Father time

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Lately they've been asking me on the doctor office forms Have you been falling lately? If so How often? I say about once a year. Fell down a slope into a creek when the bank gave way. Fell on an uneven steep hillside trying to get away from a heifer I was leading following too close. Fell off my horse. I think they are looking for tripping over rugs or falling down for no reason.
after this afternoon, I'll be bionic.
Now I know this has nothing to do with that, but……. Me and little brother were both born with heart defects. His was worse than mine.
Anyway, little brother had open heart surgery when he was two years old, in 1973. Apparently that was a big deal.

Lee Majors, the "Six Million Dollar Man", came to visit all of the kids in the hospital. I got a hug, and a handshake.
Momma got a hug too. Good guy. She needed it.
My mom had cataract surgery and did fantastic after... I don't know of anyone that has been disappointed with their cataract surgeries.....
Wife had hers done last November and December. She had bad bad eyesight all her life. We paid extra for the specialty lenses. She her vision is now 20/25. No contacts or glasses needed.
Lately they've been asking me on the doctor office forms Have you been falling lately? If so How often? I say about once a year. Fell down a slope into a creek when the bank gave way. Fell on an uneven steep hillside trying to get away from a heifer I was leading following too close. Fell off my horse. I think they are looking for tripping over rugs or falling down for no reason.
Never ever admit that you have fallen. I been in the hospital a lot lately and there was even an alarm on the bed and the chair that went off if i got up to pee.
At a hospital where I worked we had bed alarms at night that set off a light at the nurses station when people started to get up. It also had a recorded voice that played a message for the confused patient. You recorded the messages for the patient. It could be a family member saying Mom!Do not get out of bed! Somebody is coming to help you. Or it might be their nurse that redorded the message. Those were the most fun.
At a hospital where I worked we had bed alarms at night that set off a light at the nurses station when people started to get up. It also had a recorded voice that played a message for the confused patient. You recorded the messages for the patient. It could be a family member saying Mom!Do not get out of bed! Somebody is coming to help you. Or it might be their nurse that redorded the message. Those were the most fun.
Yeah, something like "hey there retard, if you get outta bed again we're gonna ratchet strap your arse and make you listen to Achy Breaky Heart on a loop!"
There's a plate of some kind, wires, a capacitor unit, and a battery inside me now.
If I'd known the pain level from the surgery was going to be this high I probably wouldn't have done it. My quad bypass wasn't this bad.
If they're ever gonna do something like that to me I'm going to insist on a long range antenna and a couple of really good speakers... and a way to preset my stations.
Caustic I have not bought a hunting/fishing license in 5 years or so. That's awful ! My bow is covered in dust. I suspect the arrow fletchings are probably dry rotted. Its embarrassing.