Do not be deceived! Estrogen in BEEF

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Jeanne - Simme Valley

Well-known member
Dec 9, 2004
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Central Upstate New York
In beef, the implanted animals will produce meat that contains slightly more of the hormone estrogen (1.9 versus 1.3 nanograms per 3 ounce serving - which is about the size of a deck of cards). Is that extra estrogen going to cause problems? Consider the facts. When hormones are eaten, they are digested, broken down and largely neutralized, so they don't act as hormones anymore. Even if they did, the 1.9 nanograms of estrogen in implanted beef seems miniscule when we consider that a child's body produces around 50,000 nanograms of estrogen per day. An adult female (non-pregnant) will produce 480,000 nanograms of estrogen per day on its own.

The 1.9 nanograms of estrogen in implanted beef is also miniscule compared to 225 nanograms of estrogen in potatoes, 340 nanograms of estrogen in peas, 520 nanograms of estrogen in ice cream, 2,000 nanograms of estrogen in cabbage, 11,250 nanograms of estrogen in soy milk, and 170,000 nanograms of estrogen in soybean oil… all based on a 3 ounce serving size. One birth control pill contains 35,000 nanograms of estrogen. It may be surprising to learn that there are more hormones in commonly eaten food products than there are in beef ( or!

This information came from Univ of Nebraska:

So, eat healthy, but also be an informed consumer that is not swayed by the deception of advertisements (to only make you pay more for food) and rhetoric of vegan lifestyle promotion.
Yeah, I recently was at a meeting and got the same basic comparisons from a company comparing the differences with what an implant "adds to a steer"....
So Maybe.... all that estrogen in all those "soy lattes" that all the millenials, and gen x'ers and these "guys" down at starbucks is what is causing all the aaaaaaahhhhhh..... "very nice guys"........????????
For a while, a "group" was blaming the fact that young girls were developing faster than normal because they were eating implanted beef. Well, that's not the case. Mostly, it's because they are fed better, gain more weight, and maybe, just maybe it's all the estrogen in all these "healthy" foods.
Jeanne - Simme Valley said:
For a while, a "group" was blaming the fact that young girls were developing faster than normal because they were eating implanted beef. Well, that's not the case. Mostly, it's because they are fed better, gain more weight, and maybe, just maybe it's all the estrogen in all these "healthy" foods.
farmerjan said:
Yeah, I recently was at a meeting and got the same basic comparisons from a company comparing the differences with what an implant "adds to a steer"....
So Maybe.... all that estrogen in all those "soy lattes" that all the millenials, and gen x'ers and these "guys" down at starbucks is what is causing all the aaaaaaahhhhhh..... "very nice guys"........????????

Who knows?! I read the article, found it interesting that there's 170,000 in soybean oil & 11,250 in soy milk. Hmmmmm, that's a lot of estrogen being consumed! That could explain many things.
Workinonit Farm said:
CottageFarm said:
I think there should be labels on soy products warning about the massive amounts of estrogen!

I concur! I wonder why there aren't? Perhaps because it doesn't fit certain group's agendas. :x

You hit the nail on the head there. Just think of what the soybean board would have to backpedal revealing all the estrogen in the "SOY MILK".
I have also read the whole implants making young girls mature faster and still think there might be a small kernel of truth to it, but adding in all the other soy/estrogen laden foods too. I suspect they are much more to blame than an implant in a steers ear.... but we still don't do it.
Much of this nation still believes that all commercial poultry has been fed "growth hormones".
That belief, is where the original "they're making our little girls grow breasts too early" came from.

Childhood obesity plays a very big role in "precocious puberty".
Jan - Really??? "I have also read the whole implants making young girls mature faster and still think there might be a small kernel of truth to it, but adding in all the other soy/estrogen laden foods too. I suspect they are much more to blame than an implant in a steers ear.... but we still don't do it.
you sound like the city people - "small kernel of truth".
Beef has 1.9 IMPLANTED versus 1.3 nanograms per 3 ounce serving
11,250 nanograms of estrogen in soy milk :shock:
We are talking less than 2 nanograms vs 11,250!!!!!
Why would anyone, with this knowledge, even come close to thinking the estrogen in beef is bad? The public (and beef producers) need to be better educated.
I am going to share this on my facebook groups! Thank you!
Why does beef have so many haters? Just don't like the cowboy image?

What did our barbarian ancestors eat? They were on the move a lot in a cold climate so they probably didn't eat much veggies at all. Did America have an obesity problem prior to 1978 when all this low fat B.S. got traction?
Interesting! Forwarded on to a few people who think this isn't the case. Thanks for sharing! Been thinking about using implants but don't know enough about them yet.
Implants have been proven for years to more than pay for themselves. I do not use them strictly because I sell direct to a feedlot that does not want them. Used to always use them back in the 70's & 80's. Even I was amazed how little difference there was from implanted vs non-implanted.
Jeanne - Simme Valley said:
Implants have been proven for years to more than pay for themselves. I do not use them strictly because I sell direct to a feedlot that does not want them. Used to always use them back in the 70's & 80's. Even I was amazed how little difference there was from implanted vs non-implanted.

So you didn't notice enough difference anyways then to make it "matter".
Thanks for the info!
Don't want to speak for Jeanne but I think she was referring to how little difference in the amount of estrogen in the meat between implanted and non-implanted beef.

If you have one pen of cattle you aren't going to "notice" any difference between this years calves that are implanted and last years calves that were not implanted. The only way to really see if implants pay for themselves is to compare side by side groups and compare the average daily gain, feed conversion, etc.

Implants aren't a miracle tool that can make a skinny calf nicely finished in a short amount of time. What they do is speed up the whole process a couple weeks. So instead of a group of calves finishing on Dec. 15th, they will be ready Dec. 1st. Might not seem like a big deal to they person with a couple head, but if you have several hundred and can save 2 weeks worth of feed and yardage it adds up.
There are actually three hormones, or synthetic hormones, used in beef implants: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Testosterone is the one that cause aggression in feedlot cattle (why there are bullers). No hormone implants are approved for use in pigs, veal, or dairy. This is according to the FDA.

Not sure why there is a fixation on estrogen.
I do need to point something out. I have a strong background in biochemistry, as does my husband.

There are many, many different forms of estrogen (and the other hormones used in implants). They have a variety of effects in the mammalian bodies. Do we know and understand all the various actions? No. We do know that some forms interfere with satiation (knowing you've eaten enough food). We know that some forms of synthetic hormones cause cattle to eat more food and gain weight faster. Hormones are like 3-D puzzle pieces that can fit into various receptors and cause various actions. We can know through research that hormone A23, let's just say, does not cause the same action in cattle as people, but we can not know that it won't cause any action in people. Now, imagine lots of mammalian hormones added into a human body. What effect will there be? It's like throwing a bunch of crazy drivers in a city. How many will cause accidents? We are only beginning to understand a new medicine speciality in obesity. There are many unanswered questions. We know processed food, for example, a boon in wartime years when food needed a longer shelf life, contributes to obesity, but how exactly? We have an epidemic in obesity, why exactly? Do synthetic hormones play a role? There is so much more to learn.

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