Another New Law

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This topic doesn't affect me but I'm glad I live here where I can hunt something year round on whatever day I'd like. In IA we have a continuous open season on coyotes and then we start hunting Deer in MO in Sept - Jan and IA starts Oct- Feb then you have turkey in the spring and fall. Most of what we hunt is for food other then the coyotes/ predators.
chorewife":1cmnpfq3 said:
This topic doesn't affect me but I'm glad I live here where I can hunt something year round on whatever day I'd like. In IA we have a continuous open season on coyotes and then we start hunting Deer in MO in Sept - Jan and IA starts Oct- Feb then you have turkey in the spring and fall. Most of what we hunt is for food other then the coyotes/ predators.

chore not much difference than here. same for coyotes and deer oct -jan some places feb. We just gained the ability to hunt on a sunday " Legally "
I don't see a problem with it. There are people like my Dad who work all day Monday-Friday then until 2 on Saturdays only time he would be off is a few days at Thanksgiving or Christmas. So when would someone like him hunt? and as someone said why should the government tell you what days to hunt during an open season.
wacocowboy":8juy7egk said:
I don't see a problem with it. There are people like my Dad who work all day Monday-Friday then until 2 on Saturdays only time he would be off is a few days at Thanksgiving or Christmas. So when would someone like him hunt? and as someone said why should the government tell you what days to hunt during an open season.

I see your logic....
but following that logic what is the reason for having a season at all?
why can't we try to put food on the table when we need it?
The concept of Sunday being a religious day and a day of rest is an old fashioned and outmoded concept...
Why can't I hunt at night if I want to? the game is ceertainly easier to find with a spotlight.
why do they have the right to tell me that I can not fish with Dynamite?
and most of all...why the devil can I not target practice on buzzards? particularly the ones who like to eat my baby calves?
percent of the population that hunts is a declining number....they should get preferential treatment and exclusive defacto ownership of the wild lands as a minority under the civil rights amendment....
Red Bull Breeder":s7dm6a00 said:
We have hunted on Sunday for as long as I can remember in Arkansas. Its you folks that don't hunt that cause the problem.

I have posted in htis thread at leat three times describing the problems caused to me by hunters....please enlighten me with which of those problems I have been the cause.....

recall that I do not have problem with hunters who hunt with some ethics....those who actually get out of their vehicles and go into the woods the distance the law mandates from road or houses befor loading their weapons....those who do not shoot at moving bushes but who wait for a clear id of the target before pulling the trigger.....those who do not shoot from within their truck sitting on the side of the road.....those who actually retrieve and feed their dogs on a daily basis....and those who do not drive all over my property like they owned it and then get hostile with me....
That's kinda how I feel about most of the Horse riders around here Jim. They seem to think a horse and wire cutters gives them the right to go where they want.
I'm not a hunter myself, but I do understand the "religion" part of it some hunters have. These are often the hunters I don't want on my place, Sunday or not. ;-)

I don't think the government should be able to stop you from hunting on Sunday if you wish to do so. If you want to hunt on Sunday, you should be allowed to.

IMO, this is a personal decision that is not up to the government. Government should keep their nose out of it.

Until I read this thread, I never realized so much hunting was done with dogs. Doesn't happen here very often. Dogs are mostly used here for only for game bird and coon hunting.

Having a dog anywhere near would only be a problem for deer or antelope hunting. We do have a few pheasants and grouse/prairie chickens, but deer and antelope are pretty much what there is to hunt around here. :2cents:
Red Bull Breeder":347jimba said:
That's kinda how I feel about most of the Horse riders around here Jim. They seem to think a horse and wire cutters gives them the right to go where they want.

I would agree with you that they need to be educated.....anybody cutting my fence is a potential cattle thief and subject to being at least shot in the vicinity of......

I raise the devil with ignorant riders who I see riding thru peoples crop fields....tell them they are giving me a bad reputation and that I will not put up with it.....tell them that if they can not tell a crop field from a trail then they need to go to a park or an arena and ride and to stay off of peoples farms.....

ethics and good manners need to apply to all people....I don't give riders a pass because they are on horseback....
pdfangus":2kneh61t said:
ethics and good manners need to apply to all people...
That pretty well sums it up. It's a society problem not one particular group (other then trouble makers). Since everyone is now entitled to everything even it it belongs to someone else it's going to just to be more and more of the us against them scenerio.
Red Bull Breeder":2h10ft15 said:
That's kinda how I feel about most of the Horse riders around here Jim. They seem to think a horse and wire cutters gives them the right to go where they want.

Snowmobilers here, often after coyotes. So it's a mixed blessing/curse. ;-)
dun":e8cuqo68 said:
pdfangus":e8cuqo68 said:
ethics and good manners need to apply to all people...
That pretty well sums it up. It's a society problem not one particular group (other then trouble makers). Since everyone is now entitled to everything even it it belongs to someone else it's going to just to be more and more of the us against them scenerio.

yeah....I agree....we are experiencing societal deevolution.

inevital collapse that is caused by too much propserity and kindness....diminishing numbers of people who have suffered any deprivation of any sort....the do gooders are always talking about the starving people in america and how we need to do more.....I see very few people who could not stand to loose a few lbs....and the ones that are thin are normally well to do and live in a gym or sports endeavor....

the kindness morphs into government safety nets which morphs into government control....

everybody has a right to everything just because....the concept of earning your way and your keep has been pushed to the side...

even the poorests have cell phones, color tv, air conditioning, six inch nails, and tattos....god save me from the fat women going near naked to display their tattoes.....and the fat men are nearly as bad....
I see the problem as being more from a failure of law enforcement doing its job. Its far to easy - and safer - for them to collect taxes from people not wearing their seatbelts or from some other petty crime yet they turn their back on the real criminals. Whether a trespasser is on a horse or carrying a gun makes no difference. He is a trespasser and should be charged. Here it used to be if you shot an animal from the road you lost your vehicle. Not anymore. The law has become a joke and people treat it as such. Put some real teeth into the law and make law breaking painful or expensive and this will fix itself.
Where I live you better have a pretty good money account. If you or your family do not own land then the leases become pretty expensive. I do not let any one hunt on my property. If they can show me a liability insurance policy that says the policy will pay all damages to the property or neighbors property and to themselves if they cause any damage. It has to be in the amount of 2 million dollars.
Here the timber companies have leases but if you didnt start leasing 20 years ago you will have nothing. My club I hunt with we are all farmers for the most part we formed the club because we couldnt find land to lease and we are land owners so we all hunt each others lands with hounds but some of our lands are off limits to hound hunting cause we also like to still hunt. We do have insurance though.
I would think this penalty would deter poaching and trespassing. And its humane.

trappersteve":1nsvpmve said:
I have mixed feelings on this as Well as a trapper I love having the woods to myself on Sunday. I always thought it was a stupid law anyway as you can fish and trap on Sunday but not hunt deer.
I think it will take some getting used to, remember when they made crossbows legal and all the bowhunters were raising cain now all of them hunt with crossbows lol

Go back a little further. Remember when the stick bow shooters were up in arms that the mechanical bow shooters wanted to be able to hunt with their new fangled bows?

In Oregon, no one can hunt with a cross bow for any game animals, even during gun season. They claim it'd be hard to enforce poaching laws. Them that got, don't want to share.

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