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W.O. brought in mostly Brahmas for Sat & Sunday rodeos but for us teenagers and especially on the practice nights, they were what he called "Spanish" bulls. Smaller, most had stubby horns. As far as I remember, they were white or yellow looking but a few blacks too. May have been some corrs in the bunch. He was certainly not made of $$ so I doubt he had any really expensive bulls. At the same time period, he and his son (we all knew him as Dink even tho he was over 6' tall and probably pushing 200#) were trying to build a ranch out of the pine woods up near Votaw Hardin CountyTx. They came flyin into the arena late one Sat afternoon pulling that long gooseneck trailer full of bulls and roping calves, every one them and the livestock, covered up to their waist and bellies in that white mud that area is known for. Thought the bulls were going to tear the arena fences down before they got them pushed into the alleys.
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And then there are the people who take a thread they don't like and go off on another conversation. Great way to bury someone's thread and done often here.
I haven't figured out yet, what the original post is made of. It's a post complaining about and pointing out what he sees as ...............other people's complaining and negative comments.
Someone help me out here.
Does the opening post qualify as irony or is it hypocrisy?
I sometimes get the 2 confused.
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I have noticed that there is a few people here that feel a need to point out when someone that says something that might not quite be right. And they usually do it in a very pointed fashion.
It seems I've seen a lot of people be rude for absolutely no reason other than to make themselves appear smart.
I do believe that it's just this kind of attitude that is ruining our great nation. Do you always have to be right?
Do you always have to be the last one to get your word in ?
Do you always have to say something negative?
I think we all can probably use a little better attitude of gratitude.
We a bunch of lucky people we even got time to waste on here.
Let me tell you where you're wrong. First, stop being a baby. Second, it's all in your head. It's attitudes like yours that make people like me drink Buzz Ball's for breakfast ;)
W.O. brought in mostly Brahmas for Sat & Sunday rodeos but for us teenagers and especially on the practice nights, they were what he called "Spanish" bulls. Smaller, most had stubby horns. As far as I remember, they were white or yellow looking but a few blacks too. May have been some corrs in the bunch. He was certainly not made of $$ so I doubt he had any really expensive bulls. At the same time period, he and his son (we all knew him as Dink even tho he was over 6' tall and probably pushing 200#) were trying to build a ranch out of the pine woods up near Votaw Hardin CountyTx. They came flyin into the arena late one Sat afternoon pulling that long gooseneck trailer full of bulls and roping calves, every one covered up to their waist and bellies in that white mud that area is known for. Thought the bulls were going to tear the arena fences down before they got them pushed into the alleys.
They used to run a lot of corr cross bulls where I used to do the most of my riding. They're pretty good buckers. I've thought about trying to breed bucking bulls but I just can't see no money in it for a little guy.
Ain't no 12 step program gonna save any of us CT scoundrels... we cow people are what the word incorrigible was invented for.
The guy I work for had bought in some wells a few years back and they were looking for consultants. They were right in the back yard of a guy I had worked with for several years. Good, older guy, lots of experience, very knowledgeable... he helped me a lot... full of stories... a general character.

I recommend him to my boss. The guy running the frac operation said he did some checking of him and they wouldn't be using him.

When I went back to the guy I told him... I don't think you will get called. I said... the guy running the frac did some checking on you in the area and they told him you were a drunk and a womanizer. 😄 I told him my boss said... well we aren't hiring preachers... we are drilling wells.

The older guy just held his cig to side... tilted his head to me with a grin and said... I've been called worse.

We both laughed and went back to work. He picked me up after shift that evening to go to the bar so we could drink and chase women. 😆
The old adage of the old oil field hands is
3 things ruined the oilpatch.
1. Women salespeople.
2. 'o' rings.
3. Consultants.
(From back in the day when the toolpusher ran EVERYTHING on the job and all joints not in the string were steel to steel hammer unions.)
I had way too much experience with that 'drink and chase women' thing when I worked the rigs.
Only partly regrettably, I used to say (brag) I knew every beer joint and bartendress 60 miles either side of I-10 from Austin to New Orleans.
This place is like you took the tables from every small town cafe or gas station in US and stuck them all in one place.....what do you expect to happen. All that matters is we all come back every morning.

Getting riled up is fine, just don't get so butt hurt about what someone says you decide to drink coffee in the truck.
You might have a problem, I mean who takes a chance on their beer getting watered down like that.
Evidently this is a "thing"
Shower beer.
Neighbor asked me about it the other day. She's a nice gal n all but I'm happily married.

Since we are so far off topic....
Boy, someone sure let the barn swallows in here didn't they?
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