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Caustic Burno":21i430te said:
Gate Opener":21i430te said:
aplusmnt":21i430te said:
Caustic Burno":21i430te said:
Gate Opener":21i430te said:
Caustic Burno":21i430te said:
Its not about what you make but how you manage it.
Seems funny that the people that have the most trouble managing it are the ones that whine the most.

I know a very old man who has done very well in life. I asked him what direction we should go, should we buy a business or what did he think we should do, ya know what is the secret to doing well? He looked straight at me and said its not how much you make it is how much you spend.

He duck tapes his hat and his furniture that is probably from the 50's has duck tape on it. :D His house is modest for todays standards and he tells me that he would be happy if it was half the size it is now.

He is a very nice man I might add.

Very good advice from a very wise man. I make more a year in interest than I do on cattle.
Read a real interesting article from an economics professor said you could take every person in American give them 1000 dollars and Bill Gates would still be where he is and the guy living under the overpass would still be there.

Saw a documentary where they gave this homeless guy a briefcase with a $100,000 in it. The guy lived in a box under a bridge and the first thing he did when he got the 100,000 was buy a brand new decked out Dodge 4x4 pickup. Cost him almost 40,000 for the truck. They even offered him counseling on how to handle the money, but gave him the choice to follow it or do as he wanted.

It took like 6 months and he was living in a cardboard box again.

I saw that show. If I remember right he gave alot away also. Gave the guy he used to sell recyclables to a new car. He was spending that money like there was no end to it. I was shaking my head.

Now I believe that if a person works hard or invents something or even inherits bookoodles of money that is great. If someone sits on their behind and nearly starves that is their problem. However, I cannot see how it is right to raise the price on something that everyone needs. In that kind of thinking why isn't it okay for the water companies to price water at $20 a gallon for an example or anything we really need. Why not charge 10 prices for it?

How can anyone making minimum wage make enough to buy a tank of gas and other things they need?

Water is almost 20 bucks a gallon see people buying it everyday 1.25 for a 16 oz bottle.
Driving an autombile is a privaledge not a right as many Americans have come to believe.
If you are making minimum wage in this country its your own fault get an education or in a trade school plenty of free money floating around if you want to better yourself.

I was referring to water coming out of the tap. I don't see driving an automobile as a privilege it is a necessity. How can it be a privilege when you have to drive to get to work? I will assume that you were speaking of people who make minimum wage and not me as I make good money and I have a degree.
Gate Opener":sijjf1xv said:
Caustic Burno":sijjf1xv said:
Gate Opener":sijjf1xv said:
aplusmnt":sijjf1xv said:
Caustic Burno":sijjf1xv said:
Gate Opener":sijjf1xv said:
Caustic Burno":sijjf1xv said:
Its not about what you make but how you manage it.
Seems funny that the people that have the most trouble managing it are the ones that whine the most.

I know a very old man who has done very well in life. I asked him what direction we should go, should we buy a business or what did he think we should do, ya know what is the secret to doing well? He looked straight at me and said its not how much you make it is how much you spend.

He duck tapes his hat and his furniture that is probably from the 50's has duck tape on it. :D His house is modest for todays standards and he tells me that he would be happy if it was half the size it is now.

He is a very nice man I might add.

Very good advice from a very wise man. I make more a year in interest than I do on cattle.
Read a real interesting article from an economics professor said you could take every person in American give them 1000 dollars and Bill Gates would still be where he is and the guy living under the overpass would still be there.

Saw a documentary where they gave this homeless guy a briefcase with a $100,000 in it. The guy lived in a box under a bridge and the first thing he did when he got the 100,000 was buy a brand new decked out Dodge 4x4 pickup. Cost him almost 40,000 for the truck. They even offered him counseling on how to handle the money, but gave him the choice to follow it or do as he wanted.

It took like 6 months and he was living in a cardboard box again.

I saw that show. If I remember right he gave alot away also. Gave the guy he used to sell recyclables to a new car. He was spending that money like there was no end to it. I was shaking my head.

Now I believe that if a person works hard or invents something or even inherits bookoodles of money that is great. If someone sits on their behind and nearly starves that is their problem. However, I cannot see how it is right to raise the price on something that everyone needs. In that kind of thinking why isn't it okay for the water companies to price water at $20 a gallon for an example or anything we really need. Why not charge 10 prices for it?

How can anyone making minimum wage make enough to buy a tank of gas and other things they need?

Water is almost 20 bucks a gallon see people buying it everyday 1.25 for a 16 oz bottle.
Driving an autombile is a privaledge not a right as many Americans have come to believe.
If you are making minimum wage in this country its your own fault get an education or in a trade school plenty of free money floating around if you want to better yourself.

I was referring to water coming out of the tap. I don't see driving an automobile as a privilege it is a necessity. How can it be a privilege when you have to drive to get to work? I will assume that you were speaking of people who make minimum wage and not me as I make good money and I have a degree.

You choose to drive to work as you choose to live where you do and drive thus paying the price.
You can live in the city just as easy and ride public transportaion. You made the choice.
Not all towns and cities provide public transportation, especially SAFE public transportation. And, there are jobs that REQUIRE owning and driving a car. Child protective services comes to mind.

Caustic Burno":3ksvgqsr said:
Gate Opener":3ksvgqsr said:
Caustic Burno":3ksvgqsr said:
Gate Opener":3ksvgqsr said:
aplusmnt":3ksvgqsr said:
Caustic Burno":3ksvgqsr said:
Gate Opener":3ksvgqsr said:
Caustic Burno":3ksvgqsr said:
Its not about what you make but how you manage it.
Seems funny that the people that have the most trouble managing it are the ones that whine the most.

I know a very old man who has done very well in life. I asked him what direction we should go, should we buy a business or what did he think we should do, ya know what is the secret to doing well? He looked straight at me and said its not how much you make it is how much you spend.

He duck tapes his hat and his furniture that is probably from the 50's has duck tape on it. :D His house is modest for todays standards and he tells me that he would be happy if it was half the size it is now.

He is a very nice man I might add.

Very good advice from a very wise man. I make more a year in interest than I do on cattle.
Read a real interesting article from an economics professor said you could take every person in American give them 1000 dollars and Bill Gates would still be where he is and the guy living under the overpass would still be there.

Saw a documentary where they gave this homeless guy a briefcase with a $100,000 in it. The guy lived in a box under a bridge and the first thing he did when he got the 100,000 was buy a brand new decked out Dodge 4x4 pickup. Cost him almost 40,000 for the truck. They even offered him counseling on how to handle the money, but gave him the choice to follow it or do as he wanted.

It took like 6 months and he was living in a cardboard box again.

I saw that show. If I remember right he gave alot away also. Gave the guy he used to sell recyclables to a new car. He was spending that money like there was no end to it. I was shaking my head.

Now I believe that if a person works hard or invents something or even inherits bookoodles of money that is great. If someone sits on their behind and nearly starves that is their problem. However, I cannot see how it is right to raise the price on something that everyone needs. In that kind of thinking why isn't it okay for the water companies to price water at $20 a gallon for an example or anything we really need. Why not charge 10 prices for it?

How can anyone making minimum wage make enough to buy a tank of gas and other things they need?

Water is almost 20 bucks a gallon see people buying it everyday 1.25 for a 16 oz bottle.
Driving an autombile is a privaledge not a right as many Americans have come to believe.
If you are making minimum wage in this country its your own fault get an education or in a trade school plenty of free money floating around if you want to better yourself.

I was referring to water coming out of the tap. I don't see driving an automobile as a privilege it is a necessity. How can it be a privilege when you have to drive to get to work? I will assume that you were speaking of people who make minimum wage and not me as I make good money and I have a degree.

You choose to drive to work as you choose to live where you do and drive thus paying the price.
You can live in the city just as easy and ride public transportaion. You made the choice.

You have got to be kidding! Are you serious? Sounds like you think everyone should live in the city. Anyway don't think I could carry my vacuum, mop, broom, duster and other cleaning supplies on the bus. Ridiculous.

By the way when we bought in the country the greedy oil companies were not charging almost $3 a gallon. It was more like .99.

So you are okay with paying these prices and don't think they should be lowered?
I am serious as a heart attack.
It's not greed it is a capitalistic system that made this country great. You have a choice run the roads and whine or conserve, again its a commodities market, more buyers than product price goes up just like the salebarn.
I have no problem with 3 dollar fuel. I have a choice to cut back, or pay the price. Apparently its not high enough hasn't seemed to take any traffic off the road.
I hate paying High gas prices as much of the next person. I spend hundreds of dollars a week keeping 4 work vehicles running. But I can realize the obvious global changes that play a big part in the situation.

If the oil companies are so to blame for manipulating the prices and just raising them at a whim and causing all this financial strain on everyone. How come they did not think of it years ago? What has changed in today's time that was not there in the 80's, 90's or early 2000?

If you think back the last time we had such a stink over Gas and Prices it was in the 70's and another country was to blame then Saudi Arabia and OPEC. Why can it not be the same now, between the instability in the Middle East and the growing of China and India as gas hogs.

Why did the oil companies just all of a sudden turn into such bad guys?

And why is lumber and steel prices increasing at alarming rates? Why are fence post going up like crazy? Is all this the oil companies fault also? NOPE it all is related to China and India also. They are sucking up natural resources at an alarming increase every year.
Caustic Burno":19vefi8u said:
I am serious as a heart attack.
It's not greed it is a capitalistic system that made this country great. You have a choice run the roads and whine or conserve, again its a commodities market, more buyers than product price goes up just like the salebarn.
I have no problem with 3 dollar fuel. I have a choice to cut back, or pay the price. Apparently its not high enough hasn't seemed to take any traffic off the road.

I don't run the roads and I don't whine. I have always conserved. Still I don't think it is right to pay that much and I don't think people conserving will change the price. They will just have another excuse to raise it. I haven't seen an increase in traffic since it was .99. I can't see you smiling when you fill up unless you have an interest in it also.

Why not have everything 9 prices? Seems it is headed that way.
Again its all about choices buy a Ford Escape hybred or something that gets decent mileage, heck I'm not to good to jump in one and run to town. Three dollar a gallon gas hasn't upset me at all but we don't live above our means either.
If your living close fuel increases are going to put a crimp in your lifestyle.
As a poster stated earlier look at metal t post 99 cents a couple of years ago now 4 bucks. I am not willing to pay that price so back to splitting fence post. It's a choice.
I choose not to buy groceries other than staples but raise them instead as well as all the fruit. More work on my part but I am not paying a dollar for 3 plums or a couple or oranges.
You can live really cheap if you want to but it requires work, convience comes with a price.
Americans like to play as I stated earlier all the infrastucture in this country was built by the WWII generation all the next couple donated was tivo and mp3 players. It has been great to sit around and reap the benifits of the past now its time to pay.
If we had been building nukes and hydro electric dams we could have cut this countries energy needs in half.
We choose not to didn't like the price so we are paying it today.

What Americans need today is a wake up call try a ration book like in WWII I can hear the crying already.
Man aint it tough today.

Friday, April 23, 1943

NOT ALL FOOD IS RATIONED - Chief unrationed items are eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, dried and dehydrated fruits (prunes, raisins, etc.) fish and shellfish of all varieties except that in sealed containers, bread and cereals, milk, grain products such as spaghetti, macaroni and noodles, poultry and game, jams, preserves and jellies, mayonnaise and salad dressing, perishable cheeses.

RED STAMP RATIONING - This covers all meats, butter, fats and oils, and cheese (except the soft, perishable varieties). Each person is allowed sixteen points a week. Red coupons in War Ration Book 2 marked D are valid this week. These coupons and any A, B and C coupons saved from the preceding three weeks may be used at any time through April 30.

BLUE STAMP RATIONING - G, H and J blue stamps in War Ration Book 2, worth a total of forty-eight points a person, become valid tomorrow, April 24, and are good throughout the month of May. D, E and F blue stamps, in use since March 25, expire Friday, April 30. Thus there will be an overlap period of one week in which all six stamps will be valid. These stamps cover canned, bottled and frozen fruits and vegetables and their juices, dry beans, peas, lentils, etc., and processed foods such as soups, baby foods, baked beans, catsup and chili sauce.

SHOES - No. 17 coupon in War Ration Book 1 is good for one pair until June 15. Families may pool coupons of a household.

COFFEE - Coupon No. 25, in War Ration Book 1, good for one pound of coffee, expires Sunday, April 25.

SUGAR - Coupon No. 12 in War Ration Book 1 is good for five pounds, but this must last through May 31.

Gasoline Ration Card

GASOLINE - A, B and C coupons each are worth three gallons. T coupons are good for five gallons each. The A coupons numbered 5 must last through July 21, which is double the time of previous ration periods. B and C books bear own expiration dates.

FUEL OIL - Period 5 coupons, which must last you through Sept. 30, are now valid for ten gallons (household type) and 100 gallons (institutional type). The O. P. A. advises you to save the stubs from ration sheets - you will need them when the new heating season begins on Oct. 1.

TIRES - Tires for essential driving are available on application to rationing boards. Recapping with reclaimed rubber camelback (Grade F) is now available to all without restriction.
Caustic Burno":20gbazwv said:
Again its all about choices buy a Ford Escape hybred or something that gets decent mileage, heck I'm not to good to jump in one and run to town. Three dollar a gallon gas hasn't upset me at all but we don't live above our means either.
If your living close fuel increases are going to put a crimp in your lifestyle.
As a poster stated earlier look at metal t post 99 cents a couple of years ago now 4 bucks. I am not willing to pay that price so back to splitting fence post. It's a choice.
I choose not to buy groceries other than staples but raise them instead as well as all the fruit. More work on my part but I am not paying a dollar for 3 plums or a couple or oranges.
You can live really cheap if you want to but it requires work, convience comes with a price.
Americans like to play as I stated earlier all the infrastucture in this country was built by the WWII generation all the next couple donated was tivo and mp3 players. It has been great to sit around and reap the benifits of the past now its time to pay.
If we had been building nukes and hydro electric dams we could have cut this countries energy needs in half.
We choose not to didn't like the price so we are paying it today.

What Americans need today is a wake up call try a ration book like in WWII I can hear the crying already.

I won't buy a hybrid because I think the batteries and the extra cost to repair something like that will offset any savings on fuel.

Everything else I agree with. Once again though we are not living close and I am a scrimper and saver. Remember me wanting to fix the hole in my rubber boot? I agree with the garden and planting fruit and nut trees. I am of the mentality that if something really bad happened in this country would my family have food? I try to plan ahead just in case. That is another reason for living out in the country. You can have a big garden, lots of trees, cattle, chickens, whatever to have something to eat if you need it. I have always wanted to get a windmill for electric power but I think it would take too long to get a return. ??

I also think the reason we have not gotten into alternative fuels is that the guys in charge have an interest in oil and want to keep us dependant.
Caustic Burno":37ov9syv said:
Man aint it tough today.

Friday, April 23, 1943

NOT ALL FOOD IS RATIONED - Chief unrationed items are eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, dried and dehydrated fruits (prunes, raisins, etc.) fish and shellfish of all varieties except that in sealed containers, bread and cereals, milk, grain products such as spaghetti, macaroni and noodles, poultry and game, jams, preserves and jellies, mayonnaise and salad dressing, perishable cheeses.

RED STAMP RATIONING - This covers all meats, butter, fats and oils, and cheese (except the soft, perishable varieties). Each person is allowed sixteen points a week. Red coupons in War Ration Book 2 marked D are valid this week. These coupons and any A, B and C coupons saved from the preceding three weeks may be used at any time through April 30.

BLUE STAMP RATIONING - G, H and J blue stamps in War Ration Book 2, worth a total of forty-eight points a person, become valid tomorrow, April 24, and are good throughout the month of May. D, E and F blue stamps, in use since March 25, expire Friday, April 30. Thus there will be an overlap period of one week in which all six stamps will be valid. These stamps cover canned, bottled and frozen fruits and vegetables and their juices, dry beans, peas, lentils, etc., and processed foods such as soups, baby foods, baked beans, catsup and chili sauce.

SHOES - No. 17 coupon in War Ration Book 1 is good for one pair until June 15. Families may pool coupons of a household.

COFFEE - Coupon No. 25, in War Ration Book 1, good for one pound of coffee, expires Sunday, April 25.

SUGAR - Coupon No. 12 in War Ration Book 1 is good for five pounds, but this must last through May 31.

Gasoline Ration Card

GASOLINE - A, B and C coupons each are worth three gallons. T coupons are good for five gallons each. The A coupons numbered 5 must last through July 21, which is double the time of previous ration periods. B and C books bear own expiration dates.

FUEL OIL - Period 5 coupons, which must last you through Sept. 30, are now valid for ten gallons (household type) and 100 gallons (institutional type). The O. P. A. advises you to save the stubs from ration sheets - you will need them when the new heating season begins on Oct. 1.

TIRES - Tires for essential driving are available on application to rationing boards. Recapping with reclaimed rubber camelback (Grade F) is now available to all without restriction.

Those were tough times for sure. I agree with you that there are people who are blowing and going all the time and need to wake up. People have credit card debt out the wazoo and are upside down on their homes. One paycheck away from the street and they keep going.

There is a place around here that sells peaches and other things. The place is always busy during the season they are open. Went there and looked at the prices-peaches worked out to be $1 a peach!! And people payed that all day long. I guess because they have a pretty building. Makes no sense.

I think you and some others on this board would have faired fairly well during the depression and I think I would have also. Thankful that I didn't go through that though.
Gate Opener":2d88b0t8 said:
Caustic Burno" I agree with the garden and planting fruit and nut trees. I am of the mentality that if something really bad happened in this country would my family have food? I try to plan ahead just in case. [/quote:2d88b0t8 said:
I think you are using good sense. Not just if something bad happens in this country, but an individual can have hard times come on them.
I have seen the fortunes of men cycle up and cycle down. Never think bad of yourself if you are on a down cycle if you are doing your best, and never think you are invincible when on an up cycle.
Caustic Burno":29fdlb6j said:
Water is almost 20 bucks a gallon see people buying it everyday 1.25 for a 16 oz bottle.

Now that is indeed amazing! You can get a coke cheaper than a bottle of water. No one is complaining about the price of water. When I was a kid, all the service stations had water fountains and water was free.

Envision me having an oil well and refining it myself. I could put in my own gas pumps and sell to the public. AT $2.00 a gallon I would get rich. I'd only have to open the gas station a few hours each day. BUT, that would be a straightline MONOPOLY folks and it would be highly illegal. That is what happens when the government steps in.

Socialism over the price of gas? No way! I like the opportunity of taking a second and third job if I choose. With socialism, we may as well all sleep in every morning because at the end of the day, we are all going to eat the same supper.
Gateopener today a gallon of crude cost 1.56 and it hasn't left the Middle East after transportation cost arrives at the refinery 1.66 a gallon 7 cents a gallon refining cost 40 cents taxes. You are now at 2.13 a gallon and you have to add ethanol mandated by federal law that cost over 4 dollars a gallon at 10% uping the cost another 40 cents. You still have to pay transportion to the terminal and station,the station has to make a profit. Exxon makes more off selling you that bag of chips and fountain drink % wise than they do gasoline. To top that off by government regulation you can only make certain blends of gasoline for certain parts of the country. Gasoline blended for Atlanta has to go to Atlanta you could have the terminal at Atlanta completely full and the one at Dallas empty and we can not move that gas to Dallas due to EPA regs.
Exxon is in the money making business if they could harness mule farts and sell them at a higher profit margin than crude they would.
At the refinery I work at we target one penny a gallon profit over operating cost at 21,000,000 gallons a day.
If you want to get mad get mad at government regulation 40 cents tax and 40 cents for ethanol. Government regulation at its finest.
Campground Cattle":10q7w3w8 said:
Gateopener today a gallon of crude cost 1.56 and it hasn't left the Middle East after transportation cost arrives at the refinery 1.66 a gallon 7 cents a gallon refining cost 40 cents taxes. You are now at 2.13 a gallon and you have to add ethanol mandated by federal law that cost over 4 dollars a gallon at 10% uping the cost another 40 cents. You still have to pay transportion to the terminal and station,the station has to make a profit. Exxon makes more off selling you that bag of chips and fountain drink % wise than they do gasoline. To top that off by government regulation you can only make certain blends of gasoline for certain parts of the country. Gasoline blended for Atlanta has to go to Atlanta you could have the terminal at Atlanta completely full and the one at Dallas empty and we can not move that gas to Dallas due to EPA regs.
Exxon is in the money making business if they could harness mule farts and sell them at a higher profit margin than crude they would.
At the refinery I work at we target one penny a gallon profit over operating cost at 21,000,000 gallons a day.
If you want to get mad get mad at government regulation 40 cents tax and 40 cents for ethanol. Government regulation at its finest.

Ah taxes. Doggone it! Now you've gone and made the truth really hurt!

Lets see, if Exxon is making all those billions for their execs, at pennies on the dollar, 40 cents a gallon is many more nickels, plus double that for the ethanol factor. This is all the more reason we should leave them parked as much as possible!

Good post Camp.
Campground Cattle":1oll37x8 said:
Gateopener today a gallon of crude cost 1.56 and it hasn't left the Middle East after transportation cost arrives at the refinery 1.66 a gallon 7 cents a gallon refining cost 40 cents taxes. You are now at 2.13 a gallon and you have to add ethanol mandated by federal law that cost over 4 dollars a gallon at 10% uping the cost another 40 cents. You still have to pay transportion to the terminal and station,the station has to make a profit. Exxon makes more off selling you that bag of chips and fountain drink % wise than they do gasoline. To top that off by government regulation you can only make certain blends of gasoline for certain parts of the country. Gasoline blended for Atlanta has to go to Atlanta you could have the terminal at Atlanta completely full and the one at Dallas empty and we can not move that gas to Dallas due to EPA regs.
Exxon is in the money making business if they could harness mule farts and sell them at a higher profit margin than crude they would.
At the refinery I work at we target one penny a gallon profit over operating cost at 21,000,000 gallons a day.
If you want to get mad get mad at government regulation 40 cents tax and 40 cents for ethanol. Government regulation at its finest.

Thanks campground for putting actual #'s to it. I thought that when profits were posted for Exxon it was only the fuel side since that was what the news articles would be centered on.

Why does the price drop seemingly around a period of time where certain events are taking place here? Afterwards they creep back up.

Also why not do more drilling here? We had it going good before the 80's.
Campground Cattle":4b9z0shr said:
At the refinery I work at we target one penny a gallon profit over operating cost at 21,000,000 gallons a day.

That's your target. Want to share with us what you're actually making?

According to this article, refining margins briefly "kissed" .95 per gallon and are still at .64. That's a bit more than you're claiming.

From the link:

"Financial results released this week by Exxon Mobil Corp. and Chevron Corp. showed higher profits for the first quarter even with lower earnings from crude oil sales. Both companies credited higher refinery margins for helping to make up the difference.
Exxon Mobil reported a $9.3 billion profit for the first quarter, up 10 percent, while Chevron reported $4.7 billion for the first quarter, up from $4 billion for the same period last year. The segment of Exxon's business that includes the refineries earned $1.9 billion in profits, up $641 million."

Gate Opener":3sm6obkd said:
Campground Cattle":3sm6obkd said:
Gateopener today a gallon of crude cost 1.56 and it hasn't left the Middle East after transportation cost arrives at the refinery 1.66 a gallon 7 cents a gallon refining cost 40 cents taxes. You are now at 2.13 a gallon and you have to add ethanol mandated by federal law that cost over 4 dollars a gallon at 10% uping the cost another 40 cents. You still have to pay transportion to the terminal and station,the station has to make a profit. Exxon makes more off selling you that bag of chips and fountain drink % wise than they do gasoline. To top that off by government regulation you can only make certain blends of gasoline for certain parts of the country. Gasoline blended for Atlanta has to go to Atlanta you could have the terminal at Atlanta completely full and the one at Dallas empty and we can not move that gas to Dallas due to EPA regs.
Exxon is in the money making business if they could harness mule farts and sell them at a higher profit margin than crude they would.
At the refinery I work at we target one penny a gallon profit over operating cost at 21,000,000 gallons a day.
If you want to get mad get mad at government regulation 40 cents tax and 40 cents for ethanol. Government regulation at its finest.

Thanks campground for putting actual #'s to it. I thought that when profits were posted for Exxon it was only the fuel side since that was what the news articles would be centered on.

Why does the price drop seemingly around a period of time where certain events are taking place here? Afterwards they creep back up.

Also why not do more drilling here? We had it going good before the 80's.

A lot of drilling is not being done due to Americans no longer want it. Like off the coast of Fla but Cuba is drilling at a Alarming rate using the National oil company of China.
Gasoline moves a lot more than it used to due to our refining capacity is strained. We haven't built a new refinery in this country since 1970 in Houma La. Demand has out grown production, think about the cars on the road today compared to the 80's, there is plenty of oil not enough refining capacity.
We had excess capacity in the 70's we have eaten it up.
With reserves being so tight speculators can make the market turn upside down now.
Another reason is where you can get the best price for your product, I see shipload after shipload going overseas as we can sell our product for more.
We have virtually quit producing diesel what we don't convert to gasoline is shipped out many refiners have opted out of the new EPA specs. Why spend millions to build new units to meet EPA specs when you can sell it all over the world.
Frankie":2rq5r4gb said:
Campground Cattle":2rq5r4gb said:
At the refinery I work at we target one penny a gallon profit over operating cost at 21,000,000 gallons a day.

That's your target. Want to share with us what you're actually making?

According to this article, refining margins briefly "kissed" .95 per gallon and are still at .64. That's a bit more than you're claiming.

From the link:

"Financial results released this week by Exxon Mobil Corp. and Chevron Corp. showed higher profits for the first quarter even with lower earnings from crude oil sales. Both companies credited higher refinery margins for helping to make up the difference.
Exxon Mobil reported a $9.3 billion profit for the first quarter, up 10 percent, while Chevron reported $4.7 billion for the first quarter, up from $4 billion for the same period last year. The segment of Exxon's business that includes the refineries earned $1.9 billion in profits, up $641 million."


Frankie do you think for once in your life you could actually stick to a subject you now something about.
Go play with Alice.
Campground Cattle":3ohtq65o said:
Frankie":3ohtq65o said:
Campground Cattle":3ohtq65o said:
At the refinery I work at we target one penny a gallon profit over operating cost at 21,000,000 gallons a day.

That's your target. Want to share with us what you're actually making?

According to this article, refining margins briefly "kissed" .95 per gallon and are still at .64. That's a bit more than you're claiming.

From the link:

"Financial results released this week by Exxon Mobil Corp. and Chevron Corp. showed higher profits for the first quarter even with lower earnings from crude oil sales. Both companies credited higher refinery margins for helping to make up the difference.
Exxon Mobil reported a $9.3 billion profit for the first quarter, up 10 percent, while Chevron reported $4.7 billion for the first quarter, up from $4 billion for the same period last year. The segment of Exxon's business that includes the refineries earned $1.9 billion in profits, up $641 million."


Frankie do you think for once in your life you could actually stick to a subject you now something about.
Go play with Alice.

Does this mean you're not going to tell us what your ACTUAL profits from refining a gallon of gas? The article clearly says recently it was .95 for some refineries and when the article was written, holding steady at .64. Yet you continue to say we "target" .01 profit from each gallon. There's a big disconnect here. I don't for a minute think your refinery is making only .01 when others are making almost $1. So ignore me if you want, but people are reading these posts and some of them will actually see the difference.

BTW, I live in oilfield country. Earle P. Halliburton established the company right here. My dad worked as a welder on the pipeline; I worked for a while for Halliburton. Other family worked for Skelly, Koch. Don't try to high hat me. Won't work.

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