Remembering 9-11

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Sep 1, 2016
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Shenandoah ValleyVirginia
I hope that everyone took a moment to remember and show their respect for the ones that lost their lives in the horrible disaster that was inflicted on our country 19 years ago. We are at a crossroads that we must reflect back to what happened, and the ones behind the horrible attacks on our country and our way of life.

No we are not perfect. We have had some terrible situations in the past 6 months, both with this China Virus, and with the deaths and resulting riots from reactions to those deaths. But we have to remember that we are all AMERICANS first. We have to give thanks and show respect for the forefathers that helped to forge this country.

It is not perfect, it was not perfect when it was formed. But through all the strife, and the wars, and the unfairness, and the civil unrest; we have to recognize it is still the best place on earth to live. We have more opportunities than any other country on this earth. And even with the unjustices that have been foisted on different races, and religions, there is still more chances to "make something" of ourselves than most other people have ever been allowed.

If this were not so, there wouldn't be so many trying to get in here legally and illegally, and so many dying in the effort to do so , with the belief that they can have a better life.

I salute and give my thanks to those that helped in the disaster of 9-11. I salute and give my respect to those that died and to the families that lost loved ones.


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