Moon rise

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2004
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Baker County, Oregon
I was feeding the steers and saw the moon coming up over Little Lookout. I thought dang I wish I had the camera. Well my wife saw the same thing and she was up by the house so she went and got the camera. We don't get sun sets here but we do get sun rises and moon rises.

That first pic is a real keeper.
I noticed this morning the moon was about to set just as the sun was coming up. Sun in the SE, moon kitty corner from it in the NW
Our house sets at 2,700 feet. Right out the back door and to the west it goes straight up to 4,700, 5,200, and 5,100. This time of the year the sun doesn't hit the house until 10:00 in the morning and goes behind the hill at 2:00. The sun is always gone behind the hills over 2 hours before sunset.

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