Ugh, breech!

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Jun 10, 2015
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Winfield, KS
Had to happen sooner or later. 5 year old cow went into labor around 7 Thursday night. This is her 4th calf, should be fine, right? Wrong. Headed out yesterday morning to tag/work the calf and she was still pushing. She let me palp her and it was breech. Naturally, she was deep in the woods, a good mile from either of the corrals. Thought maaaaaybe we could just back up and load her in the trailer (some of my cows are that easy) but she wasn't having it and bolted to the south pond. Quality time spent trying to catch her and eventually had to cowgirl up when my best friend came over to help. Haven't had to try my roping skills (on foot!) for a while but got her on my 2nd try and we tied her to the grill of my Polaris and put on a halter.

Could not get the back legs because she was still pushing and eventually called my vet, who came out with her husband. Gave her an epidural and it took them a good hour but was finally able to pull the calf (obviously dead by this time). Vet massaged the uterus, got the afterbirth out, didn't find any signs of tearing and inserted uterine boluses but didn't feel there was any need for antibiotics. Cow should be fine (heading out shortly to check) and she ate her afterbirth and cubes, which is a good sign.

BTW that's all that's left of the normally full south pond.

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Is it a thing that cows having trouble like to head for ponds? The last calf I pulled presented with no feet, just the head hanging out inside the birth sack... and the cow headed for the pond and LAID DOWN in it. Hard to watch the calf's head being submerged in that cold water.
But I got the cow out and into the barn headgate and the calf lived.
Is it a thing that cows having trouble like to head for ponds? The last calf I pulled presented with no feet, just the head hanging out inside the birth sack... and the cow headed for the pond and LAID DOWN in it. Hard to watch the calf's head being submerged in that cold water.
But I got the cow out and into the barn headgate and the calf lived.
Good save! And yes, not the first time we've had a water rescue.
@TCRanch will she take an orphan?
Too bad ya let her eat the evidence!!
I've got a job for her.... 😆
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She might. Candy Crush is due any day and she has a tendency to have twins. If she spits out another double, I'll try and graft one onto Ivory. Otherwise, she'll end up taking a trailer ride.
For calving season she seems a little fat. Nice cow, but it's my experience that fat cows have more problems calving than cows that have a little rib showing.
Nah, she's not fat. Keep in mind, she has a big calf in her with its feet tucked under and an incredibly full bladder (which she subsequently released as soon as my vet relieved the pressure - on my vet). She seems small to me because most of my herd is taller & longer, like Crash (pic below - back when we had grass). Now, Steamroller came by her name honestly and clocked in at 2300 lbs. heavy bred. But that fat girl calved like clockwork!
Nah, she's not fat. Keep in mind, she has a big calf in her with its feet tucked under and an incredibly full bladder (which she subsequently released as soon as my vet relieved the pressure - on my vet). She seems small to me because most of my herd is taller & longer, like Crash (pic below - back when we had grass). Now, Steamroller came by her name honestly and clocked in at 2300 lbs. heavy bred. But that fat girl calved like clockwork!
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Don't get me wrong... I like the looks of her. But I tried to keep my cows maybe a hundred pounds lighter than you and I think it improved their chances of an unassisted birth.
She might. Candy Crush is due any day and she has a tendency to have twins. If she spits out another double, I'll try and graft one onto Ivory. Otherwise, she'll end up taking a trailer ride.
I've also seen here lately winfield seems to always have baby calves for sale on Wednesday.

I'm about to pull 2 off of Bessie and shove this girl under her. No more bottles.... 😝
Sorry to hear it. At least you saved the cow. Our breach cow never got use of her one back leg and had to be put down.
cow is a real trooper if she was in labor that long and still felt good enough to want cubes afterwards. sorry for your loss of the calf but good job to save the cow.
Trailer time. Ivory finally felt like joining the herd this morning and she's doing great. And Candy Crush had a huge heifer (definitely a Woody baby), no twins. I could buy a calf, but honestly don't want to deal with it and cull prices are still up.
Just drop her off here.... 🤣
Cull prices will be higher this fall i believe. After she's raised a calf.

Seriously. Sorry to hear that.

Really wasn't her fault ya know..
How old is she?
If she would really take a calf or two, I'd be interested long as she don't weigh 1800lbs!