Still too wet

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Sorry to hear that! Seems ironic for TEXAS to be too wet!!
In NY, we are hard pressed to put 4 days in a row of full sunshine, especially in May and June. So, most farmers have gone to baleage or haylage.
We have us done as in-line baleage. They mowed 88 acres on May 30th, baled & wrapped on May 31st & June 1st. Week earlier than ever before. Put up 452 bales! Almost my full winter needs and will (hopefully) have 2nd cutting. We usually try to put it up as dry bales - 2 wagons of squares, the rest big dry bales 5x4.
Still a couple weeks away from hay making UP here. But we went from early drought to standing water in the fields. To wet to ride a 4 wheeler in the fields let alone any sort of equipment.

But the heavy frost the last few nights has got rid of some of the excess moisture just in time for a few more days of rain.
I haven't made any hay yet on my place in Leon county, had beautiful rye, well fertilized, but now it is gone, the tifton and coastal is coming on good.
I should be making my second cut , but it's been too wet.
Pretty much a repeat of last year. Wet till the middle of June. Hope it's not dry till September…. Didn't get anything today.
I saw a LOT of hay being cut and baled around Hillsboro Tx yesterday. I bet not today tho. rain rain rain.

Don't know what they were combining up there along I-35E, but there were several working as I came down to I35.
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Don't know what they were combining up there along I-35E, but there were several working as I came down to I35.
They are still trying to get their wheat put up. Not much hay has been put up yet and what has been was rained on at least once. This week should change some things though.
The low spots are still muddy in my pastures but at least the standing water is gone. My hay meadow is a mess. I had good Rye grass but its all laid over now and smothering everything else.
Lots of reports of the corn being a disaster with too much moisture and small ears. It looks great from the road but the ears are only 5 or 6" long. Big stalks and not very leafy. Only a small amount of cotton got planted. Fields that were prepped are now flush with weeds and johnson grass.
They are still trying to get their wheat put up. Not much hay has been put up yet and what has been was rained on at least once. This week should change some things though.
The low spots are still muddy in my pastures but at least the standing water is gone. My hay meadow is a mess. I had good Rye grass but its all laid over now and smothering everything else.
Lots of reports of the corn being a disaster with too much moisture and small ears. It looks great from the road but the ears are only 5 or 6" long. Big stalks and not very leafy. Only a small amount of cotton got planted. Fields that were prepped are now flush with weeds and johnson grass.
We're seeing silage trucks going by this weekend-seems a lot earlier than usual. My time judgement has slipped a lot this year though.
When it rains it pours it seems. Tex and chevy I hope you can get some hay weather ASAP.
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It's all ways something, right???!!! Our hay meadow dried out and we got our first cut 2 weeks ago. Now, we're back to needing a good rain... last rain we had was June 4/10 of an inch on June 2nd.

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