New generation

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Aaannnddd, finally the last heifer and the last calf for the season. 290 days gestation, lim heifer calf from blondexlimx heifer. Approx 100lbs, calved unassisted.

9 days old charolais heifer with her dam. One of the most cute calf I've ever seen!

Next group of heifers should start calving in April. From 12 AI'd 8 should be stuck on the 1st try, 2 might also be stuck on the 1st try, as both have pretty silent heats, so not easy to tell, one repeated once yet and one repeated twice. Would say a pretty good result if really 10 out of 12 held on the first try.
A whole line up of next year calving group. Due dates start from 21st of April.
Simx angusxbluexdairy, incalf to simmental.
Parthenaise x incalf to easy calving parthenaise.
Charolaisx lim incalf to easy calving charolais.
Gasconne x limx, incalf to easy calving charolais.
Simmentalx limx, incalf to easy calving charolais.
Limx, incalf to easy calving parthenaise.
Shorthorn x, incalf to limousine.
Limx, incalf to blonde.
Blondex, incalf to blonde.
Inra95x, incalf to limousine.
This one gives me a hard time. Repeated twice. Piedmontese x, trying to get her incalf to piedmontese 🤞
A little update on the new group of heifers. Two ended up empty after two AIs, so they got to meet the bull. If they still ended up empty, both will be culled. All other seem to be settled, so can wait for their first calves starting at the end of April.
Had a group of heifers for sale. Bred to calve in June. Weighed them before selling. Weights were from 1200 to 1400lbs. There are two bigger heifers in our retained group than the biggest from the sold group. All other are pretty much in the same range.
Sold two cull cows after weaning their calves. One 9 years old, 1580lbs, another 11 years old half dairy 1700lbs. Both had their calves weaned a day before selling, so they weren't in the best shape. But it's a good measure to see at what weight are our cows in working condition.
Getting ready for calving in heifers pen as well. Some ladies are getting real close. Have 9 heifers due in roughly 5 weeks. The last two were bred by the bull, so will be late calvers.
The first three due to calve in 10-12 days. It's always stresfull and exciting to see new generation become cows and raise their calves.
And off we go with heifera. The first one just dropped her calf a good hour ago. Bull calf, sired by culard charolais, 284 days gestation, calved unassisted.
Very off-topic but I was thinking about you just yesterday. I am glad to know you are still calving.
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I asked because I did not know if you had brands from New Zealand ect as we do here in the States. At first glance, I thought that AKO was a rebranded Stayfix. But, I looked it up and they are a German company and the "Fence" brand is Czech company. But both chargers are very high-tech.
I asked because I did not know if you had brands from New Zealand ect as we do here in the States. At first glance, I thought that AKO was a rebranded Stayfix. But, I looked it up and they are a German company and the "Fence" brand is Czech company. But both chargers are very high-tech.
Currently using these two. So far happy.