Covid observations

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Mar 3, 2005
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I do not usually do much talking on my own feelings but stick to facts. This morning I heard a speaker say we are closing in on 200,000 covid deaths.
but what does that mean? It would mean one Covid death for each 1650 Americans. Now also remember that some states do not require
a Covid test to list Covid as the cause of death, only the symptoms. Also remember there are in place financial incentives for Covid deaths.
Also remember that deaths due to heart attacks and other causes have decreased in the past months. The average Covid death has 2.6 other medical conditions.
These are simply my observations on the pandemic.
farmguy said:
I do not usually do much talking on my own feelings but stick to facts. This morning I heard a speaker say we are closing in on 200,000 covid deaths.
but what does that mean? It would mean one Covid death for each 1650 Americans. Now also remember that some states do not require
a Covid test to list Covid as the cause of death, only the symptoms. Also remember there are in place financial incentives for Covid deaths.
Also remember that deaths due to heart attacks and other causes have decreased in the past months. The average Covid death has 2.6 other medical conditions.
These are simply my observations on the pandemic.
farmguy said:
I do not usually do much talking on my own feelings but stick to facts. This morning I heard a speaker say we are closing in on 200,000 covid deaths.
but what does that mean? It would mean one Covid death for each 1650 Americans. Now also remember that some states do not require
a Covid test to list Covid as the cause of death, only the symptoms. Also remember there are in place financial incentives for Covid deaths.
Also remember that deaths due to heart attacks and other causes have decreased in the past months. The average Covid death has 2.6 other medical conditions.
These are simply my observations on the pandemic.
I've been told that when you are infected with Covid you quickly forget those other 2.6 medical conditions.
At the end of the year, i would like to see the total deaths in the US and compare them to other years....
cowgirl8 said:
At the end of the year, i would like to see the total deaths in the US and compare them to other years....

Before you could make any determination, you would have to get accurate, unbiased, reliable, actual. item specific data. In today's world having that happen would be akin to "The cow jumping over the moon".
Some of you still believe the entire world stopped over the USA election LMFAO! Its comical honestly.
TexasBred said:
farmguy said:
I do not usually do much talking on my own feelings but stick to facts. This morning I heard a speaker say we are closing in on 200,000 covid deaths.
but what does that mean? It would mean one Covid death for each 1650 Americans. Now also remember that some states do not require
a Covid test to list Covid as the cause of death, only the symptoms. Also remember there are in place financial incentives for Covid deaths.
Also remember that deaths due to heart attacks and other causes have decreased in the past months. The average Covid death has 2.6 other medical conditions.
These are simply my observations on the pandemic.
I've been told that when you are infected with Covid you quickly forget those other 2.6 medical conditions.

Close friend was diagnosed positive this past Friday. Says he's been weak and sluggish but otherwise fine. He's 60, a little overweight and takes baby aspirin as a blood thinner. His wife has it as well. She's had the cough in addition to the fatigue.

If their condition worsens I'll update this thread but thus far the hype hasn't matched real life in their case.
We have had a few local folks in our rural community contract in with varying results. The younger (35-50 years old) and more active they were the lesser the symptoms and the quicker they recovered. Two 75-80 y.o. friends had it but only one of them spent one night in the hospital for dehydration. Two 60-70 y.o. friends had it and both spent 2-3 weeks in ICU but responded well and quickly to plasma and are now both at home recovering. My kids' 84 year old great-grandmother on their moms side fought it for a week and unfortunately passed away the day after being placed on the ventilator. However her daughter that cared for her and transported her to the hospital never contracted it. Obviously there are a lot of variability in how it affects folks.
I am not going to engage in a debate about this because no one on this Board will change anyone else's mind. But, I had a good friend pass away from it this morning. He was in excellent health and no co-morbidities. Another person I know had it and he survived after being on a ventalator. He said it was the worst thing he has ever gone through.

Believe what you will.
TennesseeTuxedo said:
I believe what Dr. Li-Meng Yan says about the virus and it's origins.

She said it was created in a lab in Wuhan. I assumed that was common knowledge now.
sstterry said:
I am not going to engage in a debate about this because no one on this Board will change anyone else's mind. But, I had a good friend pass away from it this morning. He was in excellent health and no co-morbidities. Another person I know had it and he survived after being on a ventalator. He said it was the worst thing he has ever gone through.

Believe what you will.

I am sorry to hear about your friends. I have not had anyone close pass away from it, but when you live in a rural area like I do, there always seems like there is a connection. I've known of several people to die from it. Among them was 47 year old teacher, a 56 year old lady with no pre- existing conditions, and a 41 year old man that looked like death warmed over after he finally recovered. I'm sure it doesn't seem overblown to any of them or their families.
cowgal604 said:
Some of you still believe the entire world stopped over the USA election LMFAO! Its comical honestly.

I don't find it the least bit funny!
TennesseeTuxedo said:
shaz said:
TennesseeTuxedo said:
I believe what Dr. Li-Meng Yan says about the virus and it's origins.

She said it was created in a lab in Wuhan. I assumed that was common knowledge now.

She also said it was intentionally released unto the world.

The known affected from cruise ships were distributed across the U.S. instead of quarantined in one location. Why was that?
I imagine those cruise ships went to whatever port that would let them unload.
Texasmark said:
cowgal604 said:
Some of you still believe the entire world stopped over the USA election LMFAO! Its comical honestly.

I don't find it the least bit funny!

Ya I guess its pretty frustrating thinking the entire world revolves around you haha. Must be exhausting and not at all funny. :pop:
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