Don't text and drive

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Jul 17, 2006
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South Georgia
I happened on a wreck the other morning and was the second person at the scene. Pretty bad deal. Head on collision. I stayed by one guys side till the ambulance and life flight got there and I was relieved. It seemed he was a victim of someone texting while driving. As things wound down there seemed to be a lot of concern in the law enforcement officers to locate the cell phones of each driver involved. They could not seem to locate the cell phone belonging to the fella who was clearly at fault but they kept looking. I"m not a detective but I have a hunch it might have been beneath the steering column that was buried in the guys chest and they wouldn't be able to find it till the steering column is removed in surgery. That text must have been real important.
I got run off the road by one a few days ago. It's about as close to road rage as I've ever gotten. I was in my one ton so I would have been fine but I saw those car seats coming at me with the light through the back window and that made my blood boil.
If the road had not been as busy as it was I might have turned around and told her how I saw things.
BC has now made it illegal to use a handheld phone or text while driving

Saw an UGLY picture of a semi truck that hit a support for a bridge.. a 3" square upright concrete post... he hit it DEAD center (no pun intended) and the framerails missed it.. the whole cab, engine, and tranny were squashed into about a 1" space just in front of the rear axles and 5th wheel pin.. no chance to be alive after that.. I don't know the cause of that one, but it wouldn't be surprising if it was texting and driving.
My biggest concern on the road is what the other guy is doing. Ive had lots of close calls where the oyher driver was lookinv down at their phone
See it almost every am on my drive home. You can almost count the cars with heads down texting while on their drive into work and the signature blue glow illuminating the interior of the car. As dangerous as a drunk driver.
Several times I have been tempted to honk my horn at these idiots but they would run into someone. Know a guy who was run off the road and rolled his truck because of one of these people. Person didn't even stop.
I see people looking down at their phones quite often but never seen a collision. But their have been a number of deaths of young women taking selfies while driving and slamming into obstacles/ditches/rollovers. One local girl took a picture and posted to Facebook just seconds before she bushed her car and rolled several times, killing her.

I know I am not going anywhere if someone comes into my lane to take on my 3/4 ton. I want the cops to see proof of fault, because I will never take blame for others stupidity. Just hope if it ever happens, there isn't innocent children in the backseat.
It is especially frightening riding a bike. I can't count the number of close calls I have had. It is the most dangerous thing on the rode today. It is illegal but that has no effect on people texting.

Sitting in traffic I will watch cars go by counting the people texting while they drive. I'd say a high percentage of those below 30 are texting and driving. They are dialing, texting, tweeting, using Facebook and whatever, everything but focusing their death missile on the road.

It is very scary.
One of my cousins totalled her car last night. She was talking to her dad on the phone and looked down when she hung up and lost control. Shes fine. Thankfully she just took out a few trees.
i have several tales.. but I was hauling 20k lbs of hay and a guy just started coming in my lane right at me.. I got over as far as I could with the load starting to tip in the ditch and that was all I was getting over.. I was just going to plow through him. He saw me at the last second and kicked the wheel as hard as he could.. missed me by probably 10' and he almost crashed.

Main reason I'm getting ranch bumpers on the front of my trucks.
Some woman rear-ended me the other night when I was stopped at a red light, don't know if she was on the phone or not. Only a little scratch so we didn't exchange information. Busy intersection, rush hour, just got out and looked at my car and went on.

Then the next night some guy changed lanes when he was only halfway past me and I had to stand on my brakes to avoid him, luckily my car stops on a dime. And even more luckily there wasn't a semi right behind me! That guy was just over aggressive, both hands were on the wheel.

I dunno, why is it so bad to use your phone and drive, but the car makers put screens right on the dash of the new cars? I don't see much difference. A distraction is a distraction.
I don't like distractions when I'm driving because its all I can do is watch for the distracted careless drivers that I have to share the road with. In Georgia they can cite you for being distracted, ie using a cell phone. Oddly, one of my inspectors got rear ended at a construction zone where they stopped traffic on a state highway. He was rear ended by a state patrolman who was texting his wife while moving along at 70 mph in a 55 mph zone and rear ended him while he was at a complete stop. It messed him up pretty good he said. Ironically, according to him, he cannot sue the state patrolman because you can't sue the state here. So they can fine us for doing the same but they are blameless if they do the same and harm someone. I thought this unfair.
Yeah it's bad, idiots everywhere with those dang devices and the road is a bad place for it. Wish law enforcement would enforce it much more, it's more dangerous than someone not wearing a seat belt. If only the Troopers would pick on the idiots with the phones as much as they look for a forgetful person not wearing his seat belt. It appears if you're 30 or younger your eyes are glued to the device in your hands where ever you are. Had a little sweetheart the other day that was just so busy texting that she forgot she was in line to order food in a fast food restaurant with a whole line of people behind her including me. I held my patience and let her look like a fool awhile longer until someone got her attention. It's bad at the shopping malls too, they can't walk for looking at a screen. Really don't see how they don't knock theirselves out against a pole or a wall.
Are there any other Werner Herzog fans out there? Even if you're not (or asking "who'zat?"), you might find his short video documentary "From One Second to the Next" very compelling. It's available on YouTube. I made my (then teenage) son watch it (he was in tears by the end). Sure cured me of any remote itch to even think about texting and driving. It tells several families' stories very simply. It's about a half an hour long.
I was talking to one of the delivery guys at the store. He was rear ended by a woman going over 70 mph while texting on her phone. He was stopped for road construction and just happened to see her coming and stood on his brakes. He had a small car in front of him. He said he was so glad he was in the big truck and not the smaller one or he would have been badly hurt.
Witnesses said the wheels on her SUV all came off the ground when she hit him.
He said he saw the construction guys all running for it because they also saw it coming.
FlyingLSimmentals said:
Yeah it's bad, idiots everywhere with those dang devices and the road is a bad place for it. Wish law enforcement would enforce it much more, it's more dangerous than someone not wearing a seat belt. If only the Troopers would pick on the idiots with the phones as much as they look for a forgetful person not wearing his seat belt.
I couldn't find the picture, but one of my FB friends was a passenger in a vehicle that was following a vehicle that was swerving all over the two west bound lanes. My friend took pictures of the vehicle, and when they came to a red light they pulled up beside and saw it was a lady driving. The driver had her laptop spread out across the steering wheel and was messing with it. My friend said she rolled her window down and gave the driver a tongue lashing and took her picture. Knowing my friend, I would have hated to be that driver.
Its not just the texting that will get you. My nephew was stopped in traffic at an accident when a girl trying to dial her phone did not even try to stop. He has a sever trumatic brain injury and will be off from work about a year. He is a mechanical engineer and he can not do the simplest calculations with out getting a sever headach. It will be several months before he is able to even drive again. He is about to lose his house because he can not work. He and his wife and two little girls are moving in with my sister in law for the duration.
I do not even like to fool with the radio or the air conditioner while I am driving much less one of these cars with the touch screen things that control everything.