Worked replacements

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2010
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Replacement heifers were coughing bad and a few getting pinkeye. Lungworms on a wet year can be bad where we summer them and it has been a wet one for sure. Today we gathered them out of a 300 acre pasture with the help of two dogs and two grandurchins and put them through the alley. We vaccinated for pinkeye and poured for worms. Left home at 2 pm and were home at 6:30. Photos taken as the last draft was leaving the alley.

Good looking facilities there Dave. Are the kids on school holidays? My grandkids are on mid year break at the moment but are too busy sailing (even though the middle of winter here) to visit Kenny, just completed a regatta over the weekend first time sailing together in their 29er and won 6 of the 7 races, might be a winning pair up there if we can keep the fighting under control. Anyhow another week of holidays so I might score a visit from my grandson.

The boys are on summer break. They were home schooled since March when this COVID bs started and may not go back this fall. Interesting how the day's curriculum can be completed in 1.5 hours and how much learning fits the rest of the day. We are sure enjoying their company as they live 5 hours away.
Concerning the pens, 2015 was a fun year!