Night vision scope

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2014
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NE Texas
My husband just got one. Its amazing. We're overrun with pigs and he loves hunting at night. He got it late yesterday and charged it while we ate supper.. Once it was good and dark, we took it outside to see how good it worked. I scanned the pasture and found something about 300 yards away. It was in tall grass so I couldn't tell what it was. I watched it for about 20 seconds. When I took the scoop away from my eye, I had a round dark area in that eye. Freaked me out. It faded, but my eye was aching weirdly.. It also aggravated my vertigo...…..DANG!!!!!!!!!!!.... I want to use it, or just look through it. Now i'm afraid...
Is there anyone here who uses one that after, makes your eye feel weird. Its still feeling weird this morning. Is it something that you have to get use to? Are my eyes just weird...?
Without it mounted on the gun, husband got one pig. He could see them in with the cows and was able to shoot it. He though, had to get his own night vision back since he was using his spotlight and regular scoop.. After we work the cows we have penned up, he's going to sight his gun in with it and tonight go hunting with it. I'm going to get the app so that I can watch what he sees on my phone without looking though it. My eye is just now feeling better..
cowgirl8 said:
My husband just got one. Its amazing. We're overrun with pigs and he loves hunting at night. He got it late yesterday and charged it while we ate supper.. Once it was good and dark, we took it outside to see how good it worked. I scanned the pasture and found something about 300 yards away. It was in tall grass so I couldn't tell what it was. I watched it for about 20 seconds. When I took the scoop away from my eye, I had a round dark area in that eye. Freaked me out. It faded, but my eye was aching weirdly.. It also aggravated my vertigo...…..DANG!!!!!!!!!!!.... I want to use it, or just look through it. Now i'm afraid...
Is there anyone here who uses one that after, makes your eye feel weird. Its still feeling weird this morning. Is it something that you have to get use to? Are my eyes just weird...?

I have a pair of night vision binoculars. They do my eyes the same way..... don't like that at all. Rarely use them unless it's a have to case.
I was telling my daughter in law about it and mentioned night vision and my son corrected me, its thermal imaging.... It has tons of things you can do. I think changing colors might help, but, I can see it on my phone, so that's probably what i'll do. I'm not all into hunting, but do like to go along. And if I can watch, even better....
Brute 23 said:
White hot on thermal is usually the easiest to use

Would that be where the animals show up white and background black.. Sounds logical.
The guys took it out last night. The hogs are really tearing our places up. He's still asleep and I was asleep when he got in so I don't know how it went.
cowgirl8 said:
Brute 23 said:
White hot on thermal is usually the easiest to use

Would that be where the animals show up white and background black.. Sounds logical.
The guys took it out last night. The hogs are really tearing our places up. He's still asleep and I was asleep when he got in so I don't know how it went.


White hot plus dimming it a little keeps the contrast down from looking in the scope then regular about as good as you can get IMO.
Husband is getting a lot of crater makers now. All he needed was to be able to see in the dark..
Maybe I need to get one myself. My green light helps but a few weeks ago my buddy went down to my orchard with a thermal and counted roughly 75 hogs tearing stuff up.

I'm going to use "crater makers" now, I like it.
Crater making pasture fleas is the full
Daughter messaged at 3am telling her dad that her dogs had a big boar pinned an her barn. SO he suited up and headed out. He's out there right now, yeah, i'm a early riser, but 3am is a little early. Luckily, there was some coffee left over from last night, so I drank it. Waiting to hear a shot. Husband loves his thermal, best toy ever. I just need to get him to use the video option...
Brute 23 said:
It's amazing how effective they are especially when coupled with a suppressor. Animals act totally different when they think they are in the cover of night.

Husband shoots a AR and sometimes I can hear it miles away.. He was at the place that the pigs are really damaging. They came out in droves. He wants to get as many sows as he can, figures he's killing more with a sow, but will get the large boars because they do the most damage.... anywho, he shot a large sow amongst a large group and she hit the ground dead. He said the others never missed a step. He was able to shoot another.. As long as they don't squeal, the others don't seem to mind the sound of the gun.. but of course, out here, guns and explosions, no one even blinks because they are just the sounds we hear out here normally...
Whats the best thermal scope to get for coyote night hunting for the price? Not wanting to spend a fortune. I lost 6 calves this year. Time to even the score!
midTN_Brangusman said:
Brute 23 said:
White hot on thermal is usually the easiest to use

Brute, is there one you would recommend thats not too expensive?

Not sure what you are thinking price wise.

Your $3-5K for thermal. That's pretty good stuff with several hundred yards of range. They are pretty clear.

It's around $1K for a digital nv. Its good for 100-150 yds. The clarity is decent.

Figure in another $1-2K in goodies or more if you buy a specific gun for it.