Cattle farmers not cashing in..............

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Call names lol.
Your problem is you have the business mind of a cedar post. I suspect you never signed your own check.
I have 11 lease properties right now. All because of people wanting the property tax deductions. Take away the deductions for the hobby guys and the tax cheats and you'll make more land available for the full time.
Your problem is your not honest enough to see things from a view that doesn't benefit YOU.
You win. You are a real business tycoon
That says it all. Let's depend on foreign countries for more of the things we need to live, makes perfect sense to me.

I fail to understand why we place so many essential manufactured products in someone else's hands.
Americans want convenience, choices and low prices, coupled with high paying jobs that have overly expensive great benefits,. High paying jobs with great benefits don't exist with a demand for products and services that are both plentiful and cheap. That's wht we have Walmart, Sam's, Costco etc. Very few of the big box shoppers even look to see where the products are made and America has given away business instead of working on innovation. Isn't it strange that in the world's largest nation as far as consumables go, we manufacture almost nothing anymore, force buyers to buy from out of country providers, have gone back to importing oil. are buying our meat and grain products from foreign nations and still everyone wants more money, while focusing on how to shorten the work week and demand an even bigger piece of the profits through paid family leave plans and want more free **** from the government then wring their hands and say things aren't like they used to be. The US will soon be a land of total consumption with little to no production, it is being pushed right now as we keep introducing more legislation that kills businesses and punishes achievers for achieving. They sell this philosophy to fools who believe food comes from the gorcery store and clothes come from the mall and that everything including their poor education should be free. After we turn completly into that land of consumption dependency it will bea very simple process to take over our country. They will just park the container ships offshore, cut off the internet and facebook and this country will give in without a shot being fired. Just my rambling thoughts
For starters the USDA should be questioned as to why they never enforce the Packer and Stockyards Act. Before retiring I had to work closely with the NRCS. Believe me they are afraid of being sued. So is every other federal agency. Blink the wrong way toward the endangered species act and someone will have your rear in court in a heart beat. Forward contracting and feedlots owned by the big four help to depress market more than anything else. The only way to solve that is to get the USDA to enforce a law that is already in existence. Sue them. Name the people who work in the tiny group tasked with enforcing the law. Name their bosses for under funding them. And sue the USDA in general. But doing this will take some organization and funding.
There is a law which requires the federal government to pay your court costs if you win when suing them. That is how the environmental groups operate. I know that there is a law firm out of Portland that has a person who goes to the Washington State Dept of Ecology (DOE) every Friday using the freedom of information act to collect copies of everything DOE did that week. They are searching for something which was done wrong that they can sue over. No reason that cattlemen can't do the same thing with the USDA.
For starters the USDA should be questioned as to why they never enforce the Packer and Stockyards Act. Before retiring I had to work closely with the NRCS. Believe me they are afraid of being sued. So is every other federal agency. Blink the wrong way toward the endangered species act and someone will have your rear in court in a heart beat. Forward contracting and feedlots owned by the big four help to depress market more than anything else. The only way to solve that is to get the USDA to enforce a law that is already in existence. Sue them. Name the people who work in the tiny group tasked with enforcing the law. Name their bosses for under funding them. And sue the USDA in general. But doing this will take some organization and funding.
In all of history, that has never happened. If we could have gotten organized years ago, say, even in the 70's when beef was being boycotted, we could be in better shape today.
I wonder what it would cost to build a private butcher shop that could process 5 hd a day and have a small retail shop. What would utilities and employee cost run a month?
I know of a place that came online last yr. They kill 20 hogs and 8 beef a week right now. Rumor is that it cost 1.3 million. They employ five people.
Now in order to sell meat by the cut you have to have it processed by a USDA facility, which are few and far between and next to impossible to get a slot in.
I don't know how it is in KY, but some states allow state inspected facilities to sell meat by the cut, you just can't ship it across state lines.
That's for the buildings, and that's the cheap part.. Now you need big coolers, freezers, corrals
Those are the up-front costs that can be amortized over the life of a low interest loan. Many towns will kick in money or the land if you will employ a certain number of people. It's the monthly operating costs that are the killer, payroll, taxes, utilities, outside services like accounting, and insurance are the big expenses.
For starters the USDA should be questioned as to why they never enforce the Packer and Stockyards Act. Before retiring I had to work closely with the NRCS. Believe me they are afraid of being sued. So is every other federal agency. Blink the wrong way toward the endangered species act and someone will have your rear in court in a heart beat. Forward contracting and feedlots owned by the big four help to depress market more than anything else. The only way to solve that is to get the USDA to enforce a law that is already in existence. Sue them. Name the people who work in the tiny group tasked with enforcing the law. Name their bosses for under funding them. And sue the USDA in general. But doing this will take some organization and funding.
100% agree.
I don't know how it is in KY, but some states allow state inspected facilities to sell meat by the cut, you just can't ship it across state lines.
And those facilities are every bit as rigorous as USDA, and the kick in the teeth is like you said, you can't sell outside the state.
Businesses that survive are the ones that take risks and solve their own problems. This is a lesson from our American history; cattle drives came into being because there was no local market. Cattle that were worth $2/head in Texas would bring $20/head at the rail head in Kansas. There were significant risks involved in driving cattle north across rivers and through Indian territory. Those that did it successfully reaped the rewards, some today may even call it huge or unjust profits.

If you think the packers are making all the money, then maybe you should sell your cattle and put all the money from the sale into Tyson, National Beef, JBS or Cargill stock. I'm not saying that I'm happy with everything the way it is, but I don't fault someone for making a profit. The big advantage that I see with the corporations is they aren't risking their own money, it is the money of the shareholders, if they lose money on a business venture, they still get a paycheck.
I don't know how it is in KY, but some states allow state inspected facilities to sell meat by the cut, you just can't ship it across state lines.
Depends on the state many states have made it easier to sell individual cuts

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