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The virus came from china, anything that comes from there doesn't last long, we have numbers in our country that are so inflated it isn't funny, Italy took it the hardest because their country is made up of the oldest population, look at the highest age of people that this virus has infected, and the average age of life in our country is 70 years old, the age is higher than that.
haase said:
The virus came from china, anything that comes from there doesn't last long, we have numbers in our country that are so inflated it isn't funny, Italy took it the hardest because their country is made up of the oldest population, look at the highest age of people that this virus has infected, and the average age of life in our country is 70 years old, the age is higher than that.

The numbers aren't inflated, unless you believe that people are faking their deaths.

The total death rate in the US is much higher than normal over the past three months. The giant leap in deaths can presumably be attributed to COVID, and lines up pretty closely with the number of reported COVID deaths to date.
Logar said:
He also says COVID -19 means this in his group at the base he is at:

C: China
O: Originated
V: Virus
I: Intentionally
D: Deployed
In 2019

That's completely ludicrous to believe the name infers truth about the source.. For one, we all already know it was 2019!

How about this?
* O - ON
Covid is a number of viruses under the one name, this one just came in

I guess if we sit around long enough with enough beer etc, we could make a 5G version...or a cattle version...or whatever....I could not be bothered.
While the coronavirus disease is popularly referred to as just coronavirus, coronavirus actually refers to a large family of viruses which can cause illnesses in human and many animals. Some of these illnesses are rare but severe respiratory infections, including Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and, as most recently discovered, COVID-19.

On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially named this novel coronavirus COVID-19. COVID is short for coronavirus disease. The number 19 refers to the fact that the disease was first detected in 2019, though the outbreak occurred in 2020. Novel coronavirus can be abbreviated as nCoV

The 1918 influenza pandemic did not, as many people believe, originate in Spain.
haase said:
The virus came from china, anything that comes from there doesn't last long, we have numbers in our country that are so inflated it isn't funny, Italy took it the hardest because their country is made up of the oldest population, look at the highest age of people that this virus has infected, and the average age of life in our country is 70 years old, the age is higher than that.

I doubt your medicos fake death numbers....

And the infected numbers will likely reveal that it is way under, not due to any scam, just due to how many are tested and how and what was tested for.....

I understand there is deep distrust by some in the US, but you can choose another country you may trust more to get some numbers from ?

The thing that gets me, is just like china, the temptation would be to under report, not over, what would make anyone want to inflate own numbers ? That is the part I cannot come to grips with, I have seen no good argument for why that would happen.
greggy said:
haase said:
The virus came from china, anything that comes from there doesn't last long, we have numbers in our country that are so inflated it isn't funny, Italy took it the hardest because their country is made up of the oldest population, look at the highest age of people that this virus has infected, and the average age of life in our country is 70 years old, the age is higher than that.

I doubt your medicos fake death numbers....

And the infected numbers will likely reveal that it is way under, not due to any scam, just due to how many are tested and how and what was tested for.....

I understand there is deep distrust by some in the US, but you can choose another country you may trust more to get some numbers from ?

The thing that gets me, is just like china, the temptation would be to under report, not over, what would make anyone want to inflate own numbers ? That is the part I cannot come to grips with, I have seen no good argument for why that would happen.

The cause of death is incentivized by an extra 20 grand. That right there is enough to not believe the numbers.
So there is a mass fraud by the medical sector ?

Why would there be a 20k payment and to whom does this go and what is it for ? I do not understand the US system, so maybe you can enlighten some of us.

What about other countries? Many have public systems like ours.

PS I would think govts would want the numbers to be short...not it defies my logic if there was corruption on a large scale.
sstterry said:
Caustic Burno said:
The cause of death is incentivized by an extra 20 grand. That right there is enough to not believe the numbers.

I am not saying that this is wrong, but what is your source on this? It sounds absurd to pay a hospital 20k for a death.

Pretty long read but may be the facts that you are looking for.
sstterry said:
Caustic Burno said:
The cause of death is incentivized by an extra 20 grand. That right there is enough to not believe the numbers.

I am not saying that this is wrong, but what is your source on this? It sounds absurd to pay a hospital 20k for a death.

It was in the stimulus package.
By paying an additional 20% on top of traditional Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients during the public health emergency, and by reimbursing hospitals for treating the uninsured patients with the disease (at that enhanced Medicare rate).

As for the accuracy of the death toll, other experts have previously told us that while it's true that some deaths attributed to COVID-19 likely would have occurred regardless of the disease, other factors — like the deaths of undiagnosed COVID-19 victims, including those that occur at home — contribute to a more significant problem of under-counting the deaths.

Medicare has a reimbursement rate for every injury, procedure or disease (ICD codes). Congress elected to give an additional 20% for Covid patients because the hospitals have had to take extra precautions due to it being so contagious, plus hospitals had to stop all elective procedures and even some that were much needed. I spoke to a Dr. at Duke two weeks ago and he told me that the hospital there was hemorrhaging cash due to the virus. I also know our local hospital is having a terrible time right now.

Are hospitals padding the numbers? Maybe. But I don't think it is very much. If they are caught doing it they will lose all Medicare payments in the future and that would be a death knell for a hospital.
So the govt had to foot the extra costs to help stop some hospitals from collapse....

Our hospitals are mainly they have to pay the cost anyway....20k prob wont go very far.....and that would not indicate to me a large scale fraud.....

We will all find out in the wash potentially, I would tend to think under reporting is more likely even in the straightest system.

And no one can cherry pick, otherwise there is no such thing as a flu death, it will be whatever organ/s stopped, it is like saying the guy who fell into a mincer did not die due to the mincer, it was faulty skin that failed and leaked fluids causing death. Covid 19 kills people, esp venerable, but also random healthy people, and I feel the medics reporting this are very credible.

The fraud or poor behaviour is more likely to be from the citizens at large when presented with ops from various countries stimulus packages.

Here, a majority of takers have been lawyers, accountants and white collar well paid, the money they have taken was meant to support businesses and workers to prevent collapse and loss of jobs.....
sstterry said:
By paying an additional 20% on top of traditional Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients during the public health emergency, and by reimbursing hospitals for treating the uninsured patients with the disease (at that enhanced Medicare rate).

As for the accuracy of the death toll, other experts have previously told us that while it's true that some deaths attributed to COVID-19 likely would have occurred regardless of the disease, other factors — like the deaths of undiagnosed COVID-19 victims, including those that occur at home — contribute to a more significant problem of under-counting the deaths.

Medicare has a reimbursement rate for every injury, procedure or disease (ICD codes). Congress elected to give an additional 20% for Covid patients because the hospitals have had to take extra precautions due to it being so contagious, plus hospitals had to stop all elective procedures and even some that were much needed. I spoke to a Dr. at Duke two weeks ago and he told me that the hospital there was hemorrhaging cash due to the virus. I also know our local hospital is having a terrible time right now.

Are hospitals padding the numbers? Maybe. But I don't think it is very much. If they are caught doing it they will lose all Medicare payments in the future and that would be a death knell for a hospital.
I know of a particular facility that lost 750k for just the month of April.
bball said:
sstterry said:
By paying an additional 20% on top of traditional Medicare rates for COVID-19 patients during the public health emergency, and by reimbursing hospitals for treating the uninsured patients with the disease (at that enhanced Medicare rate).

As for the accuracy of the death toll, other experts have previously told us that while it's true that some deaths attributed to COVID-19 likely would have occurred regardless of the disease, other factors — like the deaths of undiagnosed COVID-19 victims, including those that occur at home — contribute to a more significant problem of under-counting the deaths.

Medicare has a reimbursement rate for every injury, procedure or disease (ICD codes). Congress elected to give an additional 20% for Covid patients because the hospitals have had to take extra precautions due to it being so contagious, plus hospitals had to stop all elective procedures and even some that were much needed. I spoke to a Dr. at Duke two weeks ago and he told me that the hospital there was hemorrhaging cash due to the virus. I also know our local hospital is having a terrible time right now.

Are hospitals padding the numbers? Maybe. But I don't think it is very much. If they are caught doing it they will lose all Medicare payments in the future and that would be a death knell for a hospital.
I know of a particular facility that lost 750k for just the month of April.

That's even more reason to be suspicious. Listing Corona complications to collect the additional payments. With the hospitals way below capacity due to shutdown of services for elective procedures.
Always follow the dollar.

"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Ronald Reagan
ccr said:
bball said:
I know of a particular facility that lost 750k for just the month of April.
bball, what contributed to that loss?

Several factors:
An absolute halt of all elective procedures in surgery, a complete shutdown of all physician office visits, a decrease in "routine" ER traffic, an unbelievable amount of rental equipment costs(air scrubbers, tents, PAPRs, heaters, testing equipment, etc) a significant increase in man hours/overtime, payout on agency staffing, overwhelming PPE(gloves, masks, gowns, filters, etc)costs, increased laundry and cleaning costs, establishing and staffing 2 separate Covid screening sites. It's been extremely taxing financially. I just listed the obvious factors. There are plenty more. For the record, we received tremendous support from neighboring facilities whose communities were not hit as hard as we were. We transferred a substantial number of cases directly from or ER to surrounding facilities. I guess our bean counters aren't aware of all the financial kick backs we could have had...😔😳
greggy said:
Here, a majority of takers have been lawyers, accountants and white collar well paid, the money they have taken was meant to support businesses and workers to prevent collapse and loss of jobs.....

I haven't heard that but doesn't surprise me. Ive seen those in the "know" live off government grants for years. They know all the lingo and how to cross their t's and dot their i's. But they do reckon they are going to review where the money went and come down on the wrong doers hard. They have already started investigating people who got access to their super when they had no reason to. So far over 10 billion has been applied for! I wish i had super!!

I seem to always be in the group that qualifies for nothing, no drought, no farm, no unemployment, no illness, no pension, no nothing.....