sick calf

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Jul 15, 2009
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I may lose a month old Holstien bull calf tonight from scours.A storm rolled in today and freezing temps wont help either.I don't have a barn to put him in. I did make a shelter for him with clean dry straw and a heat lamp.It will be a miracle if he makes it through the night.At this point he can't walk or stand.I managed to get some Duramycin-10 and Arrest down .I've never lost a calf and I don't want to start tonight. :(
Feed your arrest between milk feedings, get at least an extra quart in them twice a day, if dehydrated already they'll need more.

Thank you Larry.I did exatcly that.Everything seems to be firming up.I also cut the milk back a tad bit.I should've acted faster on the one that died.Scours are no joke, you just cant sit back and hope it clears up.Promt action is needed once discovered before infections set in.Last year the scours in my calf cleared up on its own.What I learned by my loss is to treat each case seperate.Also, when bucket feeding multible calves.Use seperate buckets for each.If you pour all the milk in, one calf may be getting more than his share while the others get less.This causes problems.Too bad I learned the hard way. :(
HI, I am new to this site and can not figure out how to post the questions I have, I am hoping that maybe someone can help though. MY fiancé and I bought 12 calves still on the bottle at the sale about 3 weeks ago. we gave them penicillin, to stop spread of any shipping fever etc. We were feeding them twice a day (as vet recommended) they have water, hay, grain, and grass all day long.

They were doing great up to last week. They were all drinking water, eating grass, grain, and hay. Then last Monday, we had a calf go down, we thought maybe it was scours, his temp was fine, he just refused to eat, and he was starting to get the runs. Within two hours of going down he died.

It is now Tuesday, on the following week and we just had our 9th calf die. All the same thing, they lay down a little more one day, then they hardly get up, then refuse to eat. at this point there is usually two or three hours before they will die. The vet came and gave us an antibiotic, but its not seeming to help. They will be fine one day, and it seems the next day their dead! We have a baby on the way, and the stress is getting crazy, we talked to everyone (including vets) but no one can give us an answer PLEASE HELP!!!
Dying that fast makes me think some sort of clostridial. Vaccinating may or may not do any good but it can;t hurt. Talk to your vet

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