So let’s hear it

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I remember hearing about for a couple weeks.
I kept wondering just why the heck our government/president was taking so long to do anything.
I guess my solution would be labeled a knee jerk reaction at the time but I think it would've at least done something.

But I'm not president...
I can only imagine they had much more info than the general public, much earlier too.

Kinda like castration/dehorning. Best to nip it in the bud early.

Whaddya do?
Stocker Steve said:
The US has given up control of critical medical items to source from low cost Asian suppliers. This is a strategic failure that should have been addressed well before before corona hit.

History has show that local lock downs work. Not sure how that should be managed across 50 states, but Feds could have done tried. Designated Survivor touched on this. :nod:

Common sense and 150 years of data say that masks work. Trump is just wrong.

The silver bullet vaccine talk is misleading. Has a vaccine eliminated the common flu and its effects?

I very much agree on the supply chain and hope that is the one thing that comes out of this is that we bring more things back stateside. I have said many times before with the amount of money this country throws away having a few warehouses full of basic supplies would be money well spent for once. Also relying on any other country for your food or necessities is a disaster waiting to happen.

Lock downs are tricky in a free country. People die in the name of freedom all the time not all are from bullets. Furthermore that monster will still be waiting outside the door every time you unlock it. They only serve to control speed of spread not prevention or cure.

Believing a vaccine is the end all to this is like believing in unicorns. That snake oil is being bought and sold by both sides at an alarming level.
As we crossed the 200,000 death mark you wonder how can one think we did ok. Also consider we are the only country that monetized it as a cause of death. We maintained a fairly large amount of freedom and that always comes with a price. How much faith can you put in the reporting of some of these countries? Our lifestyle in this country also doesn't help, diabetes, obesity and age are all huge contributing factors. This country has a lot of this and the medical care to get people past the age nature would allow them in most countries. We have a lot of people living on borrowed time at any given point in this country. Immune systems build strength thru exposure so sedentary clean indoor living bites you in the butt on that front also.

Going forward the true key to this is going to be isolating out what it is that causes the disparity in symptoms and disease severity. Finding an effective treatment or prevention of that will be what's critical. One can also hope that we use this as the lesson it should be to correct shortcoming and protocols as the next one may not be as forgiving.
It seems to me, no matter how Trump did, there would still be dissatisfied people. Quarantine was announced early - quarantine was announced late, travel was allowed - travel was prohibited, public places closed or not closed. I certainly think the story of the severity of this virus is exaggerated. From the same flu, the mortality rate is higher and the complication is greater. And then, if you go to the doctor in time and follow all the recommendations, it will be OK. Every year we get sick with ARVI and do not even think about what kind of virus it is. We drink tea, we take antipyretic drugs. And for people with chronic diseases, the flu, SARS, and coronavirus are equally dangerous. As for me, the "bonus" from the coronavirus is that it is practically not dangerous for children and pregnant women, and while it is these categories that suffer most from the flu. I will not argue that there was no point in quarantine. Quarantine was necessary because the coronavirus spreads very quickly and since a large percentage of people are sick in mild or asymptomatic form, the state was obliged to protect those who are at risk for age and chronic diseases.
Our society has gotten used to a 24/7 news cycle that spends a lot of time looking for who is at fault for any less than perfect outcome. I think sometimes in this life **** just happens and you have to move on. This can be very tough if you or your loved ones are impacted, but don't kid yourself. No public official, from any party, is going to always be able to protect you.
as Smoking M pointed out ......

This country wasted little time in monetizing the disease.....

thus I call it an election infection

in my opinion this resulted in everything from hemorrhoids to gunshot to traffic fatality deaths being reported as Covid....

I do not believe the numbers in any aspect.

it would be interesting to see deaths from all causes along with the covid death numbers broken out, and all compared to previous years....

how many of these deaths were double reported

the side benefit is the politicianS have figured out how easy it is to create fear and subsequently create programs to control the behavior of the majority of the population and in fact have part of the population terrorizing and chastising those who do not submit to the mandated behavior.....that is pronounced Mask Nazis.... Social Distancing.....limiting church attendance....all the other things that have been pronounced as "new normal"


The second step was the acceptance of mob rule and chaos in the street....anyone who thinks the two are not related is delusional. I personally think this is a much greater threat than the covid....I am armed everywhere I go today except my employment....I work for a quasi government agency which bans weapons in the buildings or defiance of my second amendment rights.
SmokinM said:
As we crossed the 200,000 death mark you wonder how can one think we did ok. Also consider we are the only country that monetized it as a cause of death. We maintained a fairly large amount of freedom and that always comes with a price. How much faith can you put in the reporting of some of these countries? Our lifestyle in this country also doesn't help, diabetes, obesity and age are all huge contributing factors. This country has a lot of this and the medical care to get people past the age nature would allow them in most countries. We have a lot of people living on borrowed time at any given point in this country. Immune systems build strength thru exposure so sedentary clean indoor living bites you in the butt on that front also.

Going forward the true key to this is going to be isolating out what it is that causes the disparity in symptoms and disease severity. Finding an effective treatment or prevention of that will be what's critical. One can also hope that we use this as the lesson it should be to correct shortcoming and protocols as the next one may not be as forgiving.

We have not got past this one yet. Also the Spanish flu went from 1918 to 1920 two years. Flu kills but can be treated as is covid 19 they have not found anything that is effective at treating it or avoiding it except stay away from events and crowds and protect your self. 205 thousand plus deaths. 1684 since yesterday.
I guess my topic is more about philosophy. What is a human life worth? How much should society spend to save a life from a pandemic? Shutting things down come at a huge cost. Stimulus cost, loss of businesses, loss of jobs and income, more poverty, less quality of life in the future for many people. How much have the shutdowns cost? How many lives have been saved due to the shutdowns? Have we saved a million lives? 5 millions lives? If 5 trillion has been spent to save 5 million lives, that is a cost of 1 million per life. How much should we as a society spend to save a life? $1,000 - of course. $10,000 - of course. $100,000? 1 million? 10 million? Now we are getting expensive. Would it be wise to implement practices that places severe hardships on all people to save 0.1% of the population? 0.5%? 1%? 10? 25? Maybe too heavy of a topic.
government mandating behavior and shutting down commerce has costs that will burden us for years....
government spending trillions to bail out people and industries which were shut down by the government will take decades to recover if recovery is at all possible. The economy is near collapse and the government is spending money like a drunken sailor. Millions still unemployed....everything you try to buy is on backorder...shortages of everything...airline industry near collapse..which means boeing is near collapse..hotel industry near industry struggling with many already gone....limitations on how many people they can interest is good if you are borrowing money but bad if you hoped to live on your investments and it is causing chaos in the stock market...cost of everything going up daily...people conditioned to view the government as their lord and master and provider of all....including permissions to live or attend religious service....

I will tell you what i think, the blame lies firmly on the shoulders of WHO. They have been corrupted and went against everything they were there to do. Whatever President Trump did after that i don't think has change the inevitable that much. The next problem i see the United States has is their leader, agree with him or not, is not a respected leader. I have never witnessed so much division from afar than i see now. If the left gets out of control the right fights back as they well should, but average Joe is all of a sudden expected to pick a side and if there is a respected leader that is easy.
Redgully said:
I will tell you what i think, the blame lies firmly on the shoulders of WHO. They have been corrupted and went against everything they were there to do. Whatever President Trump did after that i don't think has change the inevitable that much. The next problem i see the United States has is their leader, agree with him or not, is not a respected leader. I have never witnessed so much division from afar than i see now. If the left gets out of control the right fights back as they well should, but average Joe is all of a sudden expected to pick a side and if there is a respected leader that is easy.

Not far off there Red. We just want a leader period. Nothing but corrupt politicians for the most part that screw over whoever they think doesn't have the votes to keep them in their cushy jobs. Finally got one that is not a politician and they have tried everything they can to break him down for fear he will expose what happens when you don't pander to beauracracy. Unfortunately he has a lot of personality issues that give them ammo for that fight. Just tired of the extremes in this country, there is no happiness in moderation. Our society allows them to drive this wedge between us and there is no leader to stop them swinging the hammer. It gets closer to completing the split every day.
TennesseeTuxedo said:
I wanted a leader who would do what he said he would do when he was campaigning for the job.

I'm satisfied thus far.

And just think of what he could get done if he didn't have to spend so much time defending himself from the democrats. But I also blame the republicans for not getting some of it done, when he first got there they had the house and the senate and could get about anything done but set on their hands instead. Really I blame the "Establishment" for him not getting as much done as he wants, they're afraid that if he can accomplish all this and had never spent a day in politics that career politicians and the "establishment" will be over, and also their afraid of being exposed for what they are.
Little Joe said:
TennesseeTuxedo said:
I wanted a leader who would do what he said he would do when he was campaigning for the job.

I'm satisfied thus far.

And just think of what he could get done if he didn't have to spend so much time defending himself from the democrats. But I also blame the republicans for not getting some of it done, when he first got there they had the house and the senate and could get about anything done but set on their hands instead. Really I blame the "Establishment" for him not getting as much done as he wants, they're afraid that if he can accomplish all this and had never spent a day in politics that career politicians and the "establishment" will be over, and also their afraid of being exposed for what they are.
Trying to Do your job and fighting a fire at the same time..pretty tough..
hurleyjd said:
SmokinM said:
As we crossed the 200,000 death mark you wonder how can one think we did ok. Also consider we are the only country that monetized it as a cause of death. We maintained a fairly large amount of freedom and that always comes with a price. How much faith can you put in the reporting of some of these countries? Our lifestyle in this country also doesn't help, diabetes, obesity and age are all huge contributing factors. This country has a lot of this and the medical care to get people past the age nature would allow them in most countries. We have a lot of people living on borrowed time at any given point in this country. Immune systems build strength thru exposure so sedentary clean indoor living bites you in the butt on that front also.

Going forward the true key to this is going to be isolating out what it is that causes the disparity in symptoms and disease severity. Finding an effective treatment or prevention of that will be what's critical. One can also hope that we use this as the lesson it should be to correct shortcoming and protocols as the next one may not be as forgiving.

We have not got past this one yet. Also the Spanish flu went from 1918 to 1920 two years. Flu kills but can be treated as is covid 19 they have not found anything that is effective at treating it or avoiding it except stay away from events and crowds and protect your self. 205 thousand plus deaths. 1684 since yesterday.

America's Frontline Drs. and many others will disagree with your statement that they have not found anything that is effective at treating it.... and that staying away is the only way to protect yourself.... Sorry, you cannot stay away forever... and if there is not a vaccine that is guaranteed, then it will be no more effective than the normal flu shots are against getting the flu.... they are often only no more than 40% effective as the strains mutate and no one know which strain will be prevalent on any given year. There have been something like 17 variations of this chinese flu found now... all loosely under the "covid - 19" label.... So calling a flu shot a vaccine is not correct because it does not and cannot prevent it like a vaccine for say tetanus or rabies.... getting a "vaccine" for the covid-19 may be effective against that specific strain, but like the flu it will continue to mutate so will be of much lesser effectiveness just like the flu shot. I will take my chances with an immunity system that has been built up since this is not something that is a one strain type thing, like rabies. So many of us that work with cattle have so much different exposure to both diseases and vaccines with cattle, that if we were to be tested I believe that a good number would have some "secondary immunity" and our systems would mount a response and fight off most effects from many exposures to diseases.
And I will be the first to find a doctor that is of the mindset that this can be treated with various available drugs already on the market right now. As well as keeping my immune system as healthy as I can overall.
Besides that, the CDC and WHO have put out so much conflicting BS that you can find a statement from them supporting any stance you want to take on this. And their ties to the country that "introduced this" to the world is just a little "suspect"; just my opinion.