Covid19/Spanish flue

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Jun 15, 2020
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Watched a documentary on the 1918 Spanish flue pandemic. The worlds population then was 1 1/2 billion people verses todays 7 point 7 billion.

500 million or 1/3 of the worlds population most of which died from that pandemic before it just mysteriously disappeared. Doctors never did know how it disappeared like it did. One doctor said the pandemic could possibly wipe out civilization at that time when it was going on.

The documentary had alot of live news footage of actual patients with the viruse in hospitals, bodies stacked in coffens in barns because barriel crews were so far behind, film of barriel crews burrying bodies in mass graves.

There wasn't any doubt about how serious or any skepticism like what is going on with this covid19 viruse. People who had the spanish virus had blood running out of their eyes, ears nose, mouth. They were black and blue all over there body because their lungs would fill up with fluid and they couldn't breath. Lips would be purple. Now they showed this on live news footage.

I have not seen any news footage of a covid19 patient one since this has started ? Wouldn't it make since that if our government would want people to practice social distancing, wear mask and get people on board about how serious they are saying it is to show these patients on TV like the news media did in the 1918 Spanish flue pandemic ? When ever we were in wars like pearl harbor, nam etc... live footage of that was on TV constantly.

But with Covid19 media dosent do nothing but talk, spread rumors more or less.

And people wonder and becker back and forth about others being skeptical about covid19 validity.

Another thing Governments during the 1918 Spanish flue pandemic said very little to in form the public of the pandemic. Here in the U.S. the press could and some did go to prison for reporting stories on the pandemics progression. Thats a big difference in todays government.

The reason for that was because our president Woodrow Willison at that time was needing to build an army of 500 million for the world war we were in at the time. And for some reason he didn't want the seriousness of the pandemic interfering with building up the army.

The virues was started on the parrie of South West Kansas. No one knows for sure but thinks it was some kind of bird flue.
Lost my grandpa and great aunt to Spanish influenza, my dad was three caught it and survived. It was unusually deadly on 30-40 year olds.
The cemeteries here are full of markers from it.
I have a book written by an old cattle man from here. He would have been about 13 during the Spanish flu. In the book he said his dad worked all day and dug graves every evening. Must be some long forgotten cemeteries back up in the hills.
Caustic Burno said:
Lost my grandpa and great aunt to Spanish influenza, my dad was three caught it and survived. It was unusually deadly on 30-40 year olds.
The cemeteries here are full of markers from it.
had cousins that died from and wife..
Caustic Burno said:
Lost my grandpa and great aunt to Spanish influenza, my dad was three caught it and survived. It was unusually deadly on 30-40 year olds.
The cemeteries here are full of markers from it.
had cousins that died from and wife..

You couldn't get much more social distancing than a farm in 1918 Tyler county. Still to this day I would bet 25-30% of the headstones in county cemeteries are from that pandemic. A true pandemic as you can not find one family name from that period not represented in the cemetery. I know of no one in this "pandemic ".
In the documentary there was an older woman i guess about 75 years old who had been trying to determine wether or not a story about a mass unmarked grave yard was true or not.

This was in Pennsylvania. In 1918 a bunch of immigrants from Europe had came to Pennsylvania to work in the Steel Mills. All of them died from the virus and were burried in unmarked graves.

The locals put up one white concrete cross to mark its location in a wooded area.

This woman was going on stories of people who's famlies that lived there at the time had told her. She along with the film crew doing the story about the possible grave yard had a man with a ground penetrating device survey the location and was able to prove the stories were true and it was an unmarked grave yard. She said nobody knew there names and that all of the immigrants famlies were never told what had happened to their family members because nobody knew how to contact them.
I saw another documentary a while back about the earths population. Scientists say that once the population reaches 10 billion. People will be fighting over its resources. 101 years ago in 1918 during the Spanish flue pandemic. The population was 11/2 billion. Today it is 7 1/2 billion. Scientists are saying in the year 2050 we will hit 10 billion people.

I am 59 years old. Was born in 1961, the worlds population at that time was 3 1/2 billion. I think most people my age or older would agree that they can tell the world has gotten alot more crowed and because of that. The quality of life has gotten worse. Yes some things has made life in general better. Mondern convinces, like heat & air, farm equipment has improved and so on.

But in general being so crowed on the roads, stores, cities. You name it basically everything is getting more and more crowed.

Now you take someone 30 or 40 years old don't realize this. Because they were born into this already fairly crowed world. And are use to it.

But you talk to people my age and older can see this over crowed world we live in today. And how people treat one another. At the rate the population is growing at. I think in 30 years from now. Everyone on earth will notice the world is over crowded.
Caustic Burno said:
Caustic Burno said:
Lost my grandpa and great aunt to Spanish influenza, my dad was three caught it and survived. It was unusually deadly on 30-40 year olds.
The cemeteries here are full of markers from it.
had cousins that died from and wife..

You couldn't get much more social distancing than a farm in 1918 Tyler county. Still to this day I would bet 25-30% of the headstones in county cemeteries are from that pandemic. A true pandemic as you can not find one family name from that period not represented in the cemetery. I know of no one in this "pandemic ".
it was the same there..on a farm across the Tn River..but a brother came home from WW1 apparently brought it in..
504RP said:
I saw another documentary a while back about the earths population. Scientists say that once the population reaches 10 billion. People will be fighting over its resources. 101 years ago in 1918 during the Spanish flue pandemic. The population was 11/2 billion. Today it is 7 1/2 billion. Scientists are saying in the year 2050 we will hit 10 billion people.

I am 59 years old. Was born in 1961, the worlds population at that time was 3 1/2 billion. I think most people my age or older would agree that they can tell the world has gotten alot more crowed and because of that. The quality of life has gotten worse. Yes some things has made life in general better. Mondern convinces, like heat & air, farm equipment has improved and so on.

But in general being so crowed on the roads, stores, cities. You name it basically everything is getting more and more crowed.

Now you take someone 30 or 40 years old don't realize this. Because they were born into this already fairly crowed world. And are use to it.

But you talk to people my age and older can see this over crowed world we live in today. And how people treat one another. At the rate the population is growing at. I think in 30 years from now. Everyone on earth will notice the world is over crowded.

I watched an interesting show about population. Educated countries struggle to maintain population as the parents want less kids and more time for them. The interesting part was seeing the educated areas of india vs the poor areas. China has changed the mindset of their people about family size to the point they are now concerned their population is going to retract. I think they said woman who have families need to average 2.5 babies just for a country to maintain population. This opens up another situation, to increase populations governments allow more immigrants from third world countries which in turn changes the dynamics of society.

Not a judgement, just an observation.
Redgully said:
504RP said:
I saw another documentary a while back about the earths population. Scientists say that once the population reaches 10 billion. People will be fighting over its resources. 101 years ago in 1918 during the Spanish flue pandemic. The population was 11/2 billion. Today it is 7 1/2 billion. Scientists are saying in the year 2050 we will hit 10 billion people.

I am 59 years old. Was born in 1961, the worlds population at that time was 3 1/2 billion. I think most people my age or older would agree that they can tell the world has gotten alot more crowed and because of that. The quality of life has gotten worse. Yes some things has made life in general better. Mondern convinces, like heat & air, farm equipment has improved and so on.

But in general being so crowed on the roads, stores, cities. You name it basically everything is getting more and more crowed.

Now you take someone 30 or 40 years old don't realize this. Because they were born into this already fairly crowed world. And are use to it.

But you talk to people my age and older can see this over crowed world we live in today. And how people treat one another. At the rate the population is growing at. I think in 30 years from now. Everyone on earth will notice the world is over crowded.

I watched an interesting show about population. Educated countries struggle to maintain population as the parents want less kids and more time for them. The interesting part was seeing the educated areas of india vs the poor areas. China has changed the mindset of their people about family size to the point they are now concerned their population is going to retract. I think they said woman who have families need to average 2.5 babies just for a country to maintain population. This opens up another situation, to increase populations governments allow more immigrants from third world countries which in turn changes the dynamics of society.

Not a judgement, just an observation.
I don't know hurleyjd ? I hope thoes articles are right and that the worlds population will srart to decline instead of the rate of increase it is heading now.

But just from the time i posted this . Going by the world meter population clock. The population has grown from 7. 7 billion to 7.8 Billion. And it has historically grown from the time of the spanish flue pandemic in 1918 of a population of 1.5 billion to now 7.8 Billion.

And that was with all of the the war's and tragedy like what hitler done to the jews mass mudering them. And the population kept growing like a wild fire.
Your right about that TennesseeTuxedo. Thats my point tragedies like Statlin, the Abombs dropped on Japan etc.... and the list that has happened. Hasn't detoured the population growth. Thats why i have doubts that that things like more women becoming career minded not wanting to have kids interfering with population growth.

The good Lord made humans and every other living organism with the instinct to reproduce. And that is what is happening. Life is reproducing.
For me the proof is in the pudding. All you have to do to determine wether or not the worlds population is growing or if its slowing down is to google the worlds population clock or world population meter. And it don't take any thing in to consideration. It just sits there and counts.
504RP said:
For me the proof is in the pudding. All you have to do to determine wether or not the worlds population is growing or if its slowing down is to google the worlds population clock or world population meter. And it don't take any thing in to consideration. It just sits there and counts.

Not unlike our ticker on the national debt.