Looking for ways

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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NE Texas
I have this saying pertaining to cows. "They walk around looking for ways to die." Today, i got picture evidence.
Everyone knows standing trees don't provide sufficient shade. 🤣🤣. Hows the solar farm coming? Heard they couldn't get panels for 8 months but know a guy doing underground out there.
Everyone knows standing trees don't provide sufficient shade. 🤣🤣. Hows the solar farm coming? Heard they couldn't get panels for 8 months but know a guy doing underground out there.
They are having an open house to invited people. We're going and will find out more then. We have the land around Rugby again to bale until construction gets in our way. They said roads will begin for Delilah 2 in May, thats what its called there in Rugby. Delilah 1 is on our place and area and all they need are panels, everything else if finished.
Take note of the little tree that is holding this big tree up...lol... you cant make this stuff up.
Last storm lightning hit. I messaged the daughter who lives closest to us asking if it hit her house, she said it was more our way. Well, this is what was hit, a giant oak. She went out and found it, then a couple hours later, she found that she had a cow under it dead. Lucky there was just one. I was a massive strike too, as you can see
They are having an open house to invited people. We're going and will find out more then. We have the land around Rugby again to bale until construction gets in our way. They said roads will begin for Delilah 2 in May, thats what its called there in Rugby. Delilah 1 is on our place and area and all they need are panels, everything else if finished.
When you say Rugby are you talking North or South of 271? Also did yall bale the farmers Beans and Milo this year? Who ever baled them didn't fool around.
When you say Rugby are you talking North or South of 271? Also did yall bale the farmers Beans and Milo this year? Who ever baled them didn't fool around.
We baled everything south of 271. Delilah 2 will spill over north of 271 also. Anywhere you see those H beams sticking out of the ground in the fields. There was one field north that grew absolutely nothing.. it was weird. That field on the NE corner of 271 and 410... zip, nothing, nil.
We baled everything south of 271. Delilah 2 will spill over north of 271 also. Anywhere you see those H beams sticking out of the ground in the fields. There was one field north that grew absolutely nothing.. it was weird. That field on the NE corner of 271 and 410... zip, nothing, nil.
Yes I know were your talking about. The panels are supposed to go North to the road that cuts back to Deport. That'll put them about 2 miles from me.
I've been hearing that NE Texas is getting covered up with solar panels... And just last night on the news, they said that a 1500 acre project got approved to go in within about 10 miles of me here.

Sounds to me like we're "looking for ways..." too. Covering up some of the most valuable, productive farmland in the world with solar panels... while we fret about being able to feed the world.
I've been hearing that NE Texas is getting covered up with solar panels... And just last night on the news, they said that a 1500 acre project got approved to go in within about 10 miles of me here.

Sounds to me like we're "looking for ways..." too. Covering up some of the most valuable, productive farmland in the world with solar panels... while we fret about being able to feed the world.
I welcome it out here. People are buying these places and cutting them up into 5 acre tracts where people pile junk on. The more panels they put out here, means less junk and people. Luckily, where we live, we own all the land and will have none of it where we can see.