Kirstie Alley died.....RIP

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Aug 25, 2013
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I got a colonoscopy a couple of years ago, when I was 46 or so. They had just lowered the recommendation to 45. I'll do it as recommended, it's preventative maintenance.

My brother got one around age 35 due to some abdominal pain. He had a bunch of polyps and was told if he'd have waited he would've had colon cancer by 50. This spurred me to action. I'd rather have the couple days of aggravation from the cleanout than a colostomy bag.
It took my Dad away from here in 2010 at the age of 62. I get screened pretty regular, started at age 40. It isn't that bad. I encourage everybody to get it checked.

I started getting them at 40 also, and just got a 10 year warranty on the last one last year when I turned 60. The procedure isn't bad at all, but the prep work isn't a lot of fun.

By the way, if you do get one, follow the instructions. Last year my brother-in-law decided it wasn't necessary and ate a large meal the night before his was scheduled. He got sent home and had to reschedule.
In place of a colonoscopy which is very invasive, you can also send fecal matter to a lab to get tested.

The OP said that in 2022 colo and rectal cancer are the most common types. Any idea why they spiked in 2022?
I had my first colonoscopy this year at 41 because my maternal grandpa had colon cancer. Prep and procedure were not bad at all, not eating all day the day before was the hard part for me. I checked out all good.
In place of a colonoscopy which is very invasive, you can also send fecal matter to a lab to get tested.

The OP said that in 2022 colo and rectal cancer are the most common types. Any idea why they spiked in 2022?
All the tests do nothing to lower the risk of getting colon cancer.
Colon cancer has been linked to increased consumption of processed foods and decreased fiber in American diets.

To lower risk focus on more fiber and whole grains and avoid shelf stable foods as they have been heavily processed.
Red meats are fine, but not meats with a lot preservatives such as hot dogs, salami, luncheon meats, and any red meat cured to the point that it requires little to no refrigeration.
The colonoscopy is no fun - drinking all that crap to get cleaned out. Then you go to the hospital and they give you date rape drug. Wake up and you don't really feel violated but, do you ever really know?
All the tests do nothing to lower the risk of getting colon cancer.
Colon cancer has been linked to increased consumption of processed foods and decreased fiber in American diets.

To lower risk focus on more fiber and whole grains and avoid shelf stable foods as they have been heavily processed.
Red meats are fine, but not meats with a lot preservatives such as hot dogs, salami, luncheon meats, and any red meat cured to the point that it requires little to no refrigeration.

No medical tests lower risk. They can, however, help find a problem earlier so there's a greater chance of treating it.
OP said "colon and rectal cancers, is the second most common cause of death from cancer in 2022, outranked only by lung and bronchus cancer."
If not caught EARLY, it is a death sentence. Therefore, getting tested in hopes of catching early.
Anyone have any thoughts on the fecal samples?
Anyone have any thoughts on the fecal samples?
My Dr. recommends full-out colonoscopy. At least for me. And it's really not a big deal plus insurance pays for it. Not sure if the fecal samples are covered?

That said, probably 6 years ago Mr TC had just chugged his last prep (and was subsequently getting rid of it) when the hospital called around 7:30 and said they would have to reschedule his colonoscopy because for some reason the fire sprinklers went off and the hospital room was contaminated. Da hell?!?! There's only one room to perform the procedure? It was allllll bad. And he had to do it over again 2 weeks later. But he said he felt like he went down at least one pant size.

Kirstie was a hometown celebrity and I know a lot of her extended family. Wonderful people that have had their share of tragedy.
All the tests do nothing to lower the risk of getting colon cancer.
Colon cancer has been linked to increased consumption of processed foods and decreased fiber in American diets.

To lower risk focus on more fiber and whole grains and avoid shelf stable foods as they have been heavily processed.
Red meats are fine, but not meats with a lot preservatives such as hot dogs, salami, luncheon meats, and any red meat cured to the point that it requires little to no refrigeration.
Also, the "fecal tests" do nothing to identify polyps and other growths that are pre-cancerous but could become cancerous very quickly. Plus, those fecal tests are not 100% accurate (no medical test is). If you want to be very proactive, doing both is the best bet.
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In place of a colonoscopy which is very invasive, you can also send fecal matter to a lab to get tested.

The OP said that in 2022 colo and rectal cancer are the most common types. Any idea why they spiked in 2022?
From my observation working in an oncology office, a lot of people didn't do any screenings or had significant delays in non-Covid medical care due to resources being used by those sick with Covid. Only so much medical staff and space available…something had to give. I predict cancer deaths in general will be rising for the first time in many years for the next 3-5 years, due to downstream Covid effects.
OP said "colon and rectal cancers, is the second most common cause of death from cancer in 2022, outranked only by lung and bronchus cancer."
If not caught EARLY, it is a death sentence. Therefore, getting tested in hopes of catching early.
Anyone have any thoughts on the fecal samples?
I've done them multiple times over the years, the mist recent in Aug 2022. They have always came back negative. If one comes back positive THEN I would go in for the colonoscopy. The FIT is a very simple procedure, and not even as bad as wiping one's own butt. The other 2 types are similar.
You can read about all 3 easier than I can explain them.

playing with your own poop
Also, the "fecal tests" do nothing to identify polyps and other growths that are pre-cancerous but could become cancerous very quickly. Plus, those fecal tests are not 100% accurate (no medical test is). If you want to be very proactive, doing both is the best bet.
If you think a colonoscopy is 100% accurate and find polyps and precancerous cells every time, you have been listening to too many Drs that are chasing insurance $$$$$
My cousin had a bleeding episode so had a colonoscopy, all clear so they did a gastrscopy, all clear. All other tests normal. Fast forward a couple of years and had another bleed episode, sames tests all clear so they cut her open, had cancer just past where camera ends. She was only in her 30s. Luckily they were able to cut it all out and it hadnt spread. Been a few years now and still all clear.
I guess I don't understand the fear/aversion to colonoscopies. No, they don't catch 100% of polyps and there is a risk to every medical procedure, but for anyone who has polyps or a family history of colon cancer, they are game-changers. You get a really good feeling from being 10 lbs lighter after the prep, and it's the best nap ever! Not to mention, it is preventive care typicality covered 100% by insurance, done every 10 years if nothing is found. I've seen too many people die from an easily detected, easily prevented cancer. That's my soap box.
"(no medical test is)"

Read my post again. I never said they were.

I read it and comprehended it the 1st time I read it.
Drs push the colonoscopy because they get more insurance $$ from it than the fecal lab work. It's part of their MMGL/Never Done list that they focus on to the point of a fetish instead of taking care of what IS or may actually be wrong with their patient at the time of their visit.
I won't further disrupt this thread with that part of it tho, other than to say........

Next week is diarrhea awareness week

Runs until Friday 😄


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