Electric Fence Problem - Arching at Ground Rod

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Everyone thinks of driving a ground rod and many places here you can't drive them 8ft. We dug a trench along my barn and mine are laying flat in the trench about 2ft deep. The rain dripping off the barn keeps the ground wetter and works great.
But remember, if you have very dry conditions for a while, you may need to add water to the soil around them.
Don't ask me how I know. 🤷‍♂️
I had to put a temporary electric fence up a couple of years ago and rather that use a ground rod I just tied it to an old 1/2" steel cable that was submerged in the creek for about 20'. That was the best darn ground I ever had. Even though it was a battery powered charger, it would sure knock them back and you could hear the pop when they touched the fence.