Some Plastic for Everyone.

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2006
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Yantis, Texas

Plastic every where. Look at the cows on the dump. Whales ingesting plastic. I have lost cows that ate plastic bags, net wrap and such.
It is a curse and is everywhere, thanks to refinery by product.....

Some of my calves got out yesterday, prob my best calf stuck her head into a bin and grabbed a mouthful of glad wrap ....I could not get to her in time and she gulped it down, I can only hope it somehow makes its way out, I was hopeful of a 15 or so years of production from her !

It really annoys me too, cause I carefully make sure nothing like this is just left around, but there is so much of it and it sometimes gets blown into paddocks from outside....

They use plastic baling twine here now, it is a curse too, I have been to peoples properties and it is just everywhere, I try and keep on top of anything like that, any metal or bits of wire I see, I stop and get it, otherwise the 4 legged vacuum cleaners will come upon it....
Its the Mylar balloons that get my dandruff up. Picked up another this afternoon. A Happy Birthday one. Thats great but why do you have to let it fly? I wish they had a return to sender option.
My dogs barked half the night one night there was a full moon...up into a small tree just inside the National Forest. Finally got tired of hearing them, went out to the fence and saw they were barking at a black shiny mylar balloon that was flapping in the breeze.
Dumb dogs....
We had a weather balloon come down in our place once, had this weird flashing gizmo on it. Waited for someone to come looking for it but never did. Eventually it stopped flashing. Started freaking out E.T. was going to come for me.
greybeard said:
My dogs barked half the night one night there was a full moon...up into a small tree just inside the National Forest. Finally got tired of hearing them, went out to the fence and saw they were barking at a black shiny mylar balloon that was flapping in the breeze.
Dumb dogs....

Yep, dumb dogs. My wife has three and if one of them sees the shadow made on the ground of a bird flying over they'll have a barking fit which the other two join in on. The shadow passes by in two seconds but the barking goes on for several minutes. I'd guess conservatively that I pick up 20 or more of those mylar balloons off my property every year. Then their's others hung up in trees I can't reach.
it's worth picking up that plastic baling twine when you can.
I hauled and burned bucketloads of it when I got to this farm. Nearly three years later it's still all over the place, buried or half-buried. I hate to think how much of it might be in the cows' stomachs. Previous folks just not picking up after themselves and this is the result.
Plus we get plastic bottles deposited in the lower paddocks when the creek floods and in the upper paddocks from people throwing them out of cars or neighbouring houses. Nothing I can do about either, my generation were taught not to litter but there's enough people that didn't get taught or don't care, to endanger every living creature the length of human impact (roads, rivers, beaches, houses, walking tracks).
The plastic baling twine will cause costly and totally unnecessary problems for machinery. I've had to replace the bottom gearbox oil seal on a rotary mower and a wheel seal on a Case skid steer because of the twine wrapping around the rotating shaft or axle and breaking the seal.
30 years later we still find old bale twine on our place..
I do my darnedest to not drop any, but I have some cows that always have to hoover up the leaves in my ATV trailer, and sometimes a piece of twine. or they step on a strand while I'm walking to the next bale and pull it from my hands
I always cut the twines at the knot on square bales, then I loop it in about a 6" roll and pass the free ends through it about 3 times.. that way at least it's a small BUNCH of twine together that they don't eat
Might be. We have them here from an event center about a 1/2 mile away. I see on the tv news every once in a while about some event and they let loose hundreds of balloons and talk about how neat it is. Those balloons are trash when they hit the ground. What's wrong with people?
They don't seem to float very far, maybe 30 -40 miles in a good wind so being downwind from a good size city (Waco for me) you will get some. There is just a bigger quantity coming from the cities.

I'm not sure if its a regional thing. Lots of places like dollar stores and wal marts sell them.

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