I'm gonna get wired up I guess Aug 2.

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I had severe for years and was afraid it was my kidneys, so my primary doctor had a c-scan done, he said it was arthritis and bone spurs, and nothing could be done about it, so I scheduled an appointment with a specialist and he told me the same thing, pain management was my only hope, I took shots in my back, but it didn't do any good, so I just live with it, it's so aggravating every time I have bending to do, like cutting wood, the pain is excruciating.
I love to get out and do things, but when I think about how bad it's going to hurt, sometimes I will talk myself out of doing it, I hate being lazy.
GB, I'm sorry to hear about your pain and everything else. I hope and pray you can find relief soon. May the Lord provide you with comfort and peace and Bless you richly.
Well, it didn't happen. Evidently, they (scheduling) forgot there is some sort of requirement that stipulates a person at or near my age has to submit to an over-the-phone 'psych exam' to ensure I am of sound mind enough to make the decision to do this and/or that I won't be tempted to rip the wires out on my own if I decide any side effects are more than I want to deal with...

Didn't find out, until I got there for the appointment.
Not impressed with central Texas medical care, where time moves exceedingly slow, sometimes even backwards.
Well, it didn't happen. Evidently, they (scheduling) forgot there is some sort of requirement that stipulates a person at or near my age has to submit to an over-the-phone 'psych exam' to ensure I am of sound mind enough to make the decision to do this and/or that I won't be tempted to rip the wires out on my own if I decide any side effects are more than I want to deal with...

Didn't find out, until I got there for the appointment.
Not impressed with central Texas medical care, where time moves exceedingly slow, sometimes even backwards.
Is it not that way everywhere these days?
Well, it didn't happen. Evidently, they (scheduling) forgot there is some sort of requirement that stipulates a person at or near my age has to submit to an over-the-phone 'psych exam' to ensure I am of sound mind enough to make the decision to do this and/or that I won't be tempted to rip the wires out on my own if I decide any side effects are more than I want to deal with...

Didn't find out, until I got there for the appointment.
Not impressed with central Texas medical care, where time moves exceedingly slow, sometimes even backwards.
You should have just pointed them to this thread, and your other CT post ;)
Is it not that way everywhere these days?
Was not when I lived over just 45 miles North of Houston metroplex.
Never had a problem getting something done within a few days, at worst, a couple of weeks tops.
People tell me it's because they have so many more doctors there, but that little area also has over 4 million people..
Was not when I lived over just 45 miles North of Houston metroplex.
Never had a problem getting something done within a few days, at worst, a couple of weeks tops.
People tell me it's because they have so many more doctors there, but that little area also has over 4 million people..
And I've never found an effective way to vet the doctors. Are there any reliable ways to find out if they are competent?
Was not when I lived over just 45 miles North of Houston metroplex.
Never had a problem getting something done within a few days, at worst, a couple of weeks tops.
People tell me it's because they have so many more doctors there, but that little area also has over 4 million people..
58 days from complaint to Inguinal Hernia Surgery.... I guess that is fast compared to my wife's 6 month journey diagnosing carpel tunnel.

Oh...my favorite...try this for 3 months and get back to me if it doesn't help.
I 'presented' with right side sciatica and lower back pain on May 19, 2022. It's progressively gotten worse, but the many many Drvisits and follow ups, as well as their 'never done' list thing of health maintenance type stuff all of which have generated a crapload of revenue for them over the last year, compliments of the health care insurance I pay the premiums for.

There is NO money or other upside for any healthcare provider to fix or cure a patient. That's tantamount to killing a goose laying the proverbial golden egg.
The BIG $$ is in 'treating' a patient. Long term.
58 days from complaint to Inguinal Hernia Surgery.... I guess that is fast compared to my wife's 6 month journey diagnosing carpel tunnel.

Oh...my favorite...try this for 3 months and get back to me if it doesn't help.
How are you since the hernia repair?
Mine took something from me. I'm not near as strong as I was before the hernia and especially since the surgery. It's like my muscles don't/can't do what they used to!

@greybeard I'm sure now your another 30 days out huh?
Sorry to hear that GB. Was hoping to hear everything went fine and you was doing better now than you have in a long time. So that if I have to go down the same road I would know there might be some hope that I would come out good like you.

I am reading everything I can about back injuries and what the outcomes are. My appointment isn't until Aug 14th. Am pretty sure they are going to start by getting a new MRI, maybe physical therapy & injections. Am not looking forward to none of it.

Looked up physical therapy exercises for lower back injuries. Found a few that I thought I would start doing up until my appointment. Was really surprised at the results. Been doing them for 3 days now. Those along with one pain pill a day and the Willow balm I am back to walking some what. About 100 yards a day. By no means able to walk a half mile but I have improved in the last few days. Walking is supposed to be one of the top recommended exercises for lower back pain. But your supposed to get that approved by your doctor before you start in case something could cause you more damage than you already have going on.

Have to admit there has been a couple of times the next morning after waking up I was pretty stiff and hurting. Asking myself if maybe I should wait until the MRI is done and reviewed. And see what the doctors have to say. But they have already moved my appointment back by a month once already. So I am going to keep up with my home version of physical therapy until then.

Have to admit I can't do any of the exercises like they show how they are supposed to be done on the internet. No where limber enough. The side that hurts the most just isn't flexible enough to do them right. But what I am doing is helping. Was able to cut & bale 15 acres during the last 4 days. Was slow about getting it done, but did. Mostly hooking up and switching equipment was the hardest part. Was 103 degrees out side. Am sure it was hotter in the cab of my tractor with the back and side windows open. (AC isn't working in it.

I looked like I had went for a swim with my clothes on at the end of each day I would finish cutting, then raking, then bailing, then hauling the round bales off the field. After each day it was like walking out of a steam room.

Was reading that by not being mobile the muscles grow week and the purpose of physical therapy is to try and keep your back muscles strong. That all makes sense and for me right now seems to be helping.

After reading story after story both from people I know personally and other stories I read on the internet really has me motivated to do all I can to try and avoid surgery of any kind if at all possible. I don't have much faith in doctors or hospitals. I have had surgery for a torn rotator cuff, another for a tore bicep tendon. Sinuses surgeries. Was scared to death each time they put me under. And yes the surgeons that done them were great and I owe all of them a lot of gratitude. Am pretty sure my other rotator cuff is tore but haven't seen a doctor for it yet.

Good luck GB. Am sure things will work out for you. Know it's something we all wish we don't have to go through but afterwards i guess it was for the best or anyway that's the way I have felt after I got the surgeries behind me and I wasn't in pain anymore.
Well, it didn't happen. Evidently, they (scheduling) forgot there is some sort of requirement that stipulates a person at or near my age has to submit to an over-the-phone 'psych exam' to ensure I am of sound mind enough to make the decision to do this and/or that I won't be tempted to rip the wires out on my own if I decide any side effects are more than I want to deal with...

Didn't find out, until I got there for the appointment.
Not impressed with central Texas medical care, where time moves exceedingly slow, sometimes even backwards.
Sounds like our county building permit department!!