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ez14. said:
cowboy43 said:
Why is ounce spelled ounce but the abbreviation is oz. their is on z in ounce. :dunce:

Often wondered that myself! :???:

Why is pound spelled pound but abbreviated lb. There is no L or B in pound. Maybe the same spelling wizard who abbreviated ounce.
Their is a restaurant in Austin which serves fried chicken named Happy Chicks . I do not know how those chicks can be happy after being fattened up in a small cage, killed, gutted, defeathered then fried up and served up to eat. :hide:
alisonb said:
Think this thread was started by mistake, 50 pages later and still nobody listens...
usually the threads that are going nowhere..seem to take forever to get day to be lost,in the annals of antiquity... :cowboy:
What Causes Bursitis?
If you overuse a joint in sports or on the job, put it under pressure for a long time, or get a sudden injury, a nearby bursa can get inflamed. The sac fills with extra fluid, which puts pressure on nearby tissue.

The first sign of trouble is pain, along with swelling and tenderness in the area.

Bursitis is different from tendinitis, which is inflammation or irritation in the cord, or tendon, that attaches your muscle to bone.
Harney County Oregon is bigger than the state of Maryland 10,226 sq miles vs 9,775 sq miles but has significantly less people at 7,422 vs 5,773,552. That is 881 acres per person vs 1.08 acres per person.
Son of Butch said:
Lloyd's of London rates Tokyo Japan as the most dangerous city in the world.
(earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and lots of bad stuff)
Everything's relative I suppose. By that premise, then Galveston Tx is just as dangerous as the 1900 Gulf of Mexico hurricane killed 6000-12,000 people.
Tokyo suffers far less death and destruction from natural disaster than other parts of Japan.
The big 2011 earthquake & resulting tsunami killed only 7 people in the Tokyo metroplex and injured only 90 out of a population of 37 million.
The most powerful typhoon ever to hit Japan was a direct hit on Tokyo 60 yrs ago ('59) and killed 5000 people out of a population of 16 million.
There are far more dangerous places in both Japan and the world than Tokyo.
Worst earthquake on record was in 1923 and death estimates are stated as 142,000 across the entire country.
About 8000 of the Tokyo deaths were murders carried out by Tokyo residents against Koreans living in the city.

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