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Feb 14, 2015
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AT the FLORIDA STATE line checking papers
I have pondered posting abut this all day and finally decided that I would so everyone could get a small glimpse of an awesome dog.

About 7 yrs ago my wife and daughter returned from a trip to walmart, When they got home I could tell they were up to no good and to my surprise they had this UGLY little puppy with a severe over bite. Half wiener dog half jack Russell. Bo-Bo had several names BO, Booger and knuckle head were just a few. He was an explorer and always was looking for a ride. He blended in with our zoo and was the boss of the rest even though he was the smallest. He would ride anything that moved and had to be brought back home by the UPS driver on a couple of occasions after he snuck in the van and layed down in the back. He was very sneaky and from time to time would sneak in the house only to find him curled up on the bed several hours later. This Christmas eave would have been 3 years ago I found him under the boat bleeding and a long gash down his side and all 4 canine teeth broken off from fighting another dog over a gyp that was to tall for him anyway. , We drove an hour to a vets office to get him repaired and was not given much hope only to find the next day he acted like nothing was wrong. He also from time to time would limp and tote a front leg and act like he was in severe pain and would beg to be picked up. If you just waited a little bit and watched out the window you would see he could FAKE it pretty good cause he would be chasing the cat and walking fine. In cooler weather if you asked him if he was cold he would just set their and shiver like he was freezing to death. I walked outside this morning and he was laying close to where Ive seen him lay hundreds of times. No trauma I could see anywhere I have to only assume he might have been snake bit or maybe just a heart attack. I know we had fun yesterday and I laughed quite a bit at his antics, He had a great personality and I'm gonna miss my little buddy.

Dang Dash that hurts even me. I get very very close to my dogs, always have and always will. Sounds like this one was a "best friend" and I know you're gonna miss him. Another will be along someday. Keep your eyes on your wife and daughter. ;-)
Dam! What a shame. I am so sorry to hear that your buddy is gone. :( He sounds like he was one of those really nifty, one-of-a-kind dogs. Obviously a smart one! Faking injury and faking being cold :lol2: :lol2: .

I, too, am one of those folks who gets attached to their canine companions.

I'm glad you posted and shared his story.

I'm sorry for your loss.
So sorry about Bo-Bo. We surely get very attached too. By we, I mean myself as well. I shouldn't but I do. One of life's great injustices, imo anyway, is that the life of a dog is not as long as his masters.

My condolences.
So sorry about your dog. Sad story. It really hurts to lose a pet. Remember the good times that you had with him. I bet another one comes along soon.
So sorry about your dog. Sad story. It really hurts to lose a pet. Remember the good times that you had with him. I bet another one comes along soon.
I feel your pain. I had to put my dog down last winter. I sure do miss having her around. I always have a dog and I know that I need to replace her. I just haven't done it yet. The GF has a pretty good border collie that I get along with real well. She tells people that when I come over I pet her and kiss the dog...... not true but I do like that dog. A man should always have a good dog.
There is nothing but a loved dog that can make use look less macho. I am terribly sorry for your loss. In a family that has been raising, breeding and showing dogs for over 60 years, I feel for you and your family. :cry2:
Sorry for your loss.
I know those little terrier dogs can make me get a soft heart.
I would be totally lost without a Jack Russell.
The Russell can get them in a lot of trouble.
Thanks folks. He will be missed for sure. It wasn't the same checking cows this afternoon. We have always been a drop off for strays so I'm sure another will fill his spot. Blue is missing him something fierce.
Sorry to hear that, D :frowns:
We lost ours just before we moved last year.... its always so hard to lose them. But as painful as it is, the memories they leave us... sure are priceless.

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