Au Revoir

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
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South Georgia
I said goodbye to a dear friend today and thanked him for being him. I'm lucky to have known him. I don't know many who can look death in the eye with a smile on their face. He is surely one of a kind and I am so lucky to have been able to call him my friend. After some reflection these words came to mind. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to's learning to dance in the rain" and that he did and surely with few regrets.

At the moment I can't help but think about mortality and how finite things are. Can't help but wonder if I have danced enough or made best use of time. This leads me to remember these words, "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present." Have I made best use of this gift? Have you?
Yes a death of a close friend makes you stop and think About how short your life is I may be closer to the endgate than some at 75 years old. We an Aunt pass today who was 108 years old. A cousin last week.
Sorry for your lose jo, times like that will make us do alot of soul searching. Rminds me of the Scripture that talks about life being like a vapor, here only for a short time.
Life is short, enjoy it. You will have moments of sadness, moments of joy, but chasing happy will guarantee you the opposite.

That is why I make fancy lamps and church windows. When I am long gone people will still look at my art on Sundays.
One of God's best gift is a good friend.

I had a friend one time lost his wife in a motorcycle accident. After that he said he did not shake hands with friends, he hugged them.

Being close to someone is its own gift.

I wish your friend well. I wish you well.
Sorry that you lost your friend. I never thought much about death until the last few weeks. Life goes by too fast and most of us don't take the time to enjoy each day for worrying about tomorrow for which we have no promise.
Sorry to hear that, I've lost a couple exceptional friends in the last couple years, both were old time ranchers, and I have another friend who had a stroke in Feb and just went back into the hospital last week... I regret the loss of thses friends far more than the extended family members I didn't know all that well who've passed..

As they say, friends are the family you can choose, and I'm lucky to have a few really good ones.
I'm sorry you lost your friend. I think that's just as difficult as losing family, as sometimes a friend can be almost more than family.

Another reminder, to think about what it really important us.
sorry to hear of the passing of your good friend Jo, but as you say it was nice knowing him so I'm sure you will have fond and happy memories of him. chin up. God Rest his Soul .
So sorry Jo. I don't personally know you but from what I have read here, I would say that you do indeed "dance in the rain" and I am proud to listen to your advice anytime.

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