Cattle per acre in florida

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In my area, they can try to classify you as feedlot if you are above a certain density. Then they can hit you up for permits and zoning hocus. Don't know exactly what the density is, but I imagine it's pretty high.
I'm in the Tampa area its call Odessa.i Believe we are zoned agricuture.I have about 20 cows and calves total.Having problem with neighbor. They are claiming it smell but not from the cattle but from the calves i lost and buried on the property.They called EPC of Hillsborough County.The investigator call out and could not find a odor from the buried calves.The EPC guy said other agencies have be called but he did ask about the number of cows alotted for the property.I told him i'm not sure but that i thought there wasn't a limit.
nieghbors suck bettin you were there first too huh. anyways as long as they aint neglected im sure you can pack em in there

my brothers in laws live in odessa. im bout 80 mi south i think of ya
Yes your correct we were there first.It's a pain the ***.you live out here to get away from those people and it seem like they follow you.
You might want to check your deed as it may have a deed restriction on it limiting the number of animals per acre.
We have owned this property for over 30 years,I'm not sure but did they have deed restrictions back then in the deeds ? The neighbor is just a city slicker in the county.
well you can try to friend em but it didnt werk fer me. ended up we dont even talk anymore. after he cleaned out my fishin hole showin off to his buddys he got mad at me cuz i wouldnt bury a cow for him after i stillbirthed it in the middle of the nite. he was too busy ridin his harley..''i dont wanna be no farmer'' he said. last werds i herd outta him..i was here first too
after he cleaned out my fishin hole showin off to his buddys

You still whinning bout that fishing hole. WHA WHA WHA :cry2: Need to let it go and move on. Course it wasn't my favorite hole.
well look who buck drug in...bwahahahahahahaa! when you comin for feed since all yer cows are gonna be in yer backyard soon fella!!

post on here for a lease
20 cows and calves on five acres. Man thats gotta stink to high heavens. :???:
You in the manure business?
Bet you really got a fly problem.
I got a hundred head on 150 acres and fixing to cut it back to 75.
I'm having issues with that many cows and getting a Ag exemptions fixing to loose 75 acres. Florida sucks
Local Gov here is all about the all mighty dollar.
the new avatar rocks dude! told ya!
Thats my guard Donkey June, she opens up a can of whoop arse on the dogs and coyotes.
She's about to pop with another.
To the man above hope you get your Agg we been on the same property or my wifes family has since the early fifties.
They have been going after us for 4 years in a row now and pulled the exemption last year on a technicality.
If we don't get it back this year they can stick it, tired of court and depositions and audits, they wear ya down eventually till ya just say F it.
Meanwhile the local Ag man gets a 155g exempt on his little 30 acre spread and I am paying more for a empty lot next to my house than he is on 30 acres a big house and a pool. Another example of a abuse by a civil servant
This ain't the America our fore fathers planned I'm sure of that much.
I'm a firm believer what goes around comes around . Any way good luck and welcome to my world we're in the same boat and it's getting crowded.