Trouble makers

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Brute 23":1561qvij said:
Are there true and false perceptions even though they are both reality?

Can I manipulate what I put out to give you a certain perception?
Look to the media and you'll have the answer to that question
cowgirl8":3vwsudsk said:
Well, its good to know that we can all get along..... if there is anything that i havent made clear and you have questions, please ask me. But i'm happy to just get on with life.

CG8 you're alright, I don't agree with some of your practices, but that's your business and no one elses.
It's easy to set back and play computer cowboy and critique someone like a Monday morning QB, but until they show (as TB said) credibility I wouldn't lose any sleep.

To add and when they do show credibility it might not hurt to listen, you don't have to act on it, but it sure doesn't hurt to learn
dun":kwz7tnic said:
Brute 23":kwz7tnic said:
Are there true and false perceptions even though they are both reality?

Can I manipulate what I put out to give you a certain perception?
Look to the media and you'll have the answer to that question

Awed at the power they have. They can do a 30 minute interview of you and if you stammer one time, that's what they will air. The 20 answers you got perfect will not be seen by anyone. What does that do to perception??? :shock:
Are there true and false perceptions even though they are both reality?

Absolutely, though I think I might call them accurate and false perceptions. And perceptions likely change when there is inconsistency.

Can I manipulate what I put out to give you a certain perception?

Yup, have known several highly skilled manipulators, but that whole consistency thing usually reveals the truth.
With a forum setting in particular, I think it's much easier to give a false sense of oneself to manipulate the perception of others, but personalities, knowledge and skills will still become apparent with time. You (One, not you personally) will eventually reveal either consistent knowledge or consistent bullshyte! :D
FWIW, I don't believe that manipulation is always a conscious effort. Many people do not recognize their own strengths and weaknesses. They believe they possess one (brilliance or BS) when in truth it's the other.
I've known people who never had confidence in themselves and always tried to invalidate their own achievements, and others who thought they were the best, the smartest, whatever...just for waking up that day. my :2cents:
Brute 23":29buf9fo said:
Peoples' actions and reactions fascinate me. You appear :) to have a great grasp and communicate it well.

Do you have professional experience in some thing related or just a very observant person?


I study peoples facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, eye and hand movement, eye contact and so on.
Most times you can learn more about a person that way than you can by what they're saying.

Reminds me of " If you could see a persons soul instead of their body your idea of beauty would be totally different"
It is pretty common for some people to take the tone of something said electronically with the wrong tone. That's one thing you can't do well with the internet is project your mood and tone. Fallen victim to it myself either saying something sarcastically and someone reading it the wrong way or vice versa and I didn't catch the sarcasm and got irked. Bottom line though is never to take something on the internet too personally. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, it doesn't mean it gives you a right to be a complete jerk when you give it but I know that my taste in cattle and someone else's may not be the same and our cattle (and probably most people's for that matter too) aren't perfect and someone is probably going to point out some flaws based on their perspective of what cattle should look like just like men with women where 1 man may find a woman sexy while another says she is not his type of woman.

I think for the most part, a large majority of the active posters here are pretty civil and objective. If you ever find yourself taking something too personal on the internet then take a deep breath and back away from the keyboard for a few hours or more then come back with a clear mind before reacting otherwise a rash response made in anger is just going to escalate the so called "conflict" even more. When in doubt always take the high road because you'll gain a lot more respect that way than speaking negatively.
M5farm":2v96ut9q said:
I apologize to everyone for starting trouble. You see I have always been a little mischievous and you really do not learn about a person till you get their dander up.
I will not get on the band wagon.
I will not get on the band wagon.
I will not get on the band wagon.
I will not get on the band wagon.
I will not get on the band wagon.
I will not get on the band wagon.
I will not get on the band wagon.
I will not get on the band wagon.
I will not get on the band wagon.

Sorry, it's was established months ago ........ You are an Internet bully! :tiphat: :lol:
Shanghai":329kxp65 said:
There seems to be a couple of bad apples that feel the need to stir the sh*t and then it's like a pack of dog's and others join in.
I don't understand how mouthing off on an internet forum reinforces ones ego, but that's the only reason that comes to mind.

I really don't believe people would look another person in the eye and say the things they do on this forum.

Even if you don't agree you can be respectful and polite, if you can't then it'd be best for everyone to keep your mouth closed

Father Shanghai:
If you are finished exorcising demons from cowgirl8, would you please hear my confession for being a trouble maker?

I will be brief Father, there is a long line behind me.

Oh he$$, Father forget about it. If Chuckie gets what she wants, you will be giving cowgirl8 her last rites anyway. In fact, she already has the tombstone cut.

:D :D :D
inyati13":se6vslwv said:
Father Shanghai:
If you are finished exorcising demons from cowgirl8, would you please hear my confession for being a trouble maker?

I will be brief Father, there is a long line behind me.

Oh he$$, Father forget about it. If Chuckie gets what she wants, you will be giving cowgirl8 her last rites anyway. In fact, she already has the tombstone cut.

:D :D :D

Inyati. As a pagan you are not entitled to last rites except from a witch doctor. There is a slight chance that one "could" be on this board, however, it has not yet been determined. Can you just hang on for a bit longer?? I might add that I have a small bottle of foo foo dust which I will forward to you via FedEx for a small fee. It's powers are unbelievable. Hang tight. :mrgreen:
inyati13":ojdtqs4c said:
Shanghai":ojdtqs4c said:
There seems to be a couple of bad apples that feel the need to stir the sh*t and then it's like a pack of dog's and others join in.
I don't understand how mouthing off on an internet forum reinforces ones ego, but that's the only reason that comes to mind.

I really don't believe people would look another person in the eye and say the things they do on this forum.

Even if you don't agree you can be respectful and polite, if you can't then it'd be best for everyone to keep your mouth closed

Father Shanghai:
If you are finished exorcising demons from cowgirl8, would you please hear my confession for being a trouble maker?

I will be brief Father, there is a long line behind me.

Oh he$$, Father forget about it. If Chuckie gets what she wants, you will be giving cowgirl8 her last rites anyway. In fact, she already has the tombstone cut.

:D :D :D

How come I got to be father and Sky gets to be brother ? I always wanted to be someone's brother :D

True story
I went to buy snuff one time in Lawton Ok and the young lady working there was a blonde throw back from the 80/90's metal band era, she had britches on that were torn in the right places and tank top that allowed for the imagination.
She was hot if you were into that type, but anyway I was 3rd or 4th in line and she would ask each customer what can I get you babe and she'd cut up and flirt with them.
It was my turn and I strolled up and flashed her a smile and wink.
She looked at me and said what can I get you sir ?
She called me sir !!!, like I was too old or something. Right there in the smoke shop she shattered my ego.
I still have a complex because of that one statement and now you call me father :D
Shanghai":13obrrnh said:
inyati13":13obrrnh said:
Shanghai":13obrrnh said:
There seems to be a couple of bad apples that feel the need to stir the sh*t and then it's like a pack of dog's and others join in.
I don't understand how mouthing off on an internet forum reinforces ones ego, but that's the only reason that comes to mind.

I really don't believe people would look another person in the eye and say the things they do on this forum.

Even if you don't agree you can be respectful and polite, if you can't then it'd be best for everyone to keep your mouth closed

Father Shanghai:
If you are finished exorcising demons from cowgirl8, would you please hear my confession for being a trouble maker?

I will be brief Father, there is a long line behind me.

Oh he$$, Father forget about it. If Chuckie gets what she wants, you will be giving cowgirl8 her last rites anyway. In fact, she already has the tombstone cut.

:D :D :D

How come I got to be father and Sky gets to be brother ? I always wanted to be someone's brother :D

True story
I went to buy snuff one time in Lawton Ok and the young lady working there was a blonde throw back from the 80/90's metal band era, she had britches on that were torn in the right places and tank top that allowed for the imagination.
She was hot if you were into that type, but anyway I was 3rd or 4th in line and she would ask each customer what can I get you babe and she'd cut up and flirt with them.
It was my turn and I strolled up and flashed her a smile and wink.
She looked at me and said what can I get you sir ?
She called me sir !!!, like I was too old or something. Right there in the smoke shop she shattered my ego.
I still have a complex because of that one statement and now you call me father :D

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Shanghai":3a52za39 said:
inyati13":3a52za39 said:
Shanghai":3a52za39 said:
There seems to be a couple of bad apples that feel the need to stir the sh*t and then it's like a pack of dog's and others join in.
I don't understand how mouthing off on an internet forum reinforces ones ego, but that's the only reason that comes to mind.

I really don't believe people would look another person in the eye and say the things they do on this forum.

Even if you don't agree you can be respectful and polite, if you can't then it'd be best for everyone to keep your mouth closed

Father Shanghai:
If you are finished exorcising demons from cowgirl8, would you please hear my confession for being a trouble maker?

I will be brief Father, there is a long line behind me.

Oh he$$, Father forget about it. If Chuckie gets what she wants, you will be giving cowgirl8 her last rites anyway. In fact, she already has the tombstone cut.

:D :D :D

How come I got to be father and Sky gets to be brother ? I always wanted to be someone's brother :D

True story
I went to buy snuff one time in Lawton Ok and the young lady working there was a blonde throw back from the 80/90's metal band era, she had britches on that were torn in the right places and tank top that allowed for the imagination.
She was hot if you were into that type, but anyway I was 3rd or 4th in line and she would ask each customer what can I get you babe and she'd cut up and flirt with them.
It was my turn and I strolled up and flashed her a smile and wink.
She looked at me and said what can I get you sir ?
She called me sir !!!, like I was too old or something. Right there in the smoke shop she shattered my ego.
I still have a complex because of that one statement and now you call me father :D

LMAO :lol2: You sure she didn't smell Viagra on your breath that could be the reason :shock: :hide:
Shanghai":5786pzkw said:
inyati13":5786pzkw said:
Shanghai":5786pzkw said:
There seems to be a couple of bad apples that feel the need to stir the sh*t and then it's like a pack of dog's and others join in.
I don't understand how mouthing off on an internet forum reinforces ones ego, but that's the only reason that comes to mind.

I really don't believe people would look another person in the eye and say the things they do on this forum.

Even if you don't agree you can be respectful and polite, if you can't then it'd be best for everyone to keep your mouth closed

Father Shanghai:
If you are finished exorcising demons from cowgirl8, would you please hear my confession for being a trouble maker?

I will be brief Father, there is a long line behind me.

Oh he$$, Father forget about it. If Chuckie gets what she wants, you will be giving cowgirl8 her last rites anyway. In fact, she already has the tombstone cut.

:D :D :D

How come I got to be father and Sky gets to be brother ? I always wanted to be someone's brother :D

True story
I went to buy snuff one time in Lawton Ok and the young lady working there was a blonde throw back from the 80/90's metal band era, she had britches on that were torn in the right places and tank top that allowed for the imagination.
She was hot if you were into that type, but anyway I was 3rd or 4th in line and she would ask each customer what can I get you babe and she'd cut up and flirt with them.
It was my turn and I strolled up and flashed her a smile and wink.
She looked at me and said what can I get you sir ?
She called me sir !!!, like I was too old or something. Right there in the smoke shop she shattered my ego.
I still have a complex because of that one statement and now you call me father :D

I know I speak for Sky. You are now part of the Brotherhood. You, Sky and I.
I have not been here as long as some, but there are some people here who seem to be mighty fine folks.

Some are as even tempered as the day is long, others can get riled up but they don't seem to hold a grudge or stay on the fight for very long, then there are the ones who can't get enough drama and if none exists, they'll create some.

And partly there is a maturity factor, some people aren't to the stage of maturity yet where they can shrug and say, I know I'm right and that's what matters, I don't have to spend hours out of my life trying to prove it to some punk on the internet. Some people can let it go and some can't. And, unfortunately, some people will go to their graves without learning that.

For as diverse of a group as this is, most of the interaction is very pleasant and there has been some very good information shared.
M5farm":3a2epalw said:
I apologize to everyone for starting trouble. You see I have always been a little mischievous and you really do not learn about a person till you get their dander up.
I will not get in the goat pen naked.
I will not get in the goat pen naked.
I will not get in the goat pen naked.
I will not get in the goat pen naked.
I will not get in the goat pen naked.
I will not get in the goat pen naked.
I will not get in the goat pen naked.
I will not get in the goat pen naked.
I fixed that for ya...

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