11 million more citizens

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Aug 25, 2013
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That will be a lot of folks to take on at once.
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What'd I miss?
Biden will announce legislation his first day in office to provide a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants in the United States illegally, according to four people briefed on his plans.

Eight year plan to get all aboard. Will there be a need to have another election if this passes the House and Senate? Our Federal programs will be drained. The only positive I can see is these people would be better than the thousands of Muslims Obama wanted imported and made citizens. I just don't get it. Yes this is a farm related topic as you will have to pay them at least $15/hr to work, but then they can get on the dole and not have to work.

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Biden will announce legislation his first day in office to provide a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants in the United States illegally, according to four people briefed on his plans.

Four people??/ LOL! No, he said that when he was campaigning. He announced it to the entire world which is why hundreds of thousands are making their way through Mexico now.
So much for protecting and helping Americans with the pandemic.

The $15 dollar per hour minimum wage will cost 1.5 million jobs and now we are going to add 11 million people, who don't have jobs. This is insanely stupid.
Dems do get a lot of new voters - They won - They must be pretty smart. Hmm, what does that make us?

We can't organize anything other than capital ventures, then they tax that.

Who is insane? Who is stupid?
all that make their way up from Mexico will also get free health care. wondering what that will do to an already overworked and stressed health care system. hope you and family members stay healthy.
Some more of that liberal hypocrisy. You need to stay home, wear masks, they turn down medical procedures for Americans but yet we are going to take in people from God knows where?

... and there are people dumb enough to support it.

These people are unvaccinated and have way worse stuff in their countries than we do. Their immunity is way better than ours. They are the pilgrims and we are the indians.

It won't effect me most likely but all yall crying for compassion for the elderly better think long and hard about what your president is about to do to you.

If you thought the capital deal was bad let the fed govt try to bring them thru Texas.
all that make their way up from Mexico will also get free health care. wondering what that will do to an already overworked and stressed health care system. hope you and family members stay healthy.
I think you'll find our healthcare system is drowning in money. We'll just run up more debt to sustain Medicaid.
It won't effect me most likely but all yall crying for compassion for the elderly better think long and hard about what your president is about to do to you.
I support a strong defense of the border, building the wall, maintaining the wall and turning people back that try to enter illegally. But, dang man, you can still have compassion. For people here, old or young, for people there too. Compassion is a feeling. Illegal border crossings are physical. One does not equate to the other. Be kind, be compassionate, be conservative, close the border, enforce the laws. They all fit together for me. My previous comment on compassion was not intended to imply any support for illegal entry at the border.
I support a strong defense of the border, building the wall, maintaining the wall and turning people back that try to enter illegally. But, dang man, you can still have compassion. For people here, old or young, for people there too. Compassion is a feeling. Illegal border crossings are physical. One does not equate to the other. Be kind, be compassionate, be conservative, close the border, enforce the laws. They all fit together for me. My previous comment on compassion was not intended to imply any support for illegal entry at the border.
You profiled those up us who are against mask mandates or shut downs or other things by assuming it's because we have no compassion for those people.

It's quite the opposite. I actually care for all these people that's why it infuriates me to see the govt play them, us, as pawns rather than actually making changes that work.

No matter if we are talking school shootings, immigration, covid... the govt is playing us.

If people had real compassion for their neighbor they would be furious at the govt, both right and left, for what they are doing.
My tax dollars were just shipped overseas to be funneled to who knows when I could have used that money to help people right here in my area that I know need it.

... and no one cares. They want to quote me what some corrupt, career politician told CNN to say.🤬
Most have already been here for years.
True. They've already got it figured out, with the help of a corrupt gov't. Want to know one method?

Here it is. Illegal Jose (IJ for short) goes to a corrupt city (Chicago) and purchases a legal identity. This person has passed away, but not been declared dead. Now, IJ can work wherever he can get a job. Pays taxes and all, but guess what part of the fee to have this ID is? Child support, drafted from his paycheck. All nice and laundered. Guess what else? The dead guy gets to vote in the most corrupt state in the union! I'd heard my whole life the cemeteries open up in Chicago on polling day, and now I know how it works. A neat, tidy package of fraud and corruption, brought to you from your friends at the Government.
200 plus years ago, we had an entire country to populate. The people that came, came to build. We're pretty well covered in folks now, and many come to absorb. This letting everybody in has to stop. Yes, we are a country of immigrants, but how many more people do we think we can take care of???????
True. They've already got it figured out, with the help of a corrupt gov't. Want to know one method?

Here it is. Illegal Jose (IJ for short) goes to a corrupt city (Chicago) and purchases a legal identity. This person has passed away, but not been declared dead. Now, IJ can work wherever he can get a job.
Interesting, you should write mystery novels or movie scripts.
How many people die and are never declared dead by family or estates?
Only a handful of occurrences and not enough to make a difference.

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