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Sep 16, 2015
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I posted this also on family cow forum
This is about a 6 month old calf that jumped a boarded coral 52" inches high. She was a new comer and I was going to pen her for 2 weeks. She is a full blood black angus. Apx weight 550-600 pounds. I didn't mention this before because I was shook up and didn't think it hurt her. When she jumped she hung her right leg in the boards and had trouble getting it out but before I got to her she got loose on her on. She limped a little and then acted like no problem. It been a week tomorrow' since it happen and I notice she is handling it kinda stiff like. It doesn't seem to bother her but is noticeable when she walks. During the day she stays in the shade sometimes standing and sometimes laying. This is most of the day I guess as I'm working and not here but a short while in the morning and evening. This evening she was out in the pasture when I went later this evening. She walk back to woods but right leg doesn't bend like the left. Kinda like a sprang joint. Like I said it doesn't appear to bother her. She is grazing grass some but no hay or feed.
Personally, I'd give it time. Most limps are self correcting. A hock or in this case most likely a stifle injury. The stifle seems to be the least likely to self correct.
Tomcolvin said:
I posted this also on family cow forum
This is about a 6 month old calf that jumped a boarded coral 52" inches high. She was a new comer and I was going to pen her for 2 weeks. She is a full blood black angus. Apx weight 550-600 pounds. I didn't mention this before because I was shook up and didn't think it hurt her. When she jumped she hung her right leg in the boards and had trouble getting it out but before I got to her she got loose on her on. She limped a little and then acted like no problem. It been a week tomorrow' since it happen and I notice she is handling it kinda stiff like. It doesn't seem to bother her but is noticeable when she walks. During the day she stays in the shade sometimes standing and sometimes laying. This is most of the day I guess as I'm working and not here but a short while in the morning and evening. This evening she was out in the pasture when I went later this evening. She walk back to woods but right leg doesn't bend like the left. Kinda like a sprang joint. Like I said it doesn't appear to bother her. She is grazing grass some but no hay or feed.

The pic inside coral is before she jumped, the pic on the outside of the coral was made the next day after she jumped.
She looks the worse before she jumped. I have had a couple of heifers that have jumped but once they got settled they never tried again. Most injuries like that settle over time, stifle ligaments may not heal but the joint will usually callus up with time. She is not a bull where she needs to be on her back legs.

Looks to me like your posts are high enough to add another board or two;)
Sorry so long replying, lot going on right now. I don't think she would be a problem with the cows in the pasture but my bull is with them also and I didn't won't her to get bred so soon. When I first got the bull he also jumped 3 fences to get next to the cows. I don't know if I pulled him out of pasture if he would stay in the pasture I would put him in It is just across the road. Ideas please.
That's why all my fences are hotter than the hinges on the gates of heII.
I don't care what it is if a bovine doesn't respect a fence here it is McDonalds bound. Life is too short to put up with problem cattle.

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