Hay Calculations

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2009
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Free Rent ,VA
Does anyone use calculations to determine exactly how much hey they need for the winter months ? I am managing 35 head this winter and have no clue how much I will actually need. I was thinking of baling most in square bales so there isn't alot of waste and easier to store but I do have a round baler that bales 5x5 bales that are around 600 lbs im guessing. Does anyone have any mathematics to determine what you need? I hope this isn't a stupid question to ask.. If it is be nice please im still learning.
Figure 3% of your cattle weight times how many days you will feed. 35 one thousand lb cows will be 35000 lbs of cattle wt x 3% == 1050 lbs of hay daily x number of days to feed, this get you close to how much hay you will need.
It really depends on how cold it gets in your area .how long you feed etc . i usually figure 1 4x5 bale per .30 head a day for 120 days
Thanks everyone I appreciate all your help. I unfortunately didnt learn all there is to learn from my grandpa before he passed so I am trying to do as much as I can on my own and definately with help from this site.... I greatly appreciate everyones kindness and imput on things...
Useful to remember to include storage losses and feeding losses as well.

The last owner I was working for could not get this, and then wondered why there was always lower gains, or a short fall in feed.
I'm an hour from you, if you have any area specific questions please feel free to pm me.

When not grazing stockpile, I feed 30 lbs/day of grass hay per mature cow, unrolled behind a pickup. If feeding in rings, they eat more than the allotted 30 lbs and have no increase in condition - wastefull in my opinion. This past winter I fed less than (4) 5x4 rolls per cow/calf, in the past I've fed up to 7 rolls/pair. A lot depends on weather, both the bad in the winter and the rain (or lack thereof) to produce your stockpile. Sit aside 6 of your 5x5's per cow, and hopefully you'll have hay to carry thru til the next year. If it's a fairly new baler that makes tight rolls, estimate 1000 lbs per roll.

All of this applies to winter allotment and is assuming that the rain doesn't stop and we have to start feeding in July, as I set out a few rolls last summer and the one before that.
skyhightree1":31tifke5 said:
Thanks everyone I appreciate all your help. I unfortunately didnt learn all there is to learn from my grandpa before he passed so I am trying to do as much as I can on my own and definately with help from this site.... I greatly appreciate everyones kindness and imput on things...

I too echo your thanks. This is a great board and I have also learned a lot of information here. I was fortunate to learn from my grandfather, three uncles, and my dad. I only wish I would have watched, listened, and learned before they all (except my dad) passed. I am like a sponge when I am around my dad, trying to soak up all I can while he is still active and alive--especially the farming aspect.