One party rule

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Where do you stand on the issues and that will define you:
1) Open borders?
2) Abortion on demand?
3) Voter ID?
4) Amnesty for illegal aliens?
5) Packing the Supreme Court?
6) Abolishing the filibuster?
7) DC statehood?
8) Defending the Second Amendment?

This is a good start, I'll have more.

Answer truthfully if you're capable.
The saddest part is most are against any or all of those things but didn't like Trump. Couldn't take four more years of his mouth and flushed this country down the toilet because of it. At least that's the story I get from most and I hope that is the case so maybe we can throw out a parachute and save what little we have left in four years.

Me personally I can ignore the mouth when the actions are tolerable versus what we have now which is a bumbling s@#$show resulting in bad decisions. One thing about a loudmouth control freak you know what he is thinking and where he is headed with a puppet all you see is the show they want you to see.
Where do you stand on the issues and that will define you:
1) Open borders? No
2) Abortion on demand? No But you need to define "on demand"
3) Voter ID? Yes
4) Amnesty for illegal aliens? Dreamers-Yes (as do 80% of Americans) Others use existing laws and rules for Sanctuary if they qualify.
5) Packing the Supreme Court? No
6) Abolishing the filibuster? No
7) DC statehood? Possibly if they qualify (political advantage to one party or the other should have no bearing.) They do have a higher population than Wyoming and Vermont.
8) Defending the Second Amendment? That makes no sense. The second Amendment is the Second Amendment. There are things you may think it protects but not necissarily according to the Supreme Court. For instance, what is wrong with expanded background checks.
"nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms," Antonin Scalia
Answers are in the Quote.
For the record why do you care? You seem fixated on my personal beliefs. I could ask you the same with other questions, but I really don't care
If anyone thinks the right wouldn't wildly celebrate if they won majority in both house and senate, plus the white house and had a majority on SCOTUS, they are deluding themselves.

I very much believe in a balance of power for the most part.
Winning it is one thing, it should be celebrated, but changing the rules to perpetuate one party rule is wrong.
If anyone thinks the right wouldn't wildly celebrate if they won majority in both house and senate, plus the white house and had a majority on SCOTUS, they are deluding themselves.

I very much believe in a balance of power for the most part.
I'm afraid we may have seen the last of the balance of power. North Carolina and Georgia are blue states and Texas is headed that way. At some point we won't be able to run up any more debt and will have to face facts. May be too late by then.
I'm afraid we may have seen the last of the balance of power. North Carolina and Georgia are blue states and Texas is headed that way. At some point we won't be able to run up any more debt and will have to face facts. May be too late by then.
Georgia is working to reverse that..maybe too late..
Georgia is working to reverse that..maybe too late..
Georgia has done a terrible job on messaging on their voting bill. For instance, the rule is that no one in line to vote can be approached by any campaign within 25ft of the polls. In the last election, both sides were giving out water within that distance because the lines were so long. All they had to do was say enforce the rule. Instead, they added "food or drink" to the bill. Totally unnecessary and it just gave them a bad look overall. What they should have said in the bill was that no campaign can approach a voter within 25ft of the polls "for any reason". By writing the bill the way they did, they have given the left, particularly the black vote, reason to turn out in 2022 the way they did in 2020 and also created a national outcry (not just from the left but from corporate America too). The Senate may hang in the balance again in 2020 (but there will be quite a few open Republican Senate seats in that cycle.)

I have heard that McConnel and the Chamber of Commerce have had a falling out because the Chamber is not giving to only Republicans now.
Help them out. Don't drink Coke
There's hardly any avoiding all these big brands.. You remember Aunt Jemima? Yeah, that's Pepsico.. Starbucks iced coffee from the gas station, that's pepsico as well..
Kellogg's is one I have some hatred for right from the founder, Many people around here hate Nestle as well

It's seriously impossible to avoid them
