My girls

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2019
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N. Central boonies, Oklahoma
I post a lot about my projects, but my main girls don't get much attention. Aside from when they calve. I've posted em in the respective bulls thread.
So here they are!
Home herd here.....

This is Rocket. I raised her from a 400lb heifer. I've told the story before, but here it is anyway. She was delivered to me in exchange for allowing hay to be cut on our place. My first ever bovine!!
When she was delivered, they said....
Are you ready for a rocket? Before they let her out of the trailer. Now all I had at the time was a single strand of hot wire.
Needless to say, it was interesting. She came out ok. Settled down in a nice grassy spot. Several hours later tho.........
She was NOT weaned. I chased her rotten arse 5 miles that day!! Had to rope her after she done wore herself out. There's even a pond named after her down the road. The rocket pond. Yep. They can swim even at 400lbs
Good times!
Good times!
Here's Rocket. My sweet girl. She's coming with her 8th
Now here is her first born. Rowdy
Rowdy had troubles with her first calf. And I spent 3 weeks!! grafting an orphan on her, but by gawd she raised it!
Rebel, Rockets 3rd, is at my lease place. I'll get pics of her later. She also had problems with her first calf. (Wrong bull used)
We don't keep any heifers out of Rocket anymore.
Here's Rowdy!
Her daddy was full mini dexter. Hard to tell huh?
Next we got Brown Cow. Or #9, the one with the hat!
Shes chi-angus and I have a half sister to her at my other place. Their sire was a percentage chianina named Otto.
Next we have Ditto, or #11
Ditto is Brown Cows first born. She's by a son of Total Recall. And her birthday is same day as mine..... and my wife's! Ha!!
That's why we call her Ditto. Gentlest natural cow in my herd aside from her mother.
Everyone knows Seven....
The Original bottle baby!
I have 2 up n comers now. Val, who is Bessies 2nd calf, sired by Richard. And 9-6 is Brown Cows current calf. Also sired by Richard. The only cow to have 2 calves by him!! Brown Cow is a breeder!! 9-5 is Brown Cows last calf. She is with Big Sexy at the lease place now. I'll get some pics over there later. But they both look very similar!
Then of coarse I have Opal, Eleanor and Bessie
Can't forget the new girls. Even tho they ain't long term.
Goldie and Willow the beltie

Goldie may or may not get to hang around. She's ok. But I bought her to re-sell really. Sometimes they earn their stay tho. Willow just makes me giggle. Idk what I'm gonna do with her, but she's looking better for sure.

As u can see, most of my replacements/herd expanders came from my own cows.
To be continued.....
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Went ahead and went goofing off today.
These are my other gurls.
We will start with Rebel girl.
2nd calf out of Rocket. She was sired by that Total Recall bull as well. She was the DEVIL to get caught with a calf hanging out of her. HARD pull of a dead bull calf. But I had the placenta and a baby calf all ready for her. Easiest graft I've ever done! She was down for about 2 hours after we got the giant bull calf out of her. Took right to the orphan baby tho. Her 4th calf is on the ground now.
Then there's Sally. Long Tall Sally!
Shes the half sister to Brown Cow. The one with the hat. Shes got 5 teats and makes a ton of milk. Part chianina as well. I actually kept her first born and got a couple calves out of her. Her first born developed one big fat teat and made the drought cull list unfortunately.
Sally don't like hats!
Next we will showcase Shirley. Why not?
She is just a yeller cow. But a good one. Had no reason to drought cull her aside from color. And that didn't top my list.
Raising a great big almost solid red steer.
I did not get a pic today. So this one will do..
Texas. I bought her as a bred heifer. She needed a bit of help with her first but it was July and she was plumb worn out.
Shes turned into a really nice cow I think.
I'd like a few more like her.
Then there is lil Nova Lee. Shes supposed to Gelbvieh
I bought her as a bred heifer as well. Calved all by herself on July 4th. Named the calf Americus! She didn't get a name until she calved. Nova Lee seemed fitting.
Anybody seem that movie? Had my baby at the Wal-Mart!
And here is Brown Cows 5th calf.
No name!! Can ya believe it?
She sired by Richard.
Should be bred to Big Sexy by now..
I got 2 pics of her just because.
Then there's my drought cow. #200
I may get another calf outta her because it's gonna be hard to buy cows for a good price I think this spring. She super easy going 6 year old.
And her calf just because
Dern. I forgot #201.
The black 7yr old I bought to calve out and re-sell. She may get to hand around for another calf as well. Now that she's settled in, she's easy to deal with too. Raising a dynamite steer calf. He's 2 or 3 months younger than my other calves and is catching up fast!!
See if I can find a picture...
Here we go. Shortly after calving. She's one that ya don't mess with for a week or so. I just call her Notch. She ripped her ear tag out.
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Long TALL Sally.
She sure makes the others seem petite..
It's that Chianina I reckon!
Suppose she could just walk over that fence huh?
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That's her heifer calf to the right of her. The baldie
Wouldnt take much for ger to realize that fence is merely a
Bottom pic left, that baldie cow been featured yet? She looks nice n thick😁
Rowdy is about to do it. Today I'm thinking. She looks slab sided and she acting like it.
Some cows ya just know.
Rowdy is the first heifer I ever kept. Out of Rocket. My first ever cow I raised from a 400lb heifer.
Here is Rowdy and her first calf.
Bless her lil heart. She got it that fat out and gave up. Took a while for her to stand afterwards. I had stopped somewhere omw home from work killing precious time. I knew I should've went straight home that day.
Anyway, she raised an orphan for me after fighting her for 3 weeks. I suppose you could say she's the one who started my fascination with grafting calves....

This will be her 5th
Banded and tagged. He's a BIG BOY!
Had to hold him down to work with him. At least 80lbs. Probly 90ish
He decided he had enough of me...
Least he's headed the right direction!
The PROUD mama!
This mama is mini dexter sired BTW
I don't have any pics of Pedro the dexter bull. Wish I did. Yall would get a kick outta that.
So how about that! Mother and daughter calved within a day of each other. Not quite as cool as the other thread about same day calving but pretty nice anyway!
Ya know, I suppose they are within about 24hours of each other. Nice!!

Here's Rocket and her brand spanking new bull calf. This is the one I raised from a 400lb heifer and chased all over creation when we first got her.
This is also her 8th calf!!
Golly, time sure flys by doesn't it??
Rocket is in phenomenal shape for being a 10 yr old I think!!

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