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  1. Travlr

    Dehorning questions

    Not below the hairline? I thought it had to be far enough down that the skin/blood supply around the horn was cut off. Isn't there a ridge close to the hairline that you need to get below? A place below the ridge where the band fits in a depression?
  2. Travlr

    Dehorning questions

    Those look like some serious bands. I bought some sheep last Monday and two were still rams. So I whipped out my bander and was worried about the cheerios since I've had them for years. I'd gone by the local IFA to get fresh ones but they were sold out. But I didn't realize that the bands are...
  3. Travlr

    Dehorning questions

    If you cut them off there is a vein that usually spurts blood, and you can use a needle nose pliers to go down into it and get ahold, and stretch it out until it breaks down inside. That solves the problem of most of the bleeding. There will still be seepage but not like an arterial gusher...
  4. Travlr

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    I'd tell him about your bull... complete with pics. Personally I'd have invited him over to look at the dead bull. And then I'd keep my mouth shut and see what he has to say.
  5. Travlr

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Just to put it out there... Fencing issues are handled so differently in different states that it's kind of strange, IMO. In SD we had a rule that any fence was the responsibility of the person... from the mid point and to the right. So the person across the fence was responsible for the fence...
  6. Travlr

    Cow won’t lay down

    People and their pets... (facepalm)
  7. Travlr

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    If it was me, I'd reapply and use their own list of coverage against them. I bet they deny the first claim as standard procedure...
  8. Travlr

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Gotta love all the acronyms that mean nothing to people that aren't in the industry.
  9. Travlr

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Absolutely... Insurance has turned into a shell game to justify premium increases, deny coverage, and hide the profits they are making. Another thing I'd like to see (as long as I'm fantasizing) is insurance companies required to have a universal form that a customer can request showing the...
  10. Travlr

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Yup, that's all true. That's why I pay for uninsured/underinsured coverage and IMO it should be required. No one should be forced into bankruptcy due to an accident if they are insured.
  11. Travlr

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Not saying that collision insurance wouldn't be attached to the car. Just liability would be attached to the driver instead of to every car parked in a driveway. And collision insurance should only cover the car you insure. If I'm driving a beat up '78 Ford pickup why should I pay for insurance...
  12. Travlr

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Yeah, I admit it. You seem to be getting smarter.
  13. Travlr

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    I don't understand why liability insurance isn't attached to the person with the driver's license instead of the vehicles. I can only drive one car at a time. Why should I be required to have ten liability policies on ten cars if I'm only driving one?
  14. Travlr

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    WTF does #22 mean? I could construe "sudden and accidental tearing apart" as self inflicted injury like from jumping a ditch or getting in a fight with another bull. Exactly how much "tearing apart" is necessary to qualify? Does the bull need to be torn in half... or would a torn aorta be enough...
  15. Travlr

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    Well of course... Automatic denial of coverage is how insurance is being done. I'm surprised home owners insurance still covers fires because they have excluded just about everything else it seems.
  16. Travlr

    Large Animal Vets are gone

    Huh, I'm surprised there are no counties in Arkansas listed. Maybe the counties are too small.
  17. Travlr

    Bad luck keeps on coming

    We had a storm that killed a **it-ton of calves and sheep in the area... as well as destroying all kinds of infrastructure. It was so bad we were declared a disaster area and the feds said we could all apply for disaster relief. Every time I applied the rules changed and the application was...
  18. Travlr

    Large Animal Vets are gone

    I had a vet in the eighties that gave mouth to mouth resuscitation to a goat... and refused to send me a bill because the goat died. I worked for vets that would chase a cow down in the field, rope it and tie it to their bumper, and treat the cow as it tried to kill them. Today there is just...
  19. Travlr

    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    Every time I hear about a calf with a short, swollen umbilical I wonder about navel ill. That's why people had their calving seasons when the pastures were frozen and clean.
  20. Travlr

    Bottle calf! Some say I'm crazy...

    WHAT!?!? The calf with the crooked legs died?