diarrhea and blood after worming

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2014
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Shenandoah County VA
I used Ivomec pour on on cattle two days back. I noticed today that one three month calf that is lethargic and on closer inspection see blood in stool and some diarrhea. Eyes are still good though. Could this be from treatment? Its been rough out - cold snow and rain - so want to stay up on this.
I don't know about cattle, never paid it much attention after de-worming but I know cats and dogs will show blood in feces after deworming and some loose poops as well for a couple of days.
Symptoms do fit although we do strip grazing so they are on clean pasture. I haven't seen in coccideosis before in cattle but have had a lot in family chickens so I know its around. We have snow on ground so it makes blood easy to spot.

@greybeard dogs after worming are a mess.

ll try draxin this afternoon and see.
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