Reoccuring dream

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Jul 17, 2006
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South Georgia
Anyone ever have a reoccurring dream? Over the last several years I have had the same dream. It started as a big house that was in shambles and I began working on it and fixing the house up. I have restored two homes in the past but this home is different - it palatial. I rarely ever dream but this dream is normally what I do dream when on the rare event I do. It is becoming familiar to me now and its building toward an end. Each time I experience the dream I can see the pieces of my last dream in place and I start from there and build forward.

Anyone know anything about dreams? Could it mean I'm getting an Obama phone?
that sounds like a fun dream.
Occasionally get a sense of deja vu but no reoccurring dreams/themes though they did happen as a kid... spent night after night running and hiding from the aliens, or sometimes the massive flock of seagulls.
I think the aliens one came to a neat conclusion one time (they weren't scary at all) and never had that dream again.
Dreams about the inside of a house usually mean some thing that you are dealing with. The type of house, what you are doing, ect are all clues as to what it represents.

It could be rebuilding a relationship or even coming to peace with a part of your life.

I haven't been in psych classes in a while but you can probably Google it.
Many years ago I used to have some traumatic dreams where they would wake me up. These got bad and liquor was the cure but I put all that down and learn to deal with it and I haven't had any of these in many years.

This dream is nice really. At first it was a bit scary because the house was like the house on Dark Shadows and was dark and in disarray. Now its kind of friendly like. Welcoming. When the dream starts I see the rooms and how nice they are now fixed up but there are still rooms to be fixed and I work on these most of the time.

When I say work I don't mean I get a hammer and start doing work its just I see the disarray and envision how it needs to be and mentally fix it and the next time the dream comes the room is in that order like I'd fixed it somehow and I move on to the next room.

The time before last I dreamt I threw a party and friends both living and deceased were there having a good time lounging around a grand deck complete with Jacuzzi that somehow was built on the home since the last dream. There was still work to be done on the house but we stayed away from that wing but this last dream I had on Saturday I was working on that wing. Haven't a clue what needed doing. I sort of look forward to seeing what it was if I ever have the dream again and for some reason I think I will.
I dream a lot, thank goodness they are usally pleasent. But a few years back I use to dream about ghosts coming at me, violent I mean. My wife would try to wake me because of my thrashing and mumbling, one night when she was trying to wake me I took a swing and got her in the belly, don't know why but that was about it for the dreams. I'm still trying to live that down. :oops: :oops:

I don't know why but I have only had maybe one since and that was a few years ago.
Jogeephus":63fcqezb said:
Many years ago I used to have some traumatic dreams where they would wake me up. These got bad and liquor was the cure but I put all that down and learn to deal with it and I haven't had any of these in many years.

This dream is nice really. At first it was a bit scary because the house was like the house on Dark Shadows and was dark and in disarray. Now its kind of friendly like. Welcoming. When the dream starts I see the rooms and how nice they are now fixed up but there are still rooms to be fixed and I work on these most of the time.

When I say work I don't mean I get a hammer and start doing work its just I see the disarray and envision how it needs to be and mentally fix it and the next time the dream comes the room is in that order like I'd fixed it somehow and I move on to the next room.

The time before last I dreamt I threw a party and friends both living and deceased were there having a good time lounging around a grand deck complete with Jacuzzi that somehow was built on the home since the last dream. There was still work to be done on the house but we stayed away from that wing but this last dream I had on Saturday I was working on that wing. Haven't a clue what needed doing. I sort of look forward to seeing what it was if I ever have the dream again and for some reason I think I will.

Your dreams involve Jaccuzzis. In my opinion, this is good.
Jo , I too have dreams that are very real and they are like pages in a book each night is the same story but a different chapter. Why is it most realistic dreams you have you cant remember the details to share them but the weird ones always seem to be at the front of your mind.
Jogeephus":3ab4kr01 said:
Many years ago I used to have some traumatic dreams where they would wake me up. These got bad and liquor was the cure but I put all that down and learn to deal with it and I haven't had any of these in many years.

This dream is nice really. At first it was a bit scary because the house was like the house on Dark Shadows and was dark and in disarray. Now its kind of friendly like. Welcoming. When the dream starts I see the rooms and how nice they are now fixed up but there are still rooms to be fixed and I work on these most of the time.

When I say work I don't mean I get a hammer and start doing work its just I see the disarray and envision how it needs to be and mentally fix it and the next time the dream comes the room is in that order like I'd fixed it somehow and I move on to the next room.

The time before last I dreamt I threw a party and friends both living and deceased were there having a good time lounging around a grand deck complete with Jacuzzi that somehow was built on the home since the last dream. There was still work to be done on the house but we stayed away from that wing but this last dream I had on Saturday I was working on that wing. Haven't a clue what needed doing. I sort of look forward to seeing what it was if I ever have the dream again and for some reason I think I will.
You must be the contractor that I hired in my dream to fix up my old house. Is it about ready yet, seems like you're way behind schedule..
Alan":1vf2gde5 said:
I dream a lot, thank goodness they are usally pleasent. But a few years back I use to dream about ghosts coming at me, violent I mean. My wife would try to wake me because of my thrashing and mumbling, one night when she was trying to wake me I took a swing and got her in the belly, don't know why but that was about it for the dreams. I'm still trying to live that down. :oops: :oops:
I have horrible bloody dreams, except I realize (in my dream) that I am asleep and dreaming, and start screaming for my wife to wake me up, but of course, she doesn't because I am only dreaming that I'm screaming. Eventually, I really wake up, get up, turn on the light and look in the mirror to see if I am covered in blood. That wakes my wife up, and I usually shoot her a dirty look and ask "why the benice didn't you wake me up--I know dang well you had to have heard me screaming".
(I think I really am being noisy, she hears me, knows what's going on and doesn't wake me just out of meaness)
Sounds to me like you are dreaming about putting your house in order. If i was you I'd make that job last a long long time.
I had a few thoughts on it. One was what 3way said.

Another...Perhaps you are reflecting on your life. That you feel you started out in a dark and dreary world, and felt that while changing that was at times an overwhelming task, you have slowly turned the rooms of your life into brighter, pleasant and more secure places to inhabit. Yet you feel there is always more work to be done, and improvements to be made job is completed.

Of course, maybe you just simply enjoy fixing houses, things, or people.
I might need to drink more apple juice so I can dream more. The house in order sounds reasonable but I always have about three projects going at the same time so it might just be a manifestation of that.

I think dreams are neat. Especially when they involve Jacuzzis and such.
when I used to stock shelves at night, and sleep during the day I would be more tired after I slept because I would dream I was stocking also. I also have this reoccurring dream where I am a giant like 30ft tall and everything moves in slow motion.
Since I was a young kid I've had a dream that my little brother is riding a tricycle with a construction type helmet on. Then he runs full speed into a block wall an gets all piled up into the helmet.
That's a weird one.
I get déjà vu all the time. To the point that sometimes I can tell what's going to happen next. It used to freak my family out but now they're used to it. It's been happening less as the years go by.
I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse, but I hardly ever remember a dream any more. If I get woke up during a dream, I can remember some of it, but usually it fades away by the time I become fully awake.

I used to get deja vu all the time when I was younger, but now I think my mind is so cluttered up with the business of life, I don't catch the occurrences like I used to.

I had a recurring dream when I was a kid about a pony, but maybe that was just because I wanted one so bad. The one I got bore a strong resemblance to the one I had dreamed, though. Not identical because dream pony was a "she" and my real pony was a gelding. And dream pony had a white forelock but real pony's was dark. And of course dream pony pranced a lot more elegantly than real pony! They were both pinto ponies, same size, etc. My mom didn't know about the dream pony when she got the real pony, either.

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