Vaca Vieja Style Beef

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2023
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Farmington, California
We have used our main herd bull for six years and it is now time to move to on. I heard about the Spanish method of marketing old bull beef as something superior and I am interested in trying to market vintage beef in the way vintage wine is sold.004B33FD-D1FE-44B0-A4E7-5FB73A278C4F.jpeg
My understanding is vaca-vieja beef are old animals fed for 10 months on full grain diet to purge the 'gamey' grass fed flavor out of them. Since the market for vaca-vieja beef is in Spain and only in very limited high end restaurants, good luck in turning a profit while educating enough people willing to pay for the honor of eating beef aged on the hoof.
By the way the bull is looking, I can tell he understands the nature of this conversation.

That is one thing I've noticed about Spain, they take their cows to slaughter a lot older than we do ours. And they breed them closer to three years.
I will say that filets and burger we got from an old cow had so much more flavor than our usual younger animals. Not sure the tenderness wouldn't be a deal-breaker for many,though.
Most of those I've fed out have been young bulls rather than steers. I prefer a young bull to a steer. But I've never done an older bull or cow. Making this comment so I get notices of the comments made. I'm here to learn.

One thing you might want to do is contact a few possible clients and see if there is any interest in what you are thinking of selling.
If I might ask, what's wrong with him?
Nothing is wrong with him. It is just that I have used him for several years and I don't have enough cows to breed to him that aren't related closely related. I have a son of his that I like very much that I am planning on using. I feel that it is a better send off to try and get some value out of him. I am doing it because I want the experience of eating that sort of beef.
Nothing is wrong with him. It is just that I have used him for several years and I don't have enough cows to breed to him that aren't related closely related. I have a son of his that I like very much that I am planning on using. I feel that it is a better send off to try and get some value out of him. I am doing it because I want the experience of eating that sort of beef.
That's what I meant, if he's all fine and dandy you might do better to sell him than try and beef him and make it a hot seller. There's got to be somebody that would buy him, he's still got the goods.

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