to get the pastures mowed (so that I don't have to bush-hog them), and understand that fertilized ground will produce more and should command a higher $$ or %. Just wanted some input on what I should be expecting or demanding going forward... have had 2 or 3 other folks express an interest in haying the place, so I'm not long-term committed to this one fellow.
You should receive 1/3 of every crop or a cash payment for the lease per year. If he has to have someone else cut and bale that's his problem. I would put a stop to it. I lease a few hundred acres. I pay $100-$200 an acre per year.
As you mentioned, you should of worked the details out earlier but..... I would ask for clarification on this next cutting to be sure you have an understanding. It sounds like you need to get on the same page with all of this.

With that being said, he can absolutely forget about taking all of the hay. The way it works around here (at least at my place), if I fertilize and you do the work, we split it 50/50. While it is not an option here, the other deal commonly made is they do everything and get 2/3's. If you don't like it, go find another field or fork the money out to purchase one.

I just picked up a piece that adjoins my hayfield and the guy I do shares with first told me he would do it then turned around and said he couldn't do that field for 50/50 so I told him he isn't doing it at all. I went out the next day a brushed hogged it.

There is a lot more on this subject I would like to say but it is probably sufficient to say that you should be getting at least 1/3. That is if you care about any of it which it sounds like you do. I am also coming to agreement with what some people have said on this forum and some others and that is ultimately, nobody is truly happy with doing this on shares. It's just sometimes the best option at the time.
Rich and chaded pretty much said it. You should be getting a third to a half. The high end if you pay for fertilizer and herbicide or on a premium field. Sounds like he's acting like a contractor hiring subs and paying them out of your share.
I do 1/3 2/3 split if the landowner want their 1/3 in hay thats fine if not I pay them for 1/3 at whatever price I'm selling hay for.
Hard to live closer than me. I do 1/3-2/3, and fertilize. Hint hint. I do 1/3-2/3, and fertilize.

If you have a means to store it inside, I see inside hay bring $60 at the Fairview auction in February. If you could find a good neighbor (say like me), that would haul your 1/3 over there in February, your part would be quit valuable.

I also run my bushhog around a field after I've gotten the rolls off. Just a service I offer, so land owners know I appreciate the hay.
Bigfoot said:
Hard to live closer than me. I do 1/3-2/3, and fertilize. Hint hint. I do 1/3-2/3, and fertilize.

If you have a means to store it inside, I see inside hay bring $60 at the Fairview auction in February. If you could find a good neighbor (say like me), that would haul your 1/3 over there in February, your part would be quit valuable.

I also run my bushhog around a field after I've gotten the rolls off. Just a service I offer, so land owners know I appreciate the hay.

Hmmmmmm.... I think I smell what you're cooking here oh large footed one.
TennesseeTuxedo said:
Bigfoot said:
Hard to live closer than me. I do 1/3-2/3, and fertilize. Hint hint. I do 1/3-2/3, and fertilize.

If you have a means to store it inside, I see inside hay bring $60 at the Fairview auction in February. If you could find a good neighbor (say like me), that would haul your 1/3 over there in February, your part would be quit valuable.

I also run my bushhog around a field after I've gotten the rolls off. Just a service I offer, so land owners know I appreciate the hay.

Hmmmmmm.... I think I smell what you're cooking here oh large footed one.

Was it that obvious? I tried to only drop hints. I never want good friends like Lucky to feel pressured.
It's a firm HELL.NO on you gettin nothing.... I'd say same deal as first go round. $10 a roll or see ya.

I think I'd even be inclined to ask when he's going to fertilize it... :mrgreen:
Bigfoot said:
TennesseeTuxedo said:
Bigfoot said:
Hard to live closer than me. I do 1/3-2/3, and fertilize. Hint hint. I do 1/3-2/3, and fertilize.

If you have a means to store it inside, I see inside hay bring $60 at the Fairview auction in February. If you could find a good neighbor (say like me), that would haul your 1/3 over there in February, your part would be quit valuable.

I also run my bushhog around a field after I've gotten the rolls off. Just a service I offer, so land owners know I appreciate the hay.

Hmmmmmm.... I think I smell what you're cooking here oh large footed one.

Was it that obvious? I tried to only drop hints. I never want good friends like Lucky to feel pressured.

I don't know why he would feel any pressure, you were subtle as a heart attack. Lol
1982vett said:
It's a firm be nice.NO on you gettin nothing.... I'd say same deal as first go round. $10 a roll or see ya.

I think I'd even be inclined to ask when he's going to fertilize it... :mrgreen:

I would take a soil sample and hand him the results. :)
I bale several small pasture type pieces around me. The deal I have with everyone one is; I do all the work for half the hay, and buy their half. If they want to spend the money on fertilizer then we both win. If not I don't loose. I make 1,500lb round bales and they get $40/bale. If there is an odd number of bales per cutting we alternate who gets it.
Bigfoot said:
Hard to live closer than me. I do 1/3-2/3, and fertilize. Hint hint. I do 1/3-2/3, and fertilize.

If you have a means to store it inside, I see inside hay bring $60 at the Fairview auction in February. If you could find a good neighbor (say like me), that would haul your 1/3 over there in February, your part would be quit valuable.

I also run my bushhog around a field after I've gotten the rolls off. Just a service I offer, so land owners know I appreciate the hay.
That is the way a few do around here. I do a farm a couple miles away that the guy fertilizes, mows and rakes it. I will ted it usually and then bale it. We just have a price set per bale and take off the baling charge and I buy all the hay. Works for me and him.
If you let someone keep cutting hay and not putting anything back on it it'll be so poor it won't produce anything besides broomsedge eventually. I see it all around me, someone quits running cows and someone else starts cutting and baling it never liming or fertilizing and before long the whole place is broomsedge. If you're gonna let someone hay it, sounds like bigfoot is making you a very fair offer there.
Bigfoot said:
Hard to live closer than me. I do 1/3-2/3, and fertilize. Hint hint. I do 1/3-2/3, and fertilize.

If you have a means to store it inside, I see inside hay bring $60 at the Fairview auction in February. If you could find a good neighbor (say like me), that would haul your 1/3 over there in February, your part would be quit valuable.

I also run my bushhog around a field after I've gotten the rolls off. Just a service I offer, so land owners know I appreciate the hay.

That's called taking a run at em..,.....

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