Troubleshoot this hoof

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2013
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Upstate NY
Alright, back story is I made what is looking like a stupid buying choice on this cow. Bought her because I was fascinated by the pedigree and I chose to look over some pasterns that were a little weak but her hooves looked fine at that point. Fast forward 7 months and this is what I have:




So now she is 7-8 months bred. Here's my question. Do I take my lump and scrap the whole line? Hate to introduce a major line of foot problems early on. Or, did something happen here and is this an environmental issue? Ask any questions you want to make your amazingly informed decision. :help:
I would guess an injury. But the hoof does not have good tone IMO.

Similar situation: A before and after picture of a heifer that the vet and I assume injured her hoof: Speculation; maybe during transport a door closed on her hoof or it wedged and she broke it pulling free.

Notice that there are two wires integrated into the epoxy. The epoxy has moved down with the hoof growth. It is currently loose but it continues to bind the wire. Notice: Above the epoxy, the hoof is coming in nice and solid.

It really looks to me like it was injured early on at the coronet band. (Where the hoof begins to develop.) It certainly does not look like a genetic issue. I would have a vet or a professional hoof trimmer put her on the table and take a close look. They should know right away the cause and whether it has a chance if growing out straight.
I personally wouldn't cull a cow that I liked based on an injury that would grow out. But you need to find out.
I agree with the suggestion BCG provided. One addition, probably presumptive, nevertheless, I wonder if she has a deficiency, i.e., a mineral or vitamin, etc. Her hoof for want of the right word appears unhealthy but could be the debris.
inyati13":2xz6bbxb said:
I agree with the suggestion BCG provided. One addition, probably presumptive, nevertheless, I wonder if she has a deficiency, i.e., a mineral or vitamin, etc. Her hoof for want of the right word appears unhealthy but could be the debris.
Good point Ron. I can't believe the improvement that I have seen in hooves here since I beefed up their mineral consumption using boluses and Multimin injections.
Appreciate the input. I should have added that I do of course have the vet coming in two days to get it headed in the right direction. Surprised to hear the consensus of injury but will be interesting to find out. I first noticed it curling over and her stepping more on the back of the heel in the winter with deep snow but she has never favored it in any way or done anything at all that would make me believe its painful. It doesnt help that she is part deer and pretty wiley. I will keep you all in the loop.
I had a bull whose hooves were starting to look like that before he turned 3. It was my understanding from my vet that it was probably genetic, but could also result from over-feeding (similar to a horse foundering). I'd be interested to hear what your vet says.
That was my first thought Rafter. That she had been foundered. But with foundering it would most likely be bilateral.
branguscowgirl":4ttazc9j said:
That was my first thought Rafter. That she had been foundered. But with foundering it would most likely be bilateral.

I'll take your word for that; I know very little about the subject. I do know with my bull it was more pronounced on the outside half of the hoof. I sold the bull, and at my vet's suggestion am keeping a close eye on any of his heifers that I keep. If I see even one of them that gets that way I'll probably take the whole bunch to the auction barn.
Rafter S":2nvyhwlp said:
branguscowgirl":2nvyhwlp said:
That was my first thought Rafter. That she had been foundered. But with foundering it would most likely be bilateral.

I'll take your word for that; I know very little about the subject. I do know with my bull it was more pronounced on the outside half of the hoof. I sold the bull, and at my vet's suggestion am keeping a close eye on any of his heifers that I keep. If I see even one of them that gets that way I'll probably take the whole bunch to the auction barn.

Rafter, if it is only affecting one claw, it is likely as BCG said, not founder (laminitis). Founder would not likely affect one claw as it appears to be on this cow.
It's hard to tell from your pictures but it looks to me like she has some issues beyond the injury. The non injured side is pretty long as if she were really poor in her foot angle. I'd like to see a side view and see how she stands.
cow pollinater":dt42yprd said:
It's hard to tell from your pictures but it looks to me like she has some issues beyond the injury. The non injured side is pretty long as if she were really poor in her foot angle. I'd like to see a side view and see how she stands.

CP, I will try to get you better pics but like I said, she does have what I would consider weak pasterns but not what I considered critically bad. End result being slightly more toe than I would like even before this issue popped up, but this is considerably more than just that. I'm just very curious to know if the issue is arriving now because of that poor form or is it injury.

All forage, she has spent lots of time on VERY soft ground and that was not the norm for her before this. What about soft ground would cause this kind of issue in your opinion? Also, how did her lack of linebreeding contribute to the problem? Sorry, I can't help myself. You know I'm only joking.
It's not unusual for cows arond 5-6 start getting strange growing toes. Don;t know why it doesn;t happen younger but it is genetic for those like that.
Good chance she injured it in the trailer or yards when you picked her up, the distance down from the coronary band looks just about right for 7 months of growth to me.
cow pollinater":3h30l7i0 said:
It's hard to tell from your pictures but it looks to me like she has some issues beyond the injury. The non injured side is pretty long as if she were really poor in her foot angle. I'd like to see a side view and see how she stands.

I agree it looks like there are issues higher up, would also like to see more pics of her standing naturally and pics on a hard surface to asses heel depth.

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