Drilling an Irrigation well

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May 5, 2015
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I am planning on drilling an irrigation well that will produce approximately 2500 gpms. I expect to have to drill no further than 500 feet down. I will have to pump the water about 700 feet with an elevation increase of no more than 5 feet. The water will be pumped into an open ditch. My questions are as follows.

Question 1. What is the diameter of the well casing that I should Use? Can I use PVC?

Question 2. What should the diameter of the under ground pipe be delivering to the open Ditch?

Question 3. How many horse power in my pump will I need to get the job done?

You have 2 questions/issues:

1. Well & pump specifications and hydraulics.
2. Discharge side of water: other hydraulics.

Contact a well driller who does wells in your area. He/she can give you more accurate information than those not familiar with/working in your area.

A 2,500 gpm discharge needs a LARGE pump that can also handle "feet of head" from those depths to surface, plus maintain H20 pressure on discharge side. Casing size will depend on diameter of pump, etc. Will the power be 220V or 440 three phase power. A lot of calculations to be done...

Have a good one!