Parents should not be offended you school's library inventory

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Sep 12, 2012
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50 miles south of Kansas City
A few pornographic books in the school library should be fine, and they wouldn't be noticed if parents would not shame the school board on social media about them.

The school board president said, "This was one of 589,000 books in the district," Keyes said in her response on Facebook. "It was immediately removed and the only reason hundreds of people saw it is because people started distributing out [sic] on social media. Those are the people that should be ashamed for distributing. I wish people would want to be part of the solution and ask what they can do to help instead of spreading hate and division."

Some people have poked the bee hive and now these parents are going out of their way to reestablish who is in charge.

I'm not a fan of running to social media right out the gate for every little thing. I do believe in following the chain of command. With that said, if you don't get the response you should then roast them. They were given a fair chance to do what's right. It's on them after that.
With zero information about the "other inappropriate" books, I suspect the school board president is right. Kids can and do slip things like that into the bookshelves for a laugh. Going to social media instead of removing the book and letting them know is a chicken shyt thing to do.
With zero information about the "other inappropriate" books, I suspect the school board president is right. Kids can and do slip things like that into the bookshelves for a laugh. Going to social media instead of removing the book and letting them know is a chicken shyt thing to do.
Agreed. There's a lot of context missing from the article, including the age group of students that had access to the library. Depictions of sex aren't appropriate for third graders, but wouldn't necessarily be out of line for high schoolers.
Might want to add a few in high schools for bomb making, Molotov cocktails, spiking trees in the national forests and mastering EIDs. It rounds out their education.
🤣😅😂 Shoot kind of funny. I'd bet the school didn't put them there.

My experience with kids that went to private school... kind of like preachers kids they were WILD. 🙌🏾 I'm sure not all. 😉 😬🤐
2 of the books that the group requested the district remove:
Both had previously been removed from Austin area middle schools after complaints by the same group.

Earlier, Keller had removed this one after a similar request:

The last one, according to Google Images search, leaves nothing to the imagination in it's illustrations or instructions.
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I got a week long detention my freshman year of high school. One of my punishments was to paint the walls inside of the teachers smoke shed.

It was an enclosed lean-to, built on to the side of the ag building. While I was working, I found some cigarettes and booze, and a small stack of Playboy magazines.

I took one of the Playboys and planted it amongst the Time and National Geographic magazines in Mrs. Cunningham's class.

It was there for several weeks, other kids looking and laughing, before Mrs. C caught on. I guess I could have gotten her in big trouble. Now, today, I'm embarrassed and ashamed,
Could have been a teacher that put them there. Who knows now days. Around here teachers are always in trouble. One was in trouble for putting cameras in the girls bathroom. Ones are always being caught for doing inappropriate stuff with the students. Not just men either, it's women's just as much.
I'm not saying it's not inappropriate. Definitely, think it could of been handled without social media. Social media is so annoying to me.
I got a week long detention my freshman year of high school. One of my punishments was to paint the walls inside of the teachers smoke shed.

It was an enclosed lean-to, built on to the side of the ag building. While I was working, I found some cigarettes and booze, and a small stack of Playboy magazines.

I took one of the Playboys and planted it amongst the Time and National Geographic magazines in Mrs. Cunningham's class.

It was there for several weeks, other kids looking and laughing, before Mrs. C caught on. I guess I could have gotten her in big trouble. Now, today, I'm embarrassed and ashamed,
We all do stuff at young age, we think as a young high schooler. Not as a mature adult. That's normal part of life. You made us laugh today and it was harmless fun. I think lots of things we did back in the day was "harmless fun" now days people get their social media sue happy panties all up tie. 🙄
In those days, some of the National Geographic mags were considered pretty risque and graphic themselves.
Yes. Mrs. Cs class was art. My best friend and I would dig through the National Geographic mags looking for the "Bodacious Gazanga" winner of the day.
I got an arse whipping for drawing Dolly Parton.
What's funny is how many of those kids are packing phones with enet access and the parents are worried about a book. 🙄

What's the odds of a kid digging through library now days looking for a dirty book? Hell I didn't go to the library 20 years ago unless I was on the track of a female and she was going. 😄
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I didn't mean like private like that but private owner. Hell now I'm confused. More a discussion board that drama book. 🤷🏽‍♀️ it's different okay. ☺

What's funny is how many of those kids are packing phones with enet access and the parents are worried about a book. 🙄

What's the odds of a kid digging through library now days looking for a dirty book? Hell I didn't go to the library 20 years ago unless I was on the track of a female and she was going. 😄

I thought that too, about said it... wasn't sure how to word it. 😆 Kept coming out sounding bad. Most kids have phones and access to porn why would they look at a book. 😆🤣🤷🏽‍♀️😬 Heck Facebook, social media, YouTube, the news ect. has stuff worse than that book. 🙄 Can't keep your children in a bubble forever by sheltering them. I was shelter had no clue how the world and some people were. :(
I've been following this issue for several months through various news sources and I have to say, this is not some random book placed there by kids having fun. These books are on the library's inventory. Bought and paid for with taxpayer money - in Texas - your property tax money.

The book Out of the Dark provides graphic description of a gang rape of a 13 year old girl as well as detailed homosexual sex. This book is being placed in middle schools.

One of the many issues raised is the grooming of children for this type of activity. If you know the stats on child sex abuse, you would be very alarmed by these books. Most predators engage in the activity at least 7 times before they are caught.

As far as sheltering them - it is my duty as a parent and grandparent to protect them by what ever means necessary. Every parent I know that has children under 17 has put software locks and monitoring systems on their kids phones to prevent and identify this. And most do check the phones routinely. There are a lot of things parents can do to protect their children from this garbage. The comments here seem to condone and even endorse child porn and child sex.
I thinks it's smart to try to filter and regulate and not condone some of these things but on the other hand you can't hide from it. If your kids had one friend like me in school they were exposed to all of it. 😄 If you don't address it you could be hurting them more than helping them.

One of the guys I work for and his wife would regularly say... The Billy Bobs don't do this or that. I always thought that was really smart. I heard their kids repeat it also. I stole that with my son from a young age. I just tell him flat out I know these people do this but we don't and this is why. At 8 years old I could ask my son... what are 3 things we don't do? He would say... use credit cards, sell land/ minerals or sell guns. 🤣 People would trip out.

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