cataract surgery

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Carpenter2n said:
Has anyone here had it done?
any problems? How effective was it for you?

I've had both eyes done, the first as a byproduct of surgery to repair a partially detached retina. The other some years later as a matter of age. No complications and I can see just fine. You'll be sensitive to bright lights at night and the sun will give you trouble without sunglasses.

This is one of the most common medical procedures in the world and it doesn't age long to undergo the operation and the recovery period is pretty fast.

Good luck and you can PM if you'd like to talk.
I've had both eyes done as well about 7-8 years ago. Nothing to it and was a success. Like turning on a florescent light bulb when they finished.
Thanks, my wife convinced me last year but then I made the mistake of watching a video of it. that gave me pause!
Carpenter2n said:
Thanks, my wife convinced me last year but then I made the mistake of watching a video of it. that gave me pause!
You won't feel a thing, it only takes a few minutes and to there was no pain afterward for me. Eye wasn't even bloodshot . Took a day or so two to get use to the brightness. My doc did one eye one week and the other a week later.
My Grandma had cataract surgery a couple years ago. She was amazed how much better her vision was and wished she'd have done it sooner.

I know it's hard, but the less you think about it the better it will be.
I had both done six or so years back. No big deal and when the blur went away it was like going from analog to HD. One of the better decisions I ever made. Coincidentally, I just got checked by the ophthalmologist and she recommends lazer surgery as she is saying there are some things happening (normal grey something) with the eyeball because of the surgery. Last year or so the starbursts are coming back and a little blurriness with the left eye.
My grandmother had hers done years ago and said she wished they had gotten "ripe" sooner so she could see better sooner. My mom has had hers done. One then the other a year or so later. I know your eyes are scary to mess with, but it is one of the more common surgeries and recovery time is pretty easy and pretty much painless from what I have been told. I am not looking forward to the ankle replacement as far as pain or rehab, but want to walk better and painfree. I would do my eyes in a minute so I could see.
The worst part of it is having to put in eyedrops on schedule for several days after surgery.
Do it. You will be glad you did.
I asked the surgeon if she had done this before?
She said she had read the manual. :lol2:
The retina man had to go in one eye too clean out debris (nothing to do with cataract surgery)
I asked him if he had done it before and he said he had watched a video. :lol2:
I haven't done it but my mother did way back when it was a pretty new thing. Worked great for one eye, not so much on the other. Good luck with it.
slick4591 said:
I had both done six or so years back. No big deal and when the blur went away it was like going from analog to HD. One of the better decisions I ever made. Coincidentally, I just got checked by the ophthalmologist and she recommends lazer surgery as she is saying there are some things happening (normal grey something) with the eyeball because of the surgery. Last year or so the starbursts are coming back and a little blurriness with the left eye.
This is the procedure your ophthalmologist has recommended
greybeard said:
I haven't done it but my mother did way back when it was a pretty new thing. Worked great for one eye, not so much on the other. Good luck with it.

thanks, I appreciate it. Hoping it will go well.
Good luck. Keep us posted. I recently went to the optomologist (sp?) and she said I have cataracts but they are minor and haven't really changed. I am 72 - I think my mom had hers when she was in her 80's. Very successful. Could see so much better.