Another recession?

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Jan 9, 2010
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Middle Tn
You guys think another recession is on the way?

Man, I do. We're seeing a massive contraction in new vehicle sales.

How bout your end?
In the construction and excavating business it's still just as slow as 3 years ago. We had some of the lowest per hour prices around here on running our dozers and stuff, and then we cut them another 20% and people still aren't spending much money to do anything.
Vehicle sales have been the good news for a couple years. People will buy cars if they can. Growth is anemic. Jobs are scarce. Obama wants higher taxes--yeah, thats gonna make things better. I'm just hoping JoGee will upgrade me to an Iphone with unlimited data plan.
The stock market has came back to a degree. I think it's artificially inflated. I look for the bottom to fall out of it. In what seems like a lifetime ago I was a loan officer at a bank. Seemed like people would buy cars no matter what was going on.
My personal situation is much worse now. Single, day care, buying half the house that was paid for, etc. It should be better in the long haul but my networth is about half of what it was.

My 401K and IRAs are still setting in bond accounts and guaranteed interest contracts. Can't afford to take a loss so I have stayed out of the stock market. Figure a whole lot of investors with a lot more nickels than I have are doing the same.

The dollar value continues to drop. Things don't look good at all. Hard to find American made products. Wal-Mart parking lots are still full.
Same old BS, numbers do lie you can make them look anyway you want. The market will be up till the interest rate goes up.
The thieves are trying to steal the money people have in the bank and CD.s.
hooknline nailed it, we never got out of recession even if TPTB say we did. The little town we live close to, every block had foreclosures. Not big fancy mcmansions bought by people who got in over their heads, but older modest homes, working class homes.

We bought a foreclosure place last summer, the realtor we worked with said about 50 per month were coming on the market and this is a low population density county. Her agency had the contract with Freddie Mac for this area, they got all their listings. That was just Freddie Mac, doesn't count Fannie Mae, HUD and private lender properties.

Hubby lost his job of 34 years recently; company was over 100 years old and #4 in the U.S. for that industry. His division was profitable but not making enough to prop up the rest of the outfit. It is looking like he might have to go trucking for awhile, not finding anything else out there.
I am not doing the business " Tree Work and Excavation " I was doing between 2001 -2009 but last year I had a major increase in business personally. The construction business and trades here are doing well not what it was but still good. I do agree we are still in an recession. I at one point honestly made under 10k one year and never laid my guys off I said I wouldn't long as we had enough business to pay the business bills and you guys I won't lay you off in which I kept my word they have been with me since day 1 and I had other means of income to live off so I didn't want to leave them high and dry.
Ryder":232lac2c said:
Got to admit I'm surprised by the market going up like it has.
The market favors high taxation presidents. It makes sense when you think about it. Smart money will pump up business spending when taxation is high. Investing follows the same philosophy. If I have a pile of money that I'm going to get taxed on, I can invest it and risk losing some or I can pay a huge tax and KNOW what I'm losing... Most people will go for investing and then cashing in at a latter time when taxation isn't so taxing.
Our area is probably doing better than its done in a number of years... This is cattle and wheat country- and the prices for both have been good...And we've had some good moisture years with last year seeing some record bumper wheat crops... An easy winter- with coulees filled with snow showing there will be some spring runoff have folks optimistic for this year...

Being on the Bakken- and just on the edge of where the current drilling is- employment is booming with good paying jobs- with most surrounding counties in the 3-4% unemployment rate... One of the bigger local negative factors is trying to find help- with places like McDonalds offering bonus incentives for working for them for certain time periods... A lot of folks with a skill (mechanic, plumbers, electricians, truck drivers, law enforcement, etc) jumped for the higher paying oilfield jobs-- so now we have a shortage locally...
Well, truth be told, it was more of a depression. But the gvt and the media won't call it that because that would lead to finger pointing which would lead right back to gvt and media
( owned by big corps)
Oldtimer":399fc85f said:
Our area is probably doing better than its done in a number of years... This is cattle and wheat country- and the prices for both have been good...And we've had some good moisture years with last year seeing some record bumper wheat crops... An easy winter- with coulees filled with snow showing there will be some spring runoff have folks optimistic for this year...

Being on the Bakken- and just on the edge of where the current drilling is- employment is booming with good paying jobs- with most surrounding counties in the 3-4% unemployment rate... One of the bigger local negative factors is trying to find help- with places like McDonalds offering bonus incentives for working for them for certain time periods... A lot of folks with a skill (mechanic, plumbers, electricians, truck drivers, law enforcement, etc) jumped for the higher paying oilfield jobs-- so now we have a shortage locally...

We are just the opposite of Oldtimer, the drill rigs moved out, the coal mines laid off, things are bad. Several guys from here working 7 hours from home in Pennslyvania gas fields. 12-15% unemployment is common here.
shaz":1l952bqu said:
You guys think another recession is on the way?

Man, I do. We're seeing a massive contraction in new vehicle sales.

How bout your end?

I go into a lot of factories that make auto parts and they are running as hard as they can. Most working their employees 6 and 7 days a week. Makes me wonder who is buying all these cars, 1.2 millon built in KY last year.

I don't think the economy is much different than it was 4 or 5 years ago, although the stock market has improved. Does not seem like the average person is much better off, cost of living has went up in my opinion.
Cost of living is higher IMO.. I also notice every time I go into Walmart the prices are not rolling back they are Rolling UP....

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