Portland mess

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2019
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Land down under
Hi All, minus the political views, does anyone know what happened ?

The reports here are confusing, some sort of non professional looking reports, saying someone shot and killed, that person was acting in a security roll to protect against what the Trump supporters may have been going to do ?

That seems sorta counter intuitive, as it seems to me Trump supporters are for protecting property etc and law and order, actually, lets keep Trump out of it.....why were the supporters going there for ?

There is no detail ATM like in the other incident involving the 17 yr old, that is for another thread I guess.

Yeah, does not seem to add up that this other group would single out anyone who was acting in an unofficial role to help with order. What have you seen reported ?
Oh for gawd sakes.....why would I be stirring.

You guys look up some stuff on australia, I am sure it wont be the same as being here...

Nevermind, you prob know no more than me, which maybe you should see as a problem, or, your pushing back cause I am asking questions on things you cannot answer yourselves.

....why would I be stiring...,,,CB you maybe need to seek help with all your theories, I was asking all a straight up thing.......maybe we are all fake news.......,sheesh.
Sob made a very good post the other day on one of the cops shootings. He showed the man's criminal record as long as some facts.
Where did that go??
I think we should all take half the time we spent here and post info like this to the blm and antifa type sites and yt channels. Muddy their waters with some real facts......at least for the next couple of months.
Ya all think I am a US liberal lefty huh..?

Is not a political question, is like saying, my calves have round marks on them, what do you think it is seeing your in front of them ?, but no, nothing could be so simple. It is that simple but.

Spare me please if you have no other info or a stab at me is all you have...some ya all are so crippled by your own politics. Please do not confuse me as part of that system or some sort of influencer.....sheesh....I looked up too many here, I am not up with all this tribal stuff....
callmefence said:
Sob made a very good post the other day on one of the cops shootings. He showed the man's criminal record as long as some facts.
Where did that go??
I think we should all take half the time we spent here and post info like this to the blm and antifa type sites and yt channels. Muddy their waters with some real facts......at least for the next couple of months.

I am not interested, only in people who have cattle and sheep....

As above, I wish you all well, but I have no live dog in this fight, bit frustrating if I am treated like some animal activist that has infiltrated.....
greggy said:
callmefence said:
Sob made a very good post the other day on one of the cops shootings. He showed the man's criminal record as long as some facts.
Where did that go??
I think we should all take half the time we spent here and post info like this to the blm and antifa type sites and yt channels. Muddy their waters with some real facts......at least for the next couple of months.

I am not interested, only in people who have cattle and sheep....

As above, I wish you all well, but I have no live dog in this fight, bit frustrating if I am treated like some animal activist that has infiltrated.....

Greggy I'm appointing you to keep tabs on the Chinese Navy while we are busy with MAGA.
Report back in a couple months.
callmefence said:
greggy said:
callmefence said:
Sob made a very good post the other day on one of the cops shootings. He showed the man's criminal record as long as some facts.
Where did that go??
I think we should all take half the time we spent here and post info like this to the blm and antifa type sites and yt channels. Muddy their waters with some real facts......at least for the next couple of months.

I am not interested, only in people who have cattle and sheep....

As above, I wish you all well, but I have no live dog in this fight, bit frustrating if I am treated like some animal activist that has infiltrated.....

Greggy I'm appointing you to keep tabs on the Chinese Navy while we are busy with MAGA.
Report back in a couple months.

No need to wait for me, they have scoped out all US bases, they are here along with your boys....they know more about you than you !

America became great by being a world leader after the war, not a bunch of crippled navel gazers caught up only in local issues- that I note not many have enlightened over.

You need to be able too see all, not just look inward, anyone can do that.

I think I prob know more about the US than many there do, that, is a break down.

It would seem, there is more common feeling of each country to do own now in the US including shunning of old allies, that is fine, I will also keep in mind if it shows more over time. Our govts may be more accountable.

I always felt at one with US, but it may have changed in the decade or so since I spent much time there in many states.

I am wondering why there is so much politics anyway......what happened to facts and sharing info, just like cattle ?
I will agree. Portland is a mess. It has been for years. Nothing new. Drive through Portland and you will see lots of bumper stickers on cars that say, "Keep Portland Weird". Our "local" TV news is from Portland (I don't know why as we are 325 miles from Portland) before the protests and riots they were murdering someone nearly every day. Don't ask me what the local news has to say because I avoid watching it.
Dave....it is a social thing. I was more talking of current issue and shooting, news here is very foggy....not so with Kenosha.

The reason the US has so much violence, is the social setting, even we still have guns here, many places in EU you must have a gun, but people do not use them like they are used there on each other. So, it is the people.

I will get yelled at and booed, but, it is reality, I cannot say how to get out of this, it is not by allowing riots etc, no way....

I wasvhoping to learn more about what happened, like links to vids etc....info on who and what etc...

Just a general interest....
IP address is definitely not down under.
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