First one for 23’

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2018
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Southeast Ohio
I figured I would share how my group of red angus heifers do with calving this year and give me something to reference as well.

First to calve was 221. It was either last night or this morning. I noticed her udder swelling the past couple days but sometimes heifers will take forever it seems but it wasn't long. My wife called me this morning and said there was a calf and it was nursing.

I went down to check on things. I 'think' it is a heifer calf. Dried off, nursing, mom is sticking close to it. The bull is in the 4% percentile for birthweight and 1% for calving ease and I think that's probably accurate considering this calf is tiny. I mean like no more then 40-45 pounds tiny...but it's healthy.

Yours looks much nicer than my first dink. I called her Grasshopper!
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How did that calf turn out overall? I only had one other calf that was this size and she grew to a fairly normal size which was surprising because her mom (which was a first timer as well) didn't really have much to do with her. Thankfully this time around the calf seems to have a good mother.
How did that calf turn out overall? I only had one other calf that was this size and she grew to a fairly normal size which was surprising because her mom (which was a first timer as well) didn't really have much to do with her. Thankfully this time around the calf seems to have a good mother.
I'll give ya the whole shpeel...

Years ago I bought that cow, 108, as well as another 109. Both bred.
109 never calved and when I sold her she was open. So she obviously aborted.
They both came from the same place.

I had em worked at a local vet.

Lil grasshopper made it about 3 or 4 months. Never really got much bigger. Those 2 bred heifers made me NO money.

Now what I THINK happened was this.
Vet kinda had a o sh1t look on his face when they were working them. I'm pretty positive they used the wrong vax/meds and that's why the first aborted/came up empty.

Somewhere on these boards is a thread about a lil dinky bull calf that someone thought was gonna amount to nothing. That lil bull really took off!! And the owner was a bit surprised.

I bet yours does does just great!!

I'll post this pic of 108 calving just for giggles. Had the calf running at full speed!
And here she was at about 3 months old...
@dave_shelby grass was few years ago...
I really miss it!
I had the first one on Monday. I was about a third of the way through feeding looked back and there was a calf amongst the cow. Finished with the hay and drove back there to figure out which one had calved. There is B's cows and my cows. Couldn't figure it out definitely but I thought the odds were one of B's cows. I called to let him know. Turned out to be one of my broken mouth cows that calved. By her number I knew which group she came with. I had talked to the guy who sold them. He said they were good cows but there are some of them who might put you on top of the truck when you try to tag their calf. So B has an old Jeep Cherokee that is his calving vehicle. He gets the calf between the drivers door and the seat with its head stuck forward. Two shots, bander, and tagger on the floor just in front of the seat. He is quick and gets the job done right now. He calves out about 1,000 cows so he has had lots of practice. Well on this one about mid way through the cow comes around the Jeep blowing snot up his back side. He just reaches back with a foot and kicks her in the nose without missing a beat working on the calf. More stones than I have. But that calf is all worked until branding in April.
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Another one was added today with heifer #324 having her a bull calf without any issues. Cleaned it up, nursing, ready to go.

I went down to check on everything this afternoon and it appeared that there was nothing going on.

Everyone laying around except there was one laying with the rest but was outside of the lot and had all of the others positioned with a fence between her and them.

I looked through my binoculars and sure enough there was feet sticking out. 10-15 minutes and it was out.

Another one was added today with heifer #324 having her a bull calf without any issues. Cleaned it up, nursing, ready to go.

I went down to check on everything this afternoon and it appeared that there was nothing going on.

Everyone laying around except there was one laying with the rest but was outside of the lot and had all of the others positioned with a fence between her and them.

I looked through my binoculars and sure enough there was feet sticking out. 10-15 minutes and it was out.

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That's a nice looking young mother...