I need some honesty

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Well-known member
Mar 25, 2017
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ne oklahoma
Ok, I blew up at my neighbor the other day, completely lost my composure. I've had his bull on me over 68 days in the last 12 months. He hasn't bred anything, my bull beats him down, but , you know the rest, while they are fighting. Well, he owns a property, on the back side of me that he cuts hay on, and I buy some hay from him. I asked him about grazing it, since he was done cutting it for the year, just a couple of months to get my wheat up, we had had no rain at the time, and I'm hauling water and feeding hay. He shoots me a price, and its a little high, but I tell him I gotta test it, because its a lot of johnsongrass and drought stressed. Well, it field tested high for nitrates, so I had to send it on. I got the results back, ok to graze for nitrates, but no prussic test which has to be done in field, the day before. I'm literally pouring water in a tank, feeding a bale of hay,and he comes through with a brushhog on headed to cut it down. Wer're friendly, and I ask him about the bull, and he tells me "that we may have to wait untill I get my cows up to get him off", Well, I got almost to the gate, and it went through me, I prebooked his fertilizer this spring and saved him money, Im hauling water to his gdm bull that has ate my grass, drank my water, my cubes, mineral, and the hay I bought off him last winter. I turn around at the gate and I'm seein red, and he's cutting the grass down. Well, I was pretty rough on him , but dang it, i can't see how anybody could do that. He's my dad's brother, the only living survivor of 3 siblings. And he does not have a legal easement through me, but its just been a courtesy on my part. How much am I supposed to take? Now I'm at odds with my cousins who have always been close to me.
Catch the bull, put two Callicrate bands on him, then hall him back to your Uncle/neighbor.
Catch the bull, haul it to the sale barn, sell it in his name, but take out enough trucking to cover your costs and frustrations. I wouldn't think twice about $500.
Neighbors with rouge livestock can turn into a real pain butt.
Catch the bull, put two Callicrate bands on him, then hall him back to your Uncle/neighbor.
Catch the bull, haul it to the sale barn, sell it in his name, but take out enough trucking to cover your costs and frustrations. I wouldn't think twice about $500.
Neighbors with rouge livestock can turn into a real pain butt.
Well, I told him to get the bull off, in no ucertain terms, that day, and he did.
A big part of the problem is the man in the mirror. You lost credibility when you opened with "I blew up at my neighbor the other day.''
You have a bigger problem than a bull, hay or gate. Blood is thicker than water and the situation would be better handled 'in house' than
to be drug through a public forum.
I'm a bit different I guess. Had I known u were doing all that taking care of my bull, and everything else u just said, I'd have told you to turn em out and let em eat it!!
To he'll with mowing it!
Dont make no sense at all.

Perhaps u need to tell him everything u just told us...
All I have to say is there are some people on here who would have a lot of problems living in this area. Everyone has someone else's cows, calves, yearlings, and bulls in their pasture. It all gets straightened out eventually. And it is a two way street.
sounds like your over reacting a little bit, but why did he bushhog that hayfield? it does piss me off seeing people waste something that you could have used, did he think you didnt want it or is he trying to screw with you?
I'm a bit different I guess. Had I known u were doing all that taking care of my bull, and everything else u just said, I'd have told you to turn em out and let em eat it!!
To he'll with mowing it!
Dont make no sense at all.

Perhaps u need to tell him everything u just told us...
That's exactly what I would have done if the shoe was on the other foot. I never gave feeding his bull a thought, it's just something you do. What I think is, he was gonna cut it down to force me to buy more hay from him, but that ship sailed.
That's bullshit to leave a bull on some ones property for 68 days... over 2 months! This... that just happens... attitude is a crock and it what is wrong with the world today. Being that he has time to shred but not pick the bull up and then coming to pick him up right after you jump his butt shows he was the one taking advantage of yalls relationship. Don't try to please or deal with people like that. Cut bait and move on.
That's bullshit to leave a bull on some ones property for 68 days... over 2 months! This... that just happens... attitude is a crock and it what is wrong with the world today. Being that he has time to shred but not pick the bull up and then coming to pick him up right after you jump his butt shows he was the one taking advantage of yalls relationship. Don't try to please or deal with people like that. Cut bait and move on.
I tend to agree with your assessment of it. Everybody has cattle get out at some point, and so I'm not necessarily going to get mad at someone over that, but if it's a frequent occurrence without any effort to maintain fences or a prolonged time before getting their cattle back home then that's a different story. I can see where if folks are grazing on vast acreage that it may not be as big of an issue and best to wait until cattle are brought in, but in most of our situations as far as folks on here, our pasture capacity is at a premium and we can't really spare grazing space for very long for somebody else's animals.
This is Snoop dogs uncle brother to his Dad. Access to Uncle's place is a good chance that the Uncle inhearted it and you can not deny to an heir access to his place. As I said before this is a family affair.
I tend to agree with your assessment of it. Everybody has cattle get out at some point, and so I'm not necessarily going to get mad at someone over that, but if it's a frequent occurrence without any effort to maintain fences or a prolonged time before getting their cattle back home then that's a different story. I can see where if folks are grazing on vast acreage that it may not be as big of an issue and best to wait until cattle are brought in, but in most of our situations as far as folks on here, our pasture capacity is at a premium and we can't really spare grazing space for very long for somebody else's animals.
Definitely. We all know we cant control cattle 100% of the time but we can control how we handle it afterwards and if it will happen again. That's where people show their true colors IMO.