Syncing heat

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Nov 14, 2021
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Gilmer County Georgia
Not new to AI but do have questions regarding syncing heat.
We've only synced one time a few months ago and were successful using the 7-Day protocol.
My question is, does it matter at what stage and their cycle when you begin syncing.
We have 3 open girls right now and they're cycle is all at a different time we want to AI them all at once.
In other words if she's already in her cycle and we hit her with drugs will it have any effect?
Will it make her hornier? LoL
It's complicated. If you're using a CIDR, you can start at any day of the cycle. That being said, there are some days that will result in higher fertility than others. The 7 and 7 synch program includes an extra week to get all of the cows into a more ideal point.

It's complicated. If you're using a CIDR, you can start at any day of the cycle. That being said, there are some days that will result in higher fertility than others. The 7 and 7 synch program includes an extra week to get all of the cows into a more ideal point.

Yes there was a lot of talk about seven and seven when we were in class evidently it's the preferred protocol
Seems like the synch systems started out based on convenience. Synch a group so that heat detection is concentrated into a few days. Or timed AI so that there is no time spent on heat detection. Originally lutalyse with one shot to get the majority or two shots spread out to get almost all in heat. Then CIDR's to get them tighter grouped and maybe a few more in heat. Now 7&7 to get a few more settled, but requiring one more shot and trip through the chute. Four trips total to get inseminated the first time for 7&7. AI is a good choice for small herds in order to avoid having a bull. And a good choice to allow breeding to the best genetics (if you make the correct choices) and to allow use of multiple bulls. But I think that convenience factor is overrated. Lots of trips through the chute and then heat checking anyway to get the ones that did not settle.

I pulled 7 day CIDR's this morning after a storm moved through our area last night. Plenty of mud and rain today. I will heat detect and time breed those not detected. Should be in heat on Saturday when we will be having heavy rain. They don't ride much in the rain and you need to look for the subtle signs of heat while you are getting soaked. Timed breeding early Sunday morning in the last of the rain before it clears out. Be glad when I get them bred and can look forward to the new calves next fall. I am second guessing the convenience factor.

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