Sick world we live in!

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Where does it stop,seen a video of a woman the other day that identifies as a dog. Walks on all 4s and has her boyfriend lead her with a leash. When someone thinks they can be whatever it's a mental disorder and to try and normalize that is ridiculous. You are what your born as plain and simple, I pretended to be a tractor when I was a kid don't mean I was really a tractor. Terry, you and Buck are quoting scripture but there's no way you can read the Bible and believe it's really okay to promote this behavior. And I know it's not just transgender and homosexuality that's being promoted in society. Pornography, promiscuity, divorce, foul language, abortion just to name a few are all being normalized and promoted our society and they are evil. Just because the party you support says it's okay don't make it okay in the eyes of God. And that goes for either party but one seems to support a lot of immorality.
She has a boy friend???
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What is amazing to me is the hypocrisy in all of this. All of the moral superiority from all of these posters, yet not a word was ever said about a certain Orange man that a lot of you worship. A man that is an accused rapist, an admitted sexual predator, serial adulterer, and proven habitual liar.
Logically, I assume that the next time his name comes up you will all be equally judgemental about his impact on the morals of our youth and the example he set.
So we call him a IT and that's bad , you call Trump orange man and that's OK?
Jenner identifies as a republican.
quote: "I have gotten more flack for being a conservative Republican than I have for being trans."
That individual may identify him/her as a conservative republican, but with the confusion in his/her life can anyone trust or believe anything him/her said?

See, I stated all that without saying "it" even though it fits and is easier to express the confused sexuality "they" have.
Bruce Jenner or "IT" is going to run for governor in California. And this is supposed to be the new NORMAL ??
So, does it affect you? Do you believe in democracy? Do you think that anybody should have the right to run for office whether they win or not? Would you be a constituent? New normal or not it sounds a whole lot like non of your business.
Bruce Jenner or "IT" is going to run for governor in California. And this is supposed to be the new NORMAL ??
So, does it affect you? Do you believe in democracy? Do you think that anybody should have the right to run for office whether they win or not? Would you be a constituent? New normal or not it sounds a whole lot like non of your business.
When the West was first being settled in the 1800s, those traveling across Arkansas came to a sign that said "Texas and Oklahoma borders ahead".
Those that could read continued on to Texas or Ok and those that couldn't turned back and settled in Arkansas.
Do you know how we know the tooth brush was invented in Arkansas? If it was invented anywhere else it would have been called a teeth brush.
That individual may identify him/her as a conservative republican, but....
I've never understood why English speakers use him/her in an attempt to be politically correct. But I do hear it often from public speakers.
ie I prefer
That individual may identify theirself as a conservative republican, but....

pronouns herself, himself, [gender neutral] theirself or themselves [pl]
as being less awkward
Yep, he said in the interview that it's embarrassing when they go out in public because people stare, well no crap they stare you're leading a human on a leash who's walking on all fours.
About 5 minutes of that nonsense and I would be girlfriendless. If that's a word but you get the idea
So, does it affect you? Do you believe in democracy? Do you think that anybody should have the right to run for office whether they win or not? Would you be a constituent? New normal or not it sounds a whole lot like non of your business.
If your an "American"it's your business, who's running for public if he wants to dress like a woman at home that's his businesses...
Yea I tried to delete it but it was too late. I don't know it matters but I have a lot of family from Arkansas. They told me that joke.
I till have family in Arkansas, and of course you and others are there as part of the CT family.
I have a niece and her husband outside of Beebe just now getting into cows on a small venture (2-4 steers) and another niece/husband near Searcy that bought 80 acres last year and are working on the fences now to be able to stock it. I made lots of trips to Ark when my brother was still living near Little Rock, till he passed away in 2017.

It's just joking around and Texas has sure borne it's brunt of jocularity over the years.

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