Bottle feeding : how much

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2014
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Pisgah, Alabama
Been awhile since I've raised one on the bottle. Some of you ole pros ; how much for a month old calf ? Over fed her to start so I've been a little afraid to give her too much .Been going up about a half pint every 4-5 days . She's getting 3 pints , 3 times a day but always seems hungry . Thanks for any advice ! Been on the lookout for a nurse cow but struck out so far .
Depending on weight, If under 150 lbs.I would not increase from 3 pints if feeding 3 times per day but start offering a calf starter free choice.
If she scoured from too much milk at the start then you are doing it right. Totally agree that you should have grain in front of her and some real soft, good hay... 3rd cutting orchard grass type. Need to get the rumen developing... I have 3 week old dairy calves on bottles right now that are eating grain free choice... about 1-2 cups worth per day and starting on the hay too... They get a 2 qt bottle twice a day. I would not increase her milk anymore than what she is getting, get her to eating grain and hay now...
Thanks MurraysMutts ! I finally found a post from last year . She seems to be doing well and I started with feed today . She usually has some hay in her mouth when I go to feed her . Just didn't want to take a step backwards with her . I over fed her the first couple of days and she wouldn't eat . Since she had not eaten in 2-3 days she was starved . I cut her back to a pint and have slowly worked her up to 3 . Going up another half by Monday and when I hit 2 quarts I'll probably go to 2 feedings . Probably around daylight saving time kicks in .
Not trying to hijack your thread, but I'm feeding a calf right now that won't drink more than a quart of milk 3 times a day, she's black Angus and weighs about 30 pounds. She was almost dead when we found her, don't know who her mom is, I suspect she is a twin. At first she would only drink 1&1/2 to 2 cups of milk at a time. Calves it's best to err on the side of keep them hungry,.
Not trying to hijack your thread, but I'm feeding a calf right now that won't drink more than a quart of milk 3 times a day, she's black Angus and weighs about 30 pounds. She was almost dead when we found her, don't know who her mom is, I suspect she is a twin. At first she would only drink 1&1/2 to 2 cups of milk at a time. Calves it's best to err on the side of keep them hungry,.
Sounds like that little booger is doing great now!!

And no pictures?????
For shame for shame!
Yes her eye turned half white yesterday and almost completely white overnight. She can't see out of her left eye and she can barely see out of her right eye. Her right eye looks normal. Her temp is fine. Thank you for the advice! She was 2 days old and about dead when some relative's found her. I haven't heard from her owner yet, so I don't know what is going to happen with her yet?
Yes her eye turned half white yesterday and almost completely white overnight. She can't see out of her left eye and she can barely see out of her right eye. Her right eye looks normal. Her temp is fine. Thank you for the advice! She was 2 days old and about dead when some relative's found her. I haven't heard from her owner yet, so I don't know what is going to happen with her yet?
Sounds like you may be the new owner. I'd be tempted to text that pic to the vet because I suspect she needs antibiotics.
LA200 or 300 SQ for the eye... as a 1 cc since she is small... but she also should get some Vit A & D.... vit A is for the eyes and vit D helps with the absorption..... in fact, Multimin would be good since she is so little and it would boost her whole body systems...
The cloudiness like that seems to affect premies and some twins more from my experience... I think that seeing how she was probably abandoned, and found in poor shape... and you getting her going, that she is low on several necessary vitamins and minerals...
Also, we will use some Today or Tomorrow mastitis medicine in the tube, in the eye, a small squirt under the eye lid so it coats the eye as they blink... it doesn't hurt them and it has been our go to for pinkeye and other eye irritations and infections...
You saved her life, not going to hurt to use a little anti-biotic treatment at this point...
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LA200 or 300 SQ for the eye... as a 1 cc since she is small... but she also should get some Vit A & D.... vit A is for the eyes and vit D helps with the absorption..... in fact, Multimin would be good since she is so little and it would boost her whole body systems...
The cloudiness like that seems to affect premies and some twins more from my experience... I think that seeing how she was probably abandoned, and found in poor shape... and you getting her going, that she is low on several necessary vitamins and minerals...
Also, we will use some Today or Tomorrow mastitis medicine in the tube, in the eye, a small squirt under the eye lid so it coats the eye as they blink... it doesn't hurt them and it has been our go to for pinkeye and other eye irritations and infections...
You saved her life, not going to hurt to use a little anti-biotic treatment at this point...
Good advice !
The guy who feeds the cow's and I took her around to several cow's and not one of them would take her. She wasn't cleaned off. Her fur was all full of the afterbirth and all dried in and nasty. So I think her mom just left her behind, the guy who owns the cow's has a Lot of First time heifers this year,.
LA200 or 300 SQ for the eye... as a 1 cc since she is small... but she also should get some Vit A & D.... vit A is for the eyes and vit D helps with the absorption..... in fact, Multimin would be good since she is so little and it would boost her whole body systems...
The cloudiness like that seems to affect premies and some twins more from my experience... I think that seeing how she was probably abandoned, and found in poor shape... and you getting her going, that she is low on several necessary vitamins and minerals...
Also, we will use some Today or Tomorrow mastitis medicine in the tube, in the eye, a small squirt under the eye lid so it coats the eye as they blink... it doesn't hurt them and it has been our go to for pinkeye and other eye irritations and infections...
You saved her life, not going to hurt to use a little anti-biotic treatment at this point...
Is the LA300 the best stuff to use? I have Exceed, Baytril Banimine and LA300. Just wanting to use what is best for her.
Pinkeye has always responded to LA 2 or 300 for us... unless it is out to pasture and then we use Draxxin in the dart gun... she is in where you can get to her so I would stick with on oxytet... LA300....

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